tom terrific.
discount double check guy should change his name to rug, cuz he regularly gets beaten.
i recently learned of an interesting brady life hack, highly besmirched by many health/doctor/supergenius monkeys. it seems mr brady believes, and practices a 'trick' to prevent/reduce sun burn. his routine, after a long exposure, is to drink extra water. he swears by this while many 'experts' swear at him for this. so if sunburn is just inflammation (fire in the body), and mr brady offers extra water as a possible preventative therapy.... i know, shocking right? the man understands more aboot keeping his machine in good working order, with simple and commonsensical thinking, than a stadium full of nutritionists. he never even got caught up in big weights training. better living thru wisdom.
as a kali kid, he first goes to the cold and snow of michigan, learns the game played in that weather, then goes to sideways ice blowing, sometimes hurricanes, always a blizzard or two, crazy hot early fall new england, and ruins the record for winning. mebbe forever. then, a bit long in the tooth, he does what many new englanders often do. he retires to florida. to try and win more super bowls. smart dude. great team leader.
tampa hits hard on defense. noice. makes the other team tired and a bit nervous aboot getting blown up. always did, always does.
Grrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooonnnnnnnnnkkkkkk! JPP!
tom terrific. nuff said.