GoT Season Seven | Page 48 | The Boneyard

GoT Season Seven

Sep 2, 2011
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The Benjen scene seems weak but perhaps things will be explained next episode. When Benjen rescued Meera and Bran, he said he was signaled by the 3 Eyed Raven. Could Bran aka 3ER #2 have hailed Benjen from Winterfell?

I don't get the "no time" deal when instead of scooping John up on the horse, he straight up sacrifices himself but maybe, just maybe his appearance can be explained.

I said it was the 3-Eyed Crow as soon as it happened. The only surprising part is he wasn't there earlier. As for jumping off the horse, I again think that is a failure on the viewers' part not the shows. If you are Dead Uncle trying to save the Savoir of the World, or one of em, you give him the horse and let him escape. Seems kinda duh to me.

The one legitimate gripe is the timing. That is why everyone is trying to nitpick and find fault where fault doesn't lie. But even there, as I said and the makers confirm, the timing was intentionally fudged. They did not make it clear how long everything took, so you can either whinge or just sit back and enjoy the show. I enjoyed the show.
Sep 2, 2011
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Guess I'm in the minority, but I enjoyed the episode and this whole season tremendously. The pull back sight of them on that rock surrounded by the dead had me on the edge of my seat. Sure, there are things that can be quibbled about, but it's all about the entertainment value to me and I found it to have a high return on my investment of time.

My finale prediction is that Arya takes Pod's face to infiltrate Kings Landing and kill Cersie.

Jamie kills Cersei. Hound kills Gregor. Adub whines.
Sep 2, 2011
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Within the context of this show, I am as well. The show thinks it's Lord of the Rings now.

Someone else mentioned this point, but another part of this is that this ridiculousness is around which a massive plot pivot occurs. Danny loses one of her dragons, and NK gains one; and Benjen's character arc goes out with a whimper, while Jorah's near-inexplicably trudges on (I'm starting to wonder what his mini-arc with Grayscale was meant for now; didn't really serve his story and didnt advance Sam's IIRC)

The context of the show? You mean the show where one big fat guy personally held off the dead while a little girl pulled Bran away on a sled?
May 7, 2014
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The context of the show? You mean the show where one big fat guy personally held off the dead while a little girl pulled Bran away on a sled?
Well he was being controlled telepathically by a boy who was right next to him but was actually cognitively/metaphysically existing in another period of time, at the same time as partially existing in the present, in which he performed said telepathic control with his spirit, I guess, on the boy version of said big fat guy back in said separate time.

Totally realistic
Sep 2, 2011
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That's all you have to fire back on? Okay

I personally like Benjen likely a little more than most. I like his character, his character's demeanor and all, and I think that the role is acted well.

There has been a slight off-screen build-up of Benjen since he and Jon initially parted, especially so when he then saved Bran. I've also done some outside-watching research/entertainment and have learned a little more about Benjen.

But beyond that, it's really about his relationship with Jon that led me to be very disappointed in their final moment together. I knew Benjen would eventually have to die, and I wans't expecting it to be all ceremonious or sentimental like between Aragon and Boromir. Benjen is not only Jon's uncle, but he is more a father figure and idol to Jon than was Ned. Both from the same family, both up at the Wall assuming a whole new life and set of duties. When Jon came to the Wall (after Benjen initially invited him), he dreamed of being a Ranger going out with his uncle Benjen. It is well-known that Benjen, as First Ranger, was a hero to Jon. There are allusions to Benjen being aware of Jon's actual lineage. When he disappeared, Jeor Mormont went out himself with the Night's Watch to find him. He's connected in some way to the Three-Eyed Raven. His survival as relayed to Bran is the answer to the cure for becoming turned to the undead, and is a clue as to how the White Walkers are made.

Like I said in my tl;dr, they could have, and should have, had him do something more than show up late, take out a couple surprised nerfed wights, throw Jon on his horse, yell out "THERE'S NO TIME", and then get mowed down by said nerfed zombies.

Just because you didn't see him a lot on screen doesn't mean he wasn't a significant part of the story and other characters' development (in this case, Jon's).

If you like Benjen, you like Benjen. I don't judge; I'm sorry for your loss.
Aug 26, 2011
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Jamie kills Cersei. Hound kills Gregor. Adub whines.
My alternate guess is that Arya has already killed Littlefinger and was wearing his face in that last scene with him and Sansa. Then Arya as Arya gives Sansa the Valerayan dagger that she used to kill Littlefinger so Sansa takes the blame.
Aug 24, 2011
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And for whats it worth, I don't like Silicon Valley more than GOT. Silicon Valley is a show I enjoy. Game of Thrones is a show I look forward to. There aren't many of those.

Your words. Silicon Valley is inching upwards when comparing HBO shows to GoT. Not mine.
Aug 26, 2011
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Your words. Silicon Valley is inching upwards when comparing HBO shows to GoT. Not mine.

I think the show is hilarious. I can't say I am shocked that you and I have different tastes.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Your words. Silicon Valley is inching upwards when comparing HBO shows to GoT. Not mine.

And for whats it worth, I don't like Silicon Valley more than GOT. Silicon Valley is a show I enjoy. Game of Thrones is a show I look forward to. There aren't many of those.

Gonna be tough tough tough without CJ Miller.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Never seen OZ. Leftovers S1 sucks but 2 and 3 were very good and possibly great. You can probably watch 2 episodes of Curb and realize if you love it or hate it. Funny about the Sopranos, I have tried to get into to it on several occasions and haven't been able to. You are one of the few I have seen who wasn't impressed. But it also took me 3 attempts to get into BB, which I ended up loving.

Not a huge Sopranos guy either. I enjoyed it to a degree, but I don't think I finished.

Not sure how The Leftovers is getting thrown around in here. Not good.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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I imagine lots of people say they love The Sopranos because everyone else says how great it allegedly is.

Then again again, I believe this was also around the time I watched Breaking Bad for the first time through, and I wasn't nearly as miffed; it wasn't a chore to get through. I will also say here that I am one who was also not completely blown away by Breaking Bad either

I think one of the main reasons people like it so much, is it was one of the first 'edgy' TV series, a harbinger of the modern TV era. Oz was there too, but not as gripping for the masses...perhaps too serious.

Not a big Breaking Bad guy either. I watched it, enjoyed it, but it was more like TV crack, than an amazing meal.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not a huge Sopranos guy either. I enjoyed it to a degree, but I don't think I finished.

Not sure how The Leftovers is getting thrown around in here. Not good.

Ha. To each his own. The one TV critic who I actually respect and follow is Alan Sepinwall. He has The Leftovers as an all-time great and I had to listen to him rave throughout S1 when I couldn't even get through it. S2 hooked me in though. S3 was interesting, at least.
Aug 24, 2011
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I think the show is hilarious. I can't say I am shocked that you and I have different tastes.

That doesn't make your point any more salient. It's not in the same Top 300 all time with GoT.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Jamie kills Cersei. Hound kills Gregor. Adub whines.

This has been my contention for ages. I thought he would also become The Queenslayer.

But after the Queen of Thornes death scene-- QOT: you love her. you really do love her. You poor fool. she'll be the end of you. Jaime: Possibly--I'm pulling my bet from the table.
Sep 2, 2011
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This has been my contention for ages. I thought he would also become The Queenslayer.

But after the Queen of Thornes death scene-- QOT: you love her. you really do love her. You poor fool. she'll be the end of you. Jaime: Possibly--I'm pulling my bet from the table.

Cersei lays a trap for Danny AND Tyrion despite her word to Jamie. Jamie learns she ain't preggers. Cersei springs trap, maybe imprisoning Jaime too because she decides Jaime betrays her when he speaks up. Hound intervenes to save Danny and Tyrion, maybe because he gets ensnared too, killing Gregor in the process with fire. Jamie tries to save Tyrion and either directly or indirectly kills Cersei. Season's over.
Aug 26, 2011
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That doesn't make your point any more salient. It's not in the same Top 300 all time with GoT.

I'm not trying to rank my top 300 tv shows tonight. And I am responding because I am petty and want to get the last word in. Didn't I mention how little I regard your opinion? Lets kibosh this.
Sep 2, 2011
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Oh, and let's not forget Brienne is there and Cersei already Queen Bee'd her once because she could tell Brienne moons over Jamie.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm not trying to rank my top 300 tv shows tonight. And I am responding because I am petty and want to get the last word in. Didn't I mention how little I regard your opinion? Lets kibosh this.

If you need the last word, acknowledging your point carries no real weight? Have at it. It's yours, champ. I'll just have to figure out how to exist without walker11's approval, I guess.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Ha. To each his own. The one TV critic who I actually respect and follow is Alan Sepinwall. He has The Leftovers as an all-time great and I had to listen to him rave throughout S1 when I couldn't even get through it. S2 hooked me in though. S3 was interesting, at least.

That just proves critics are dumb. Which we all know. If you can't critique complain.

So, you are saying a series with a bad first season, good second, and OK third, should be in the all time greats? hmmmm
Sep 2, 2011
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That just proves critics are dumb. Which we all know. If you can't critique complain whinge.

So, you are saying a series with a bad first season, good second, and OK third, should be in the all time greats? hmmmm

Aug 26, 2011
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That just proves critics are dumb. Which we all know. If you can't critique complain.

So, you are saying a series with a bad first season, good second, and OK third, should be in the all time greats? hmmmm

Not an all time great. I am going to have to start being more precise with my words. I will consider the idea that my post wasn't good. It was more of a stream of consciousness where I thought of HBO shows that I have liked and that I could remember. I think my exact words in regards to the Leftovers was that it is very critically acclaimed but not as good as GOT.

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