GoT Season Seven | Page 45 | The Boneyard

GoT Season Seven

Nov 1, 2011
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Another thing I don't get that I have seen mentioned anywhere: why did the dream team allow the ice to freeze over again? It was stupid to me that it broke in the first place. But if there is a precedence for breaking the ice, why not used the flaming sword to ensure that it stays melted? Maintain that moat.
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The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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He's not 6 foot. More like four.

There's a difference. Suspension of disbelief is fine in establishing norms. Once something had been established, like a white horde of damn near unstoppable raving lunatics, don't go turn them into pvssy bag of bones.

If you establish Jon as Arctic Aqua Man ahead of time, then fine. Might as well of had him March along the ocean floor and pop out of the sea at dragonstone to surprise everybody.

Didn't Jaime land in a lake, in full armor, just last episode. Somehow he gets pulled out and is fine. John doesn't wear metal armor, and that sword was left on the ice. So really, he just needed to ditch the zombies in the water.
Sep 2, 2011
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He's not 6 foot. More like four.

There's a difference. Suspension of disbelief is fine in establishing norms. Once something had been established, like a white horde of damn near unstoppable raving lunatics, don't go turn them into pvssy bag of bones.

If you establish Jon as Arctic Aqua Man ahead of time, then fine. Might as well of had him March along the ocean floor and pop out of the sea at dragonstone to surprise everybody.

The dead were never this unstoppable force ya'll are yapping about though. The Whitewalkers were until the secret of killing them was discovered. Not the dead. They are simply innumerable.
Sep 2, 2011
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Another thing I don't get that I have seen mentioned anywhere: why did the dream team allow the ice to freeze over again? It was stupid to me that it broke in the first place. But if there is a precedence for breaking the ice, why not used the flaming series to ensure that it starts melted? Maintain that moat.

Best criticism yet. They really screwed the pooch there.
Mar 21, 2013
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Another thing I don't get that I have seen mentioned anywhere: why did the dream team allow the ice to freeze over again? It was stupid to me that it broke in the first place. But if there is a precedence for breaking the ice, why not used the flaming series to ensure that it starts melted? Maintain that moat.

The lake thing could have easily been part of their plan, rather than them stumbling onto it and getting trapped.

Jon and team could have planned on luring them there ahead of time. Brought a raven with them, and then sent it to eastwatch as soon as they were trapped.

Then, they could have cut to Eastwatch and it would be revealed that Dany is already there waiting for their message.

Imagine what a big reveal that would have been. The heroes in complete danger. But they already planned for it and out of nowhere we can see their savior is close by. It would have been incredibly dramatic.

The episode would have been entirely believable and wouldn't have lost any of it's life or death dramatics. It also would have been a good way of showing how the men used planning and human intelligence as a way to defeat these mindless dead zombies.

Instead they went with a marathon run, ravens that can fly mach 3, and dragons with rocket boosters. Solid decision writers.
Sep 2, 2011
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Have you seen him talk about The Walking Dead? If not. You cannot judge.

No, but I have great love for myself and I was compared to him, so I've decided it must be a thing of beauty. Besides, I was talking about complaints about this season. I think it has been great.
Aug 24, 2011
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How about this?

Dany and her two dragons. They convince Cersei to fight with them. Dragonglass arrows killing the zombie dragon with the crossbow.
Aug 26, 2011
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The show is still very fun, its just not great. Is there anyone not enjoying this immensely, even with the inane writing? Call me a sucker but all the fan service is emotionally satisfying. And that will continue next week when John learns his parentage.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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And that will continue next week when John learns his parentage.

And littlefinger gets his throat cut. And Cleganebowl. And Dany and Jon schtupping. And Jamie and Brienne doing their dance and Cersi agreeing to fight walkers in the most transparent lie yet only to think privately that she will let the walkers take care of all her enemies for her. maybe she goes down on the night king.

There I wrote ep 7 for you. No need to watch.

If GOT is anything this year it is eminently predictable.
May 7, 2014
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I'm gonna post this ignorant to most other post-episode posts so forgive me if someone mentioned this already. I see people talking about the wights, and the rift at Winterfell, the ridiculousness of the ambush -> saved by Danny sequence of events. While I do have an issue with Arya's belligerency, the random shift in constitution of the wights, and the utter craziness of Danny flying from Dragonstone to ...wherever they were (I just started a re-watch with my girl; we just watched S1 E6 where Tyrion is captive in the Vale, initially requests Jaime to represent him in he trial, and lyssa tells him the distance between just the Vale and Kings Landing is hundreds of miles), my biggest issue was the final sequence from Jon pulling himself out of freezing water and the deus ex machina with Benjen.

I saw someone mention regarding Danny flying at top speed not just through the country north of the wall, but in the heart of the "winter" that the white walkers bring; how cold exactly is this environment? Because a regular dude dragged under freezing water, in armor, by zombies, is not going to just shake them off, swim back up, and pull himself back up through the ice. Speaking of the re-watch, Allister Thorn tells Jon and Sam how if you exposed a finger to the cold, you'd lose it almost instantly. So Jon shouldn't have survived that plunge, shouldn't have gotten out, shouldn't have been able to make it 20 feet let alone ride all the way back to the Wall without succumbing to the cold (unless this is due to some power he has had/acquired unbeknownst to all except the writers).

That entire sequence did not have to happen. It was clearly all a ploy to inject some extra drama and to kill off benjen for who knows what reason. But if they really had to kill benjen off, they could have very easily had him jump in and stop the wights who would have tackled Jon, fought and distracted the walkers while inadvertently revealing a key unknown weakness, allowing everyone to get on the dragons and ride out in safety. Part of the reason I can get over the strife in Winterfell is because that can somehow be resolved. But you can't go back and un-end a character arc. And Benjen deserved a way better ending than what we got. He got a Podrick-level heroic exit. Hodor's was better, more dramatic, and more heroic. A single "THERES NO TIME" are the final words of Benjen Stark? Incredibly disappointed in that. The time issues are lazy writing; the Winterfell stuff is confusing writing; that sequence was flat-out bad writing.

I feel like Jon has been saved as many times and in as nearly as ridiculous of fashions as did Frodo; and I thought Game was above/different from those cringey fantasy stories. That's the feel I had the first 4 seasons.
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Aug 26, 2011
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And littlefinger gets his throat cut. And Cleganebowl. And Dany and Jon schtupping. And Jamie and Brienne doing their dance and Cersi agreeing to fight walkers in the most transparent lie yet only to think privately that she will let the walkers take care of all her enemies for her. maybe she goes down on the night king.

There I wrote ep 7 for you. No need to watch.

If GOT is anything this year it is eminently predictable.
Especially if you read the spoilers... ;)
May 7, 2014
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The show is still very fun, its just not great. Is there anyone not enjoying this immensely, even with the inane writing? Call me a sucker but all the fan service is emotionally satisfying. And that will continue next week when John learns his parentage.
I was forgiving of a whole lot, then they killed off Benjen the way they did. I will be watching the rest of this show with arms folded, waiting the next predictable and/or stupid sequence. I told my friend I feel like I'm watching the final season of Dexter all over again
Feb 4, 2012
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I was forgiving of a whole lot, then they killed off Benjen the way they did. I will be watching the rest of this show with arms folded, waiting the next predictable and/or stupid sequence. I told my friend I feel like I'm watching the final season of Dexter all over again

it's going to be a Seinfeld ending, just watch.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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I dunno? Are you?

I dont know. We will see.

I was right about Thoros dying last episode. I was wrong about Tormund, I was sure he was a goner. So my batting average aint that great. I could be wrong about Cleaganebowl, but its no reach or spoiler to say Cersei is definitely putting on kneepads for the night king. Who doesnt think that?

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