Funny how easily Danny turns the "set your ego aside and bow to me," while she loses leverage as she loses battles, almost immediately after Jon legitimately played said ego card himself.
Found her to be little kill-crazy in the battle as well. As someone mentioned, she started off great softening the Lannister lines then burned the grains, but after that she, at the very least, should have pulled out and let the Horde carry on. Even if she pulled the entire forces out after burning the loot and grain, it would have more than neutralized what the Lannisters did by a) giving up Casterly Rock and b) taking the losses necessary for capturing Highgarden. But tactical advantage kind of fell in to her lap, as it is well known how Dothraki dominate the open battlefield. She really took unnecessary risk there. But then the crossbow comes out; the only one we have seen built (side notes: how did it take this long for some mad scientist genius to slap a large crossbow together? Is the one we've seen really the only one?), traveling along with the convoy. They must have expected a dragon at some point. Why doesn't Danny use all three dragons, btw? Can she still not keep them under some control?
Well isn't this an interesting dynamic at Winterfell. I wonder if Baelish is thinking about his "consider every possibility" or whatever statement, and thinking damn, how did I end up in *this* outcome of events. Wonder if that's where that smirk was coming from, as he sees his one Stark shedding his influence; a resurrected Stark from the Wall who hates his guts and won't be gone long in Dragonstone (with no idea his other half siblings [especially Arya] are back); and now, a dead Stark returning now as a master assassin with a hatred for the family for whom Baelish has "served" all this time; and another dead Stark returning as an all-seeing Demi-god who knows all that Baelish has conspired and done. There are some things even he was unable to foresee and calculate. The Stark Walls are closing in.