GoT Season Seven | Page 26 | The Boneyard

GoT Season Seven


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I was disappointed. Realistically, it was a solid episode, but . . . expectations. This early release thing messed with my viewership. Waylon named it Top 5, and as much as I loathe Waylon on the Cesspool l, I respect him over here, so my expectations soared. I was ready for everyone and their mother to die.

Shame no one did.

Top 5 was maybe a bit of heat of the moment, but Top 10 definitely. Things I liked:

Great battle scene.
Lots of Arya
Not much Bran (when did he go from having some function in the broader story, to now being some weird, B horror movie character whose only purpose is to freak people out?)
Every Jon Snow scene was improved dramatically by Davos.

That is a winning combination.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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For the record . . . last week's trade of Casterly Rock and Highgarden was a wash. Like I said. See now? Jamie Lannister is a loser. Taking his assessment of the state of things at face value is always a foolish move.

Jaime is no more a driver of the plot than Delorres Edd. Jaime just gets a lot more screen time. He is a servant at this point.


Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Top 5 was maybe a bit of heat of the moment, but Top 10 definitely. Things I liked:

Great battle scene.
Lots of Arya
Not much Bran (when did he go from having some function in the broader story, to now being some weird, B horror movie character whose only purpose is to freak people out?)
Every Jon Snow scene was improved dramatically by Davos.

That is a winning combination.
Throwing Chaos is a Ladder back at Littlefinger was pretty good though.
Aug 2, 2013
Reaction Score
Things that I noticed:

Arya getting stopped as she tried to enter Winterfell was very similar to what happened when she tried to enter King's Landing in season 1.

Dany's line to Jon about 'their survival being more important than your pride' was similar to what Jon told Mance Rayder in season 5.

There is a scene in season 1 where Robert tells Cersie what would happen if the Dothraki came to Westeros, so far everything he predicted in that scene has happened.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I feel like Bran finally has a purpose, whether or not you like the performance. I enjoyed his call backs to other characters conversations as him getting stronger. Is the hippie guru stoner vibe necessary? Probably not but, he can't just play it matter of factly. There has to be some mysticism to it, he is omniscient now.

Doing a send up of the Aladdin genie or Dr. Manhattan would look just as bad on screen.
Sep 2, 2011
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Dothraki comment to Tyrion that his people can't fight seemed a little comical. Let's see a dragon fire burn the Dothraki horse charge and see how they fair after that. I don't think that was a fair assessment of a lannister vs dothraki battle, Tyrion should have pointed that out.

The Dothraki are dumb horse savages with dark skin and Arab like scimitars who rape women doggie-style as prizes of war. I don't think GRRM cared much to make them intelligent commentators . . . .


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction Score

Is it a good idea for Arya to slice Littlefingers throat with his own Valyrian steel blade?

Id like to see that.

As long as she plunges it into Sansas back immediately after
Last edited:
May 27, 2014
Reaction Score
I feel like Bran finally has a purpose, whether or not you like the performance. I enjoyed his call backs to other characters conversations as him getting stronger. Is the hippie guru stoner vibe necessary? Probably not but, he can't just play it matter of factly. There has to be some mysticism to it, he is omniscient now.

Doing a send up of the Aladdin genie or Dr. Manhattan would look just as bad on screen.
My issue with Bran is why tell Littlefinger that you are some kind of mystic or prophet? Bran basically just said "I saw you kill my father." Littlefinger is gonna finish the job that Jaime started.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm no battle field expert, although I did dominate you lot in Risk a few years ago, but why in hell would you charge a line of spears on horseback when you can just let the dragon whack the crap out of everything and then just ride in and clean up?
Danni was great, but she is a terrible tactician. She could have save a lot of troops if she had simply swooped in from behind as they Lanisters were preparing for the horde.

I dont get that thinking. I think it was a perfect miixture of Dothraki Mayhem and Dragon bombing.

Remember the week before they wouldnt let Dany go on Drogron because the Dragon AND her can both be exposed. If she goes in first or alone there are arrows flying.

She timed the first attack perfectly. Breaking apart the Lannister Army "line" just before the Dothraki got to it. She saved a ton of Dothraki by doing that.

And then turned to burning up the grain supplies while the Dothraki maimed the Lannisters.
Sep 2, 2011
Reaction Score
Top 5 was maybe a bit of heat of the moment, but Top 10 definitely. Things I liked:

Great battle scene.
Lots of Arya
Not much Bran (when did he go from having some function in the broader story, to now being some weird, B horror movie character whose only purpose is to freak people out?)
Every Jon Snow scene was improved dramatically by Davos.

That is a winning combination.

Bran was at least a sympathetic character before if only a rather boring part of the show overall. Now he is a weird little twit. I hope the Kinght King gets him.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I hate that I missed the episode last night, as I miss the banter with you nuts.
Sep 2, 2011
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Jaime is no more a driver of the plot than Delorres Edd. Jaime just gets a lot more screen time. He is a servant at this point.

Agreed, but boy o boy was I cheering for him there at the end when he was charging Danearys. Dummie deserved to get impaled for just lazing about in the middle of a battle. Would have made the series.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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I liked Bronn, but it was time for him to die. Very disappointed he didnt.
Sep 2, 2011
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My issue with Bran is why tell Littlefinger that you are some kind of mystic or prophet? Bran basically just said "I saw you kill my father." Littlefinger is gonna finish the job that Jaime started.

Fingers crossed!
Sep 2, 2011
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Is it a good idea for Arya to slice Littlefingers throat with his own Valyrian steel blade?

Id like to see that.

As long as she plunges it into Sansas back immediately after

No. I hope Arya marries Littlefinger. Or Sansa does. I don't care. My boy deserves some Stark nookie after all his good works.
Feb 4, 2012
Reaction Score
No. I hope Arya marries Littlefinger. Or Sansa does. I don't care. My boy deserves some Stark nookie after all his good works.

Arya is going to dice him up into Littlefinger bacon strips.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Was I the only one rooting for the Dragon to die? It seems like at least one of them would die, no?

I was also hoping against literary trope that Jamie would lance Dany. That would get us to White Walker Town, but quick.

Right now we are left thinking a one handed man wearing 80 lbs of armor sinking to the bottom of a pond isn't a goner.

The epilogue of this series needs to be Bronn drinking in a deserted Kings Landing sitting on the Iron Throne.
May 7, 2014
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Funny how easily Danny turns the "set your ego aside and bow to me," while she loses leverage as she loses battles, almost immediately after Jon legitimately played said ego card himself.

Found her to be little kill-crazy in the battle as well. As someone mentioned, she started off great softening the Lannister lines then burned the grains, but after that she, at the very least, should have pulled out and let the Horde carry on. Even if she pulled the entire forces out after burning the loot and grain, it would have more than neutralized what the Lannisters did by a) giving up Casterly Rock and b) taking the losses necessary for capturing Highgarden. But tactical advantage kind of fell in to her lap, as it is well known how Dothraki dominate the open battlefield. She really took unnecessary risk there. But then the crossbow comes out; the only one we have seen built (side notes: how did it take this long for some mad scientist genius to slap a large crossbow together? Is the one we've seen really the only one?), traveling along with the convoy. They must have expected a dragon at some point. Why doesn't Danny use all three dragons, btw? Can she still not keep them under some control?

Well isn't this an interesting dynamic at Winterfell. I wonder if Baelish is thinking about his "consider every possibility" or whatever statement, and thinking damn, how did I end up in *this* outcome of events. Wonder if that's where that smirk was coming from, as he sees his one Stark shedding his influence; a resurrected Stark from the Wall who hates his guts and won't be gone long in Dragonstone (with no idea his other half siblings [especially Arya] are back); and now, a dead Stark returning now as a master assassin with a hatred for the family for whom Baelish has "served" all this time; and another dead Stark returning as an all-seeing Demi-god who knows all that Baelish has conspired and done. There are some things even he was unable to foresee and calculate. The Stark Walls are closing in.
Feb 4, 2012
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Funny how easily Danny turns the "set your ego aside and bow to me," while she loses leverage as she loses battles, almost immediately after Jon legitimately played said ego card himself.

Found her to be little kill-crazy in the battle as well. As someone mentioned, she started off great softening the Lannister lines then burned the grains, but after that she, at the very least, should have pulled out and let the Horde carry on. Even if she pulled the entire forces out after burning the loot and grain, it would have more than neutralized what the Lannisters did by a) giving up Casterly Rock and b) taking the losses necessary for capturing Highgarden. But tactical advantage kind of fell in to her lap, as it is well known how Dothraki dominate the open battlefield. She really took unnecessary risk there. But then the crossbow comes out; the only one we have seen built (side notes: how did it take this long for some mad scientist genius to slap a large crossbow together? Is the one we've seen really the only one?), traveling along with the convoy. They must have expected a dragon at some point. Why doesn't Danny use all three dragons, btw? Can she still not keep them under some control?
I was wondering if the arrows are laced with something that will kill the dragons? (thinking back to Oberyn Martell and his poisoned spear)
I thought the dragons needed a rider to be effective battle weapons?


Aug 26, 2011
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No. I hope Arya marries Littlefinger. Or Sansa does. I don't care. My boy deserves some Stark nookie after all his good works.
The longer he sticks around Winterfell with Starks popping up left and right, the longer he is in danger. Now would be the perfect time for him to retire to the Vale... but he's going to try to win over the Starks instead. Good luck with that.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Not much Bran (when did he go from having some function in the broader story, to now being some weird, B horror movie character whose only purpose is to freak people out?)

His main purpose will come with the White Walkers and when he tells Jon about his ancestry. That's one of the most pivotal part of the story.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Jaime is no more a driver of the plot than Delorres Edd. Jaime just gets a lot more screen time. He is a servant at this point.

Until he kills Cersie. That has to happen.

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