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Blood runs deep? Or more likely men don't care if they're getting some?
Blood runs deep? Or more likely men don't care if they're getting some?
There has to be a Lannister spy in Danni's midst. She & Tyrion laid out their battle strategy in the map room. All of their moves to date have been counterpointed. Is Varys using the raven express to his advantage? (Hence Melisandre's forewarning that he's fated to die at Dragonstone) I Tyrion being a true Lannister? Is Missandei scheming behind Danni's back? Something is amiss.
For those scoring at home, the Targaryan/Stark side has Dothraki, a half man/half magic tree mystic that can see everything at once, the best assassin in the 7 kingdoms, and THREE SCALITOING DRAGONS, and they are still losing. They are the WORST.
I am off the fence. I want Cersei to win.
There has to be a Lannister spy in Danni's midst. She & Tyrion laid out their battle strategy in the map room. All of their moves to date have been counterpointed. Is Varys using the raven express to his advantage? (Hence Melisandre's forewarning that he's fated to die at Dragonstone) I Tyrion being a true Lannister? Is Missandei scheming behind Danni's back? Something is amiss.
Plus Tyrion's judgement has been bad, for example: misjudging the strategic importance of Casterly Rock.
I couldn't tell if Jamie was angry with Euron for discussing sex with his sister or because he hadn't thought of using his finger like that. I am guessing the latter.
The show is trying to make you think something is amiss because the conclusion is such a foregone conclusion. One side took Casterly Rock and the other Highgarden. If it weren't for expectations, it's a wash. The Tyrells never even brought the full loyalty of Tyrell bannerman, and the Dornish haven't fought a single battle. Nor have the Riverlands or the Stormlords.
This thing is over. Even the big victories are just skirmishes. Danny's forces---the Unsullied, Dothraki and Dragons---are all undefeated. Nobodies who needed killing + the rotting corpse of House Tyrell are gone. Big whoop. The Lannisters cannot even defend their home.
Who told us it lacked strategic importance? Jamie Lannister, who has never won bupkiss. That doesn't mean he is right.
It was important because the Iron Bank was about to shut Cersei down, and now she should be able to pay them off.
But strategically, look at the map. Highgarden is pretty useless down in the south-west. It was never fortified, because nobody wanted it. Danny is perched just off-shore of King's Landing. Dorne is to its south. Littlefinger (for now) is on board and holds The Vale. RiverRun should revert back to the Tullys. The Twins are up for grab. Winterfell is back with the Starks.
The Lannisters just retreated entirely out of any position north of Kings Landing. They've got the Iron Islands with Euron I suppose, but it's useless. They are bottled in.
Doesn't the map show that Casterly Rock isn't an island? The Unsullied can just march east.
Yes. But will need to abandon the castle they just lost a lot of men and ships taking. Dany effectively has no navy at this point. How are the Dothraki even getting off dragonstone?
Before I jump into the discussion....are people talking about fleshed out internet theories? Or about the preview to the coming episode?
I don't want to know about either.
No one has spoken about next week's previews or fleshed out internet theories. They did talk about previews last week, and the same happened the week before. I expect it will happen again sooner or later.
Dany threatening to burn Varys alive. There has always been the possibility of her being insane but with more and more foreshadowing, I truly think she will be the Mad Queen. Is this an obvious take? For whatever reason, I never seriously thought she would turn bad.
Bran is annoying.
I did like the exchange between Olenna and Jamie, but it bugs me that Olenna wouldn't have seen Tarly coming a mile away and made him a better deal. Maybe she just didn't care anymore.
She spent a lot of seasons being "for the people" and now she's all "I've never met you but I demand you bend the knee". Would have liked her to handle the meeting with a little more savvy. Jon should have handled it better too.
Tyrion is getting his ass handed to him.
Cersei outwitted him on the water and Jaime ate his lunch at casterly rock.
I thought tyrion was supposed to be the smart Lannister
I would like to know why the Knights of the Vale are sticking around too, but to answer that you need to know what Littlefinger is plotting. His behavior is odd. The last time civil war broke out, he was beaming from camp to camp, meeting with all the players and brokering deals to his advantage. Now he is just . . . giving advice to Sansa.
No siree. Makes no sense.
Starting to wonder if Dany will start holding Tyrion responsible for any of these disasters
You would think that the ending was given away when Melisandre noted that Danny and Snow being together was the meeting of fire and ice, harking back to the name of the series. On the other hand, if the author and producers want to prank us, the head of the White Walkers could marry Cersei and they could kill everyone and rule together.
By the way -- Jamie seems to have gotten over his distaste for his sister's mass murder. Forgive and forget I always say.
I couldn't tell if Jamie was angry with Euron for discussing sex with his sister or because he hadn't thought of using his finger like that. I am guessing the latter.
I agree that the whole "bend the knee" speech from Danny seemed out of character. Suddenly she's acting like her brother, full of entitlement.
She did back off a bit, but she's not the queen of anything at the moment and needs to earn loyalty rather than demanding it.
Jon is such a blunt instrument. His caveman-like performance didn't help. Fortunately Davos did a little better, but come on Jon, do a little selling. Shake the hips...bring out your inner Elvis. If he had 1/4 of Euron's flair he'd be golden.
What's with Sam Tarley? I believe that the ArchMaester didn't randomly assign him some crappy scrolls and books to translate, but instead selected everything he has on the white walkers and other information Sam will need. There's a reason he's on screen so much.
Cersei's torture was indeed worse than any I could think of, proving Olenna right. At least she got in her jab, which also let Jamie realize that his brother was innocent (as was Sansa). That wrinkle may yet play a role. Glad Jamie let her die with dignity.
Sansa gained 40 IQ points almost overnight. The interactions with Bran, who could explain a bit better, and Littlefinger, were both odd. Littlefinger's comment about preparing for every possible outcome was interesting in theory, but impossible in practice. The general point was valid though. Bran needs to start providing some useful intel, or he's no damned use at all.