A couple of things or so;
1) the horde needs to stop saying Geno called Mo'ne, he didn't
2) see Jeff Jacobs account which is as I remember it.
"A friend of Auriemma's had been contacted by the Philadelphia 76ers. They thought it was a nice touch for Auriemma to call Mo'ne, because she loves hoops so much. The Little League communications office got a hold of Auriemma and, at first, he was going to relay a message to her. The idea was cleared by the UConn compliance office and, hey, from this point I would probably argue nothing should be cleared until those constipated little souls in the NCAA office OK it first. Still, Davis is going into the eighth grade and you are not considered a prospective athlete until the ninth grade. When Auriemma called the Little League offices in Williamsport, Davis happened to be in the room and she was handed the phone."
3) read rule and you will see the violation occurs when you call the kid, the parents, or their representative. Geno didn't, he called the coverage team for ESPN and LL.
4) under the ruling as the NCAA made it the are probably 10,000 technical violations annually
5) the NCAA has probably just shot themselves in the foot at getting out of season coverage for their premier women's athletic program. Why would any coach run the risk of ever giving any young person encouragement ever again.