Granted, I am viewing this from a different position than many on here as a) I have never had season tickets at Gampel and b) I haven't had season tickets in Hartford in nearly 15 years, as getting to midweek games became difficult with taking partial vacation days in order to hit the road in time to get to Hartford before tipoff, but there are a handful of realities that we need to accept, even with the cold, indifference of offering forever seats, then changing things a few years later.
We want to claim that we are peers with the likes of Kentucky & UNC. I am curoius as to what lower bowl, middle third of the court seatiing costs at Rupp and the Dean Dome. Add to this the fact that they are roughlt double the size of Gampel, which should reducing pricing significantly. We need to accept that if we want to compete at the highest levels, it includes being in an arms race, which, for a handful of reasons, we are at a significant competitive disadvantage.
For the purpose of full candor, when I first saw the mention of Forever Seating I thought this woud be circumvented by pricing people out at some point, basically giving plausible deniability to the notion that they never intended to honor the seating pledge by claiming fans who had given up tickets (due to cost) did so on their own accord, not because the school decided to take their seats from them, but the underlying fact is that nobody should have expected the seats to always be available and affordable shy of the program reaching a slow, steady decline.
As callous as this may sound, supporting the program is still a discretionary activity and as fans we need to accept that common sense in terms of how each of us can spend their resources (time, money) in supporting the program, adding to the the strong likelyhood that shy of the school building a much larger arena, prices will continue to rise as time passes.