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South Bend Simian
Apr 17, 2014
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And what does seeing her play, do interviews, or stalking her social media page have to do with knowing if she’s a bad person or has good character? I want you to give me something she said on Twitter that would make her a bad person or make someone question her character. I’ll wait.

I don't think she's a bad person. I think there was something causing poor team chemistry at Tennessee last year and I think she and Cooper were that something. I think that as a basketball player she's selfish and not much of a team player or a leader.

I believe that it's possible to be a good person and a bad teammate. It's also possible to be a terrible person and a good teammate.
Mar 15, 2017
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There is dramatically different talk surrounding DD and her WNBA performance vs what was said about Plum entering the draft.
Apr 29, 2015
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I didn't say that I think DD is better than Gabby or Kia. I said that she will be #2 in the draft. There is a big difference.
Take a look at my avatar picture. ====>she is one of my all time favorites. She is/should be a good catch during the draft. She is also a big risk. Azura is not coming out this year. I doubt that Geno would've taken her on as a transfer if she was going to be a one and done transfer.

From a GM's perspective: 3 players all relatively the same height (5'11-6'1). 2-3 different types of output. 2-3 different types of versatility.
  1. 10.6 pts 41% 3pt 2.4 R 3 ast 1 st
  2. 10.4 pts 00%3pt 2.3 R 3 ast 2 st
  3. 17.5 pts 33%3pt 5.5 R 4 ast 2 st
1 player who can play 2 positions. 1 player that is a big question mark . 1 player that can play 3 positions.
2 players that can shoot the 3. 1 player who has only made 1 three in six attempts in 3 years of play.

One player that can give you high double figure numbers, two that will just make double figures. One player will give you twice the rebounds and slightly more assists.

Put it another way. Do you pick a player with outstanding athleticism, with relatively no perimeter game, little mid range game who is drastically undersized at the 4 or the 5? Do you pick a player to play the point, 2-guard or 3, who has little experience at the D1 level?
Do you pick a player with average speed who doesn't really create a shot for themselves? Do you pick a good overall steady hand? Do you pick a better overall output?

If you objectively put down the +'s and -'s of each player. You pick the one with the most +'s and least -'s.
I only pick the player I think is the best not from other people thoughts.
You don't compare apples with oranges. UConn has so many talent players and ...not fair to compare UConn with other universities.
Mar 15, 2017
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Cop out. Players are compared day in and day out. That's how players are evaluated.
Players performances are the basis of their selection in the draft. These performances are why we keep statistics and use them for basis of comparison.

There are entire industries that thrive on player comparison and statistical analysis.

"Money ball", pitch counts, minutes played etc are all from player performances and comparisons.
Aug 27, 2011
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There is dramatically different talk surrounding DD and her WNBA performance vs what was said about Plum entering the draft.

You are right. I don't remember reading even one post suggesting that Plum "has the talent. To be the best player in the world".
Mar 15, 2017
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I don't know what post you weren't reading. There were posts in here. Plum is going to be the Michael Jordan of the WNBA. Plum is going to show the ladies in the W how to play. She is a game changer.. on and on and on.
Apr 29, 2015
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I don't know what post you weren't reading. There were posts in here. Plum is going to be the Michael Jordan of the WNBA. Plum is going to show the ladies in the W how to play. She is a game changer.. on and on and on.
Alyda was joking about the person said DD "has the talent. To be the best player in the world". LOL


hopeless West Coast homer
Feb 16, 2017
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I don't know what post you weren't reading. There were posts in here. Plum is going to be the Michael Jordan of the WNBA. Plum is going to show the ladies in the W how to play. She is a game changer.. on and on and on.

On this board? I mostly saw skepticism about her transitioning to the WNBA.
Sep 1, 2011
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I totally disagree. IMO Diamond will be great as pro because she can do what most players can’t do. Which is the ability to shoot and make contested jump shots. That’s what separates the best perimeter players professionally. And what perimeter player has ever done anything in Holly’s offense? I don’t think it’s a coincidence that when Diamond actually played in a decent offensive system at UNC she was successful.
Your post is filled with contradictions. Your first statement in respect to her being able to make contested jump shots was already dealt with by another poster. They stated that great players make those shots consistently which Diamond has yet to do.

Your last sentence also contradicts your statement about her ability to make contested jump shots. If that were true than as a ball handler it wouldn't matter what offensive system she was in. She could just shoot her contested shots at will.

Lets analyze your last two statements. You state that the difference between poor play at TN and her freshman results were because no perimeter player is successful in Hollys system in contrast to the decent system at NC. The question that then needs answering is why did she transfer out from a decent system to Holly's? The answer pretty much sums up why Diamond has not reached her potential. Even though the NC system is not that structured it still did not meet her standards for allowing her to play what she considers her game. Holly's system where perimeter players can do what they want does. It lacks team accountability. That type of system might work with team oriented players who would use the freedom to create for team mates. That sort of concept seems to be 180 out from Diamonds "game".

Athletic players often totally dominate their competition in high school because they seldom go up against their equals. This often creates a problem at the next level of play when the competition becomes stiffer and they just can not play their high school game and get consistent results. They need to develop other skills to compliment those that they already possess. Unfortunately when things have come easy the work and effort ethic is not firmly established. Once patterns set in they are hard to change. Shoni is another example but in her case it was about the discipline of staying in shape. With Diamond it seems her style of play. She wants to continue to play the way that was successful for her in high school. Both of them did not realize that the change in competition required change in their own attitudes to allow them to make adjustments.

Shoni felt her abilities would allow her to play out of shape. Diamond believes that her athletic abilities will still allow her to dominate the opposition sans team play. Both over estimate themselves. Although I believe Shoni is now facing reality. When and if Diamond does is still up in the air.

I always find if interesting when fans hold onto those illusions even longer than the athletes themselves. I believe it has just been recent that we are no longer getting "Shoni" threads. Who knows she might get herself into playing shape and make a comeback but then those threads will be based on reality and not on potential. I wonder who would have an easier road to fulfilling their potential to be that great player. Someone who has the necessary skills but lacks the body ( needs to get into shape) or someone who has the physical body but needs to enhance their skill set and change their attitude about team play ?
Jan 30, 2016
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Dude. I liked Plum. A lot. And hoped like hell she never got bored enough to read what the board thought about her chances. I have no idea what you're talking about as do all of the others in here who didn't think she would make much noise. If you didn't see skepticism you skipped a lot of posts. A lot.
Apr 7, 2015
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There is dramatically different talk surrounding DD and her WNBA performance vs what was said about Plum entering the draft.

Plum before her senior year was not a lottery pick. She went nuts and scored over 1100 pts her senior season. She was seen as a can't-miss in a weak draft.
Apr 7, 2015
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Azura is not coming out this year. I doubt that Geno would've taken her on as a transfer if she was going to be a one and done transfer.

Do you think Staley has regrets taking on Kaela Davis and Allisha Gray for only one year each? She seemed to be happy for them. I'd expect the same from Geno.

As far as Gabby goes, she played out of her projected WNBA position last season, so there's much to be seen and figured out this season before we can be sure about Gabby vs Diamond. The thing about Gabby I love is her willingness and energy playing defense. Not sure I can say the same about DeShields. We'll see how it goes. I'm hoping I like what I see from Gabby this year because she gets a BIG thumbs up from me in the character category.
Mar 15, 2017
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Dude. I liked Plum. A lot. And hoped like hell she never got bored enough to read what the board thought about her chances. I have no idea what you're talking about as do all of the others in here who didn't think she would make much noise. If you didn't see skepticism you skipped a lot of posts. A lot.

Nah. I didn't miss/skip lots of posts. I was here and I posted plenty about how I thought/still think Plum is overrated. I was shouted down. There wasn't a large chorus of any kind being skeptical of Plum. I said it then and I say it now. She is not in MoJeff's league. O.Simms, C.Williams, C.Gray, J.Loyd. --no.

Do you think Staley has regrets taking on Kaela Davis and Allisha Gray for only one year each? She seemed to be happy for them. I'd expect the same from Geno.

As far as Gabby goes, she played out of her projected WNBA position last season, so there's much to be seen and figured out this season before we can be sure about Gabby vs Diamond. The thing about Gabby I love is her willingness and energy playing defense. Not sure I can say the same about DeShields. We'll see how it goes. I'm hoping I like what I see from Gabby this year because she gets a BIG thumbs up from me in the character category.

I don't think Staley has any regrets from last year- she achieved her life long dream. She came close a few times in college but fell short. Caroline Peck gave her a target as a coach and she finally made it. So, no she has no regrets. Does she wish Gray and Davis stayed for the extra year? Hell yes. She doesn't begrudge them for leaving. She's walked in their shoes and is still very much in their lives. She said go make that money. Gray posted vids of her on campus recently working out, getting ready for overseas.

I still don't think Azura is leaving. I hope she proves me wrong. I just don't see it. So, Z go ahead win POY, Tourney MVP and go #1 on draft day.

As far as Gabby is concerned, I'm a Gabby apologist (unabashed). She didn't just play out of position last year-she has played out of position her college career. She is a point guard who hasn't played point or a 3 who hasn't/doesn't shoot from the perimeter or much from midrange. She is too small to play the 4 or the 5 in the W. So...is she a better teammate (IDK), does she hustle more, play incredible defense compared to DD. YES.

So do you draft her in the hopes that she is another Alyssa Clark -5'11" #3 or another Alyssa Thomas 6'4"? Is she somewhere in between? Is she an A.Beard or D.Rob type player?
Aug 27, 2011
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Linnae Harper.

"Harper visited Tennessee two weeks ago, and while she liked the talent, the palpable chemistry issues within the team was something Harper noticed, sources told Swish Appeal."

Your answer is very much appreciated.
I could not recall her name. She got a lot of flack from Ladyvol fans.
I wish ESPN or Swish Appeal would remind them.
Aug 27, 2011
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Look we get it. There's no direct statements saying that Diamond was the cause of poor team chemistry last year. There is this little thing called "circumstantial evidence" and there is a mountain of it suggesting that Diamond and her bff Cooper were the main culprits.

Meanwhile, I'll continue to wait for your evidence that Diamond can hit contested perimeter shots. And no, two games worth of stats from Turkey don't outweigh 3 years of NCAA stats.

Why you are wasting your time answering him/her is beyond me.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Best post of the thread.


But, seriously, if you look at her list of "achievements" on Tenn site, what you see is all sorts of preseason lists, Wade, etc. End of year ...very little. Was an honorable mention for AA.
Nov 20, 2011
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As long as we're talking in cliches: Where there's smoke, there's fire ;)

Also there this from the Tennessean:

But if you watched this team at all last season, and certainly if you talked to this team at all last season, you know DeShields leaving might not be bad for chemistry.

“I think that’s the biggest thing we struggled with, which is one of the reasons we were so inconsistent,” Nared said of chemistry. “We hang out outside of basketball, it’s just a completely different group and it’s so much fun.”

Now why do you think the LVs "struggled" with chemistry last year and now it's "completely different" and "so much fun"?

To me, it's very clear that it's because DeShields and her BFF T'ea Cooper are gone...
I avoid cliches like the plague.

Diamond's early success in Turkey must be somewhat embarrassing for Tennessee.
Sep 1, 2011
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Diamond's early success in Turkey must be somewhat embarrassing for Tennessee.

Why should it. Look I am not saying that Diamond is not capable of turning things around, rather lets just wait and see what happens in the future. Teams in Turkey as most teams over sea's are allowed a limited number of foreign players. The players they do sign are required to score a lot of points. For a player like Diamond scoring twenty plus points a game for two games is not that unusual. She is sure to get a lot of attempts. To get some type of measure as to her effectiveness will require more than a few games. For a high volume streak shooter like Diamond a few games either good or bad is no true measure.
Nov 20, 2011
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Why should it. Look I am not saying that Diamond is not capable of turning things around, rather lets just wait and see what happens in the future. Teams in Turkey as most teams over sea's are allowed a limited number of foreign players. The players they do sign are required to score a lot of points. For a player like Diamond scoring twenty plus points a game for two games is not that unusual. She is sure to get a lot of attempts. To get some type of measure as to her effectiveness will require more than a few games. For a high volume streak shooter like Diamond a few games either good or bad is no true measure.
I agree with you. I'm just saying, as of right now. It's the Twitter world - must make one's microsecond opinion while it's there to make.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Diamond's early success in Turkey must be somewhat embarrassing for Tennessee.
It's not without precedence. . After a rather uneven career at Tennessee, Michelle Snow became a really good pro playr.
Apr 7, 2015
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Diamond's early success in Turkey must be somewhat embarrassing for Tennessee.

DeShields' teammate Erlana Larkins gathered in 17 rebounds in her first game. Probably gives you a hint of the level of competition over there.

It's burned into my memory that DeShields gave up 10 turnovers to Virginia Tech not that long ago.
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