Illinois governor has said they need to eradicate the virus before reopening. California governor has implied they will need a vaccine.
Pritzker, as reported in the Washington Times, was quoted much as you wrote.
The Chicago Tribune called his stance too extreme.
Pritzker accurately said that he has offered a reopening plan, and that his emphasis was that things would not be returning to normal.
The back-and forth reads like process & degree skirmishes, and resulting misunderstandings borne of exaggerated language and interpretations of the type I find unhelpful.
Even taken in the worst light, Pritzker's specific wording seems rare, and unsurprisingly occasioned criticism that makes sense to me. His point of view, even absent legitimate qualifications, does not seem widespread. If it did, I'd share more of your concern.
I appreciate your responding with specificity, and think your having done so was helpful to my understanding by providing a source, and to to my sense that this is not an issue to the troublesome degree I've gotten from some of what you've written.