So, my in-laws are wrapping up a week long stay at my home. Good news is everyone is still speaking and no major hiccups.
But,,,,,,,,,,they don't follow sports very closely. They live in Phoenix.
Here are some comments from over the weekend.
1. While watching Cleveland vs. Detroit yesterday. TV scoreboards shows CLE and DET. My father in law says, "I know the orange team is Clemson, but who are they playing?"
2. While watching Cowboys vs. Giants, my mother in law came up with the following. "Who was the quarterback for the Cowboys when Emmitt played there? Is he still around?" I calmly answered he was the announcer for the game and no longer an active NFL player.
I won't ding them for not knowing where to find basic information from the game such as time, score, quarter, down and distance, etc since each network finds a unique way to shove as much info in to a 2"x2" box on the tv.