They'll never change the amount of innings, but I think going back to the 154 game season wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
MLB did already cut the time in between innings this season. They've limited mound visits and eventually we'll see a pitch clock in MLB and not just the minors. In addition they started the Sunday night national games an hour earlier.
Why would you want more PEDs? At this point every single guy in MLB is hitting 30 HRs.
Baseball is a slow game and its never going to be everyone's favorite. As a baseball guy though, I feel like people who don't like baseball also like to tear it down a bit too. Maybe I'm off base?
I had nothing to do this morning so I ran some numbers using data on B-R and FG. Take this for what it's worth.
Since B-R has been tracking # pitches per inning (from 1999), the # of pitches per batter faced has gone from a low of 3.73 (2001) to 3.93 (2019). That averages out to 15.2 extra pitches over the course of a 9 inning game, or essentially the time for an additional half inning.
Time for a 9 inning game during that period has ranged from a low of 2:42 in 2005 to 3:05 (2017 & 2019).
Time to complete an inning has ranged from a low of 18:57 (2003) to 21:18 (2019).
Time for a single plate appearance has ranged from 2:11 (2003) to 2:28 (2014, 2017, 2019).
What this appears to be from just looking at the #s is not about TV ads or mound visits. It appears to be the effect of the "three true outcome" philosophy that advanced analytics suggests. K/9 is way up (6.4 in 2003 to 8.82 this year) resulting in more pitches thrown per PA, thus more per inning and more per game.
The "three true outcome" effect also makes the game more boring. More HRs at the expense of more Ks means less situational hitting, less "moving the line" and as a result, less overall action.
You could say that advanced analytics is basically killing the game's aesthetic appeal.