I haven't lived in Connecticut since my UConn days. Loved Pepe's during New Haven visits. I also like Willington because... well I was a college student and it was better than Gumby's, Primo's (man those two places were horrible), Dominoes, Little Caesars, and Sgt Pepperoni (those are the ones I remember and I know, I'm dating myself). I do wonder if I'd like it now.
I just want to add, however, that the most overrated pizza around is the typical NY neighborhood pizza place. Same with their stupid bagels. Good... sure, but I can find just as good in Northern NJ (especially the pizza in my old Hoboken days) and I'm sure you can find the same in most CT towns. There is more of it in NY, but god do I get tired of every jerk from Brooklyn (that didn't even grow up there like my whole family did) that says if a place isn't using New York City water, it sucks.