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Aug 25, 2011
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We grew up with all of this, though. I don't think we grew up with GMO Wheat.

Here's a video on gliadin:

I think you can rule out gliadin by looking at cultures with starches other than wheat as their staple food. Take China, for example. Their staple starch is rice, yet they (and japan) have seen obesity rates rise over the past 20-30 years.

"Recent statistics have showed that the average waistline of Chinese urban males has gone from 63.5 cm in 1985 to 76.2 cm in 2012, growing by 20 percent over just 27 years. Among them, those aged between 40 and 50 have an average waistline of 86.2 cm.
Protruding bellies and round people of any age are now a common sight in many Chinese cities. As early as 2002, statistics showed that China had 200 million overweight people, 60 million of whom were obese. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that from 1992 to 2002, China's overweight rate went up by nearly 40 percent and its obesity rate almost doubled."
Aug 26, 2011
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I think you can rule out gliadin by looking at cultures with starches other than wheat as their staple food. Take China, for example. Their staple starch is rice, yet they (and japan) have seen obesity rates rise over the past 20-30 years.

"Recent statistics have showed that the average waistline of Chinese urban males has gone from 63.5 cm in 1985 to 76.2 cm in 2012, growing by 20 percent over just 27 years. Among them, those aged between 40 and 50 have an average waistline of 86.2 cm.
Protruding bellies and round people of any age are now a common sight in many Chinese cities. As early as 2002, statistics showed that China had 200 million overweight people, 60 million of whom were obese. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that from 1992 to 2002, China's overweight rate went up by nearly 40 percent and its obesity rate almost doubled."

It's nearly impossible for us to put a finger on it, but I would not underrate how processed foods added o the Chinese diet will do this. They put so much crap in their food--tons of high fructose corn syrup--plus an increase in urban living (i.e. more processed food). A friend just back from Harbin told me that relatively wealthy people were making fun of him for his salary (low 6 figures) which they asked about openly (he loved the forthrightness, the humor, no holds barred attitude of Chinese), but they were eating all kinds of foods that he considered barely edible, and his job takes him everywhere around the world. Chinese cuisine in the USA seems to be the height of Chinese culinary culture.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's nearly impossible for us to put a finger on it, but I would not underrate how processed foods added o the Chinese diet will do this. They put so much crap in their food--tons of high fructose corn syrup--plus an increase in urban living (i.e. more processed food). A friend just back from Harbin told me that relatively wealthy people were making fun of him for his salary (low 6 figures) which they asked about openly (he loved the forthrightness, the humor, no holds barred attitude of Chinese), but they were eating all kinds of foods that he considered barely edible, and his job takes him everywhere around the world. Chinese cuisine in the USA seems to be the height of Chinese culinary culture.

Were they making fun of his salary because it is high or low in their eyes?
Aug 26, 2011
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Were they making fun of his salary because it is high or low in their eyes?

Low. His salary would be very high for an average Chinese person, but the business people internal to China are doing much better. It's only when their currency is converted does it seem lower than it actually is inside China.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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Ughh! More talk about waste-lines and obesity on this thread. Every-time this is at the top of the page I think there is news about our looming addition to the B1G conference, and for the last three days find nothing but dudes talking about love handles - total mojo killers!

Maybe we should start a BIG thread wear you all can lament the fact that you don't fit into your 32 jeans :)
Aug 26, 2011
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Ughh! More talk about waste-lines and obesity on this thread. Every-time this is at the top of the page I think there is news about our looming addition to the B1G conference, and for the last three days find nothing but dudes talking about love handles - total mojo killers!

Maybe we should start a BIG thread wear you all can lament the fact that you don't fit into your 32 jeans :)

I think you've misplaced your faith in the quality of this thread from the very beginning.
Nov 2, 2011
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I think you've misplaced your faith in the quality of this thread from the very beginning.

Really, based on what? Your OPINION of what's going to happen? After all, you don't have access to the decision makers in each of the conferences, do you? Since I'm the one that started this thread, I guess you're referring to me with your wise comment.

News flash: you don't know any more than the rest of us, jack.

Seriously, this Debby Downer "woe is me" attitude is bull .

I've been biting my tongue for a long time while you balloon knots continue to spout off about how much we suck and how we're going to spend eternity in this sucky conference.

Frankly, I'm sick of it.

Don't think we'll wind up in the B1G? That's fine; you're entitled to your opinion and it's just as valid as mine or anyone else's. But why do you (and others) have the need to continually on those of us who happen to believe that eventually, UConn will wind up in a better place?

Maybe it's B1G.

Maybe ACC.

Maybe BigXII.

There are plenty of threads here saying we need to shut down the football program, that we're doomed, that Aresco sucks, that Herbst and Manuel are clueless, etc.

You know what? This hasn't finished - there are a number of moves still to be made. And each of those moves will be followed by additional moves down the road.

I find a scenario that leaves UConn in its current conference the LEAST believable of all possible scenarios. And yet, day after day, this board is filled with posts (from supposed UConn fans) calling other people crazy for daring to think that this school is good enough to be invited to a better conference.

I swear to God, most of the people on this board must have been the same clueless idiots clamoring for UConn to leave the Big East (early to mid 80's) because it would never be able to compete against the likes of Georgetown and Syracuse.

There's only 2 or 3 remotely positive threads going on this board, and you're certainly entitled to your opinion. But why do you (and others) feel the need to bring your negativity into every single thread on this board? I really don't understand that mentality.
Aug 26, 2011
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Really, based on what? Your OPINION of what's going to happen? After all, you don't have access to the decision makers in each of the conferences, do you? Since I'm the one that started this thread, I guess you're referring to me with your wise comment.

News flash: you don't know any more than the rest of us, jack.

Seriously, this Debby Downer "woe is me" attitude is bull .

I've been biting my tongue for a long time while you balloon knots continue to spout off about how much we suck and how we're going to spend eternity in this sucky conference.

Frankly, I'm sick of it.

Don't think we'll wind up in the B1G? That's fine; you're entitled to your opinion and it's just as valid as mine or anyone else's. But why do you (and others) have the need to continually on those of us who happen to believe that eventually, UConn will wind up in a better place?

Maybe it's B1G.

Maybe ACC.

Maybe BigXII.

There are plenty of threads here saying we need to shut down the football program, that we're doomed, that Aresco sucks, that Herbst and Manuel are clueless, etc.

You know what? This hasn't finished - there are a number of moves still to be made. And each of those moves will be followed by additional moves down the road.

I find a scenario that leaves UConn in its current conference the LEAST believable of all possible scenarios. And yet, day after day, this board is filled with posts (from supposed UConn fans) calling other people crazy for daring to think that this school is good enough to be invited to a better conference.

I swear to God, most of the people on this board must have been the same clueless idiots clamoring for UConn to leave the Big East (early to mid 80's) because it would never be able to compete against the likes of Georgetown and Syracuse.

There's only 2 or 3 remotely positive threads going on this board, and you're certainly entitled to your opinion. But why do you (and others) feel the need to bring your negativity into every single thread on this board? I really don't understand that mentality.

I was joking.


Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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I think you can rule out gliadin by looking at cultures with starches other than wheat as their staple food. Take China, for example. Their staple starch is rice, yet they (and japan) have seen obesity rates rise over the past 20-30 years.

"Recent statistics have showed that the average waistline of Chinese urban males has gone from 63.5 cm in 1985 to 76.2 cm in 2012, growing by 20 percent over just 27 years. Among them, those aged between 40 and 50 have an average waistline of 86.2 cm.
Protruding bellies and round people of any age are now a common sight in many Chinese cities. As early as 2002, statistics showed that China had 200 million overweight people, 60 million of whom were obese. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that from 1992 to 2002, China's overweight rate went up by nearly 40 percent and its obesity rate almost doubled."

Good for China. In 1960 the average life expectancy was 34. Now it's 74. Somehow I don't think the average Chinese person is all that concerned about a potbelly.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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This is a point that most all who theorize about realignment forget/ignore.

UNC ain't going B1G or to SEC, UNLESS and UNTIL NCST is guaranteed a soft landing in SEC or B12.

People like to focus on the Duke rivalry being important to UNC. But its NCST (a state school governed by the same Board of Governors as is UNC) that will complicate any movement by UNC.
I'm not so sure. It's not like they'd be leaving them in the C2BN. The ACC will survive their move. I don't see it as an issue.
Aug 26, 2011
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By the way, mavblues, thanks for calling me someone who is always negative about UConn. You've reestablished my credibility somehow.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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I'm not so sure. It's not they'd be leaving them in the C2BN. The ACC will survive their move. I don't see it as an issue.

Depends on how mass the exodus turns out to be, but NC pols won't allow State to be left with the likes of Wake, Cuse, Pitt, Holy Cross East and Duke and/or Miami, which is what you got left if B12 goes 16.
Aug 27, 2011
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B1G needs to act on UConn this week or we are going to hear ad nauseam how great the ACC is going to be in hoops on all next weekend. If its going to happen anyway why let this PR moment go down the toilet? B1G can grab a piece of the story by grabbing the BE's most successful teams in men's and women's hoops. Today at 4. Lets make it happen JD.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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B1G needs to act on UConn this week or we are going to hear ad nauseam how great the ACC is going to be in hoops on all next weekend. If its going to happen anyway why let this PR moment go down the toilet? B1G can grab a piece of the story by grabbing the BE's most successful teams in men's and women's hoops. Today at 4. Lets make it happen JD.

Good idea, but ain't gonna happen. There is no way the Conferences make any moves while the Touraments are going on. That is why UConn is not unveiling heir new logo until at least mid-April. They don't want to compete with the Tourneys for fear of being overshadowed and they don't be percieved as trying to hijack news coverage.
Aug 26, 2011
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Those Wolverines fans have their noses stuck up too high in the air. The B1G does have interest in UConn.
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn football in the B10 would be comical at best.

Pleeze post in locker room! BTW Michigan Spring Game on BTNetwork tonight and repeats.
Aug 27, 2011
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If you bring another link like that to this board I will put a hit on you. :eek:

My head hurts after reading that mess.
I welcome links like this. There's not much going on right now so I'll take what I can get. BuffaloLion has to be a Uconn fan in disguise though. I think he posted on the WVU board as a Bama fan and now he's posting on the Michigan board as a UM fan? I could be wrong but I don't feel doing the research right now.
Apr 13, 2013
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I'm laughing at this thread right now. Uconn dominates NYC in Basketball, MSG is (or i guess now was) our home away from home. Uconn has a very large amount of alums in the NYC area. And in FB, didn't we just beat lville? with one of the worst offenses in the nation? beat ND just a few years back... I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see them beat Michigan this year. Although i went to a UM board last night and they are already talking about 12-0 11-1 seasons. They think their own test will be MSU... can't wait to see their faces when they play Uconn. I'm not surprised at this though, I've been reading for weeks now from b10 fans that Uconn "offers nothing" to the big 10. I love it though, i live in Michigan now and while there is an abundance of MSU bball fans, i literally couldn't find an UM one until this season and even they shut up until UM made the final four.
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