B1G | Page 59 | The Boneyard


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Dec 25, 2011
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The contiguous state is an item that the B1G does seem to care about.

That issue could be one reason that the B1G may not grab Florida State up front, although there seems to be mutual interest, especially with their 5 year plan to get to AAU status (why schools like Kansas and Iowa State are AAU and Florida State and UConn are not is a different issue). The B1G appears to only want Florida State if they can UVA and UNC, too, and then use Georgia Tech as a bridge.

UConn is in a unique position because NY State does not have a single, flagship university. Instead, their flagship is dispersed between Buffalo, Albany, Binghamton, and Stony Brook. Thus, unless the B1G is willing to add another private school, i.e. Syracuse, there is not a natural fit between Rutgers and New England. I honestly believe that the only private school that B1G wants to add is ND. BC has a remote chance solely based on the fact that BC maybe needed to get ND into the B1G. It also helps that the next biggest state in the Northeast after NY, PA, and NJ is Massachusetts and their flagship university is significantly weaker academically and athletically than UConn.

Thus, if the B1G goes to 20, I believe that UConn is competing for the ‘final’ open spot with Syracuse, BC (if they are a ND requirement), Duke (if they are a UNC requirement), Pittsburgh (does not make sense TV wise; but a solid fit academically and athletically), Kansas, and Missouri (remote change they leave the SEC).
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn is in a unique position because NY State does not have a single, flagship university. Instead, their flagship is dispersed between Buffalo, Albany, Binghamton, and Stony Brook. Thus, unless the B1G is willing to add another private school, i.e. Syracuse, there is not a natural fit between Rutgers and New England. I honestly believe that the only private school that B1G wants to add is ND. BC has a remote chance solely based on the fact that BC maybe needed to get ND into the B1G. It also helps that the next biggest state in the Northeast after NY, PA, and NJ is Massachusetts and their flagship university is significantly weaker academically and athletically than UConn.

Isn't this like saying California has no flagship either? These are big states with big university systems. NY is like Cali in that sense. Instead, the better argument is that NY has no big public football teams, whereas Cali at least has UCLA and Berkeley.
Aug 26, 2011
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Uconn is the second least obese state in this fat @ss country known as the US. Colorado is a notch better - I'm sure some of that has to do with household income. On the flip side, if you want to talk about fattest conference, look no further than the SEC, by a landslide. I've also seen a recent ranking on happiest states and generally speaking, the South monopolizes the bottom half of that ranking. Formula - the fat , miserable and unsophisticated love themselves some huntin', NASCAR and college football.

This is a Varsity post. Spot on.
Aug 26, 2011
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Here's the schools I think the B1G would have most on their mind, assuming UNC and Duke are gone to the SEC:

UConn, UVA, Kansas, Mizzou.

I think they would be wiser to solidify their presence on the east coast first. The west is easy to finish up. If they go to 20, they can add Kansas, Texas, and at least one of the Oklahoman schools and FSU for the heck of it. Or GT in place of an Oklahoman school.

The SEC would be wise to chase after an Oklahoman and/or Kansan school.
Nov 28, 2012
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Here's the schools I think the B1G would have most on their mind, assuming UNC and Duke are gone to the SEC:

UConn, UVA, Kansas, Mizzou.

I think they would be wiser to solidify their presence on the east coast first. The west is easy to finish up. If they go to 20, they can add Kansas, Texas, and at least one of the Oklahoman schools and FSU for the heck of it. Or GT in place of an Oklahoman school.

The SEC would be wise to chase after an Oklahoman and/or Kansan school.
Why in God's name do you think Missouri would want to go to the B1G? They are in the SEC now right? The best football conference in the country. It's not even close. Unless they have a pressing academic issue to do it (and let's be honest, MO isn't a bad school, but it's no Northwestern, Purdue or Michigan), they are happy as hell in the SEC and aren't going anywhere.
Aug 26, 2011
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Check out the video below shot in 1990, at 3:30 minutes. Something has happened in the last 20 years, some engineering of the food we eat, because I guarantee you that you will never ever find that many skinny people sitting in one section at a Patriots game now. I go to NFL football games, and it's like we are another species now.

Only skinny people could fit on the bleachers at Foxboro Stadium. As the clientele got bigger they moved on to the new stadium with much wider seats.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Only skinny people could fit on the bleachers at Foxboro Stadium. As the clientele got bigger they moved on to the new stadium with much wider seats.

So fat guys can sit in formed plastic seats better than on aluminum benches?
Aug 26, 2011
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So fat guys can sit in formed plastic seats better than on aluminum benches?

Yes it keeps their fatness limited to a pre-defined horizontal space. However there is a level of fatness which can overcome the horizontal limitations provided by the armrests, rendering them useless.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's not the size of your hockey conference, it's how you use it.

Their conference is small--and not very good.

2 games into the NCAA hockey tournament, there are no more B1G teams left. Wisky ousted by Lowell, Minnesota ousted by Yale.
Aug 26, 2011
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They certainly do have powerful fanbases. But so does Yale. Niagra is holding up against North Dakota, amazingly.
Feb 7, 2012
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There aren't many schools left that will move the needle in football, outside of FSU. So I think the Big 10 should think hoops and bring on Kansas and UConn. Football is still very good and basketball now becomes the best in the country!
Sep 20, 2011
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Here's the schools I think the B1G would have most on their mind, assuming UNC and Duke are gone to the SEC:

UConn, UVA, Kansas, Mizzou.

I think they would be wiser to solidify their presence on the east coast first. The west is easy to finish up. If they go to 20, they can add Kansas, Texas, and at least one of the Oklahoman schools and FSU for the heck of it. Or GT in place of an Oklahoman school.

The SEC would be wise to chase after an Oklahoman and/or Kansan school.

In what universe is Texas school number 20 and UConn ahead of UVA, Kansas, and Mizzou for the B1G? There is a slim chance UConn could get invited but we are Plan D in any scenario. We are always there waiting to go with a Plan A school that makes some rash decision due to their own conference imploding (UNC, ND, Texas) and behind all the others that have been mentioned - FSU, KS, MO, GT, VA, Duke, etc. I would love to think that they would all turn down the B1G and we get invited and ultimately you are right, but I really can't see it. Hopefully, the ACC does implode and we end up with our traditional rivals or better. The bottom line is our market is small, our fanbase is small, and we have no tradition or national appeal from a football perspective. I have my fingers crossed that it gets to Plan D but let's not be delusional.
Aug 26, 2011
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In what universe is Texas school number 20 and UConn ahead of UVA, Kansas, and Mizzou for the B1G? There is a slim chance UConn could get invited but we are Plan D in any scenario. We are always there waiting to go with a Plan A school that makes some rash decision due to their own conference imploding (UNC, ND, Texas) and behind all the others that have been mentioned - FSU, KS, MO, GT, VA, Duke, etc. I would love to think that they would all turn down the B1G and we get invited and ultimately you are right, but I really can't see it. Hopefully, the ACC does implode and we end up with our traditional rivals or better. The bottom line is our market is small, our fanbase is small, and we have no tradition or national appeal from a football perspective. I have my fingers crossed that it gets to Plan D but let's not be delusional.

In front of Texas? No. In front of KU? Very plausible. Mizzou is 50/50.
Aug 26, 2011
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In what universe is Texas school number 20 and UConn ahead of UVA, Kansas, and Mizzou for the B1G? There is a slim chance UConn could get invited but we are Plan D in any scenario. We are always there waiting to go with a Plan A school that makes some rash decision due to their own conference imploding (UNC, ND, Texas) and behind all the others that have been mentioned - FSU, KS, MO, GT, VA, Duke, etc. I would love to think that they would all turn down the B1G and we get invited and ultimately you are right, but I really can't see it. Hopefully, the ACC does implode and we end up with our traditional rivals or better. The bottom line is our market is small, our fanbase is small, and we have no tradition or national appeal from a football perspective. I have my fingers crossed that it gets to Plan D but let's not be delusional.
They would be wise to destroy the ACC and get UVA out of it. It doesn't seem UNC fans want the B1G. The B1G also said they want expand on the east coast. Who's left? Tonight reminded them how small their hockey conference is going to be.
Sep 3, 2011
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Check out the video below shot in 1990, at 3:30 minutes. Something has happened in the last 20 years, some engineering of the food we eat, because I guarantee you that you will never ever find that many skinny people sitting in one section at a Patriots game now. I go to NFL football games, and it's like we are another species now.

The evolution of the American body in the last 30 years is startling. Tune into old baseball footage.... It's amazing what the capitalistic driven FDA in this country will allow on the shelves. I'm not some psycho activist by any means, but obesity annoys me. When I get stuck walking behind some waddling f@t ass in NYC, I always ask myself how someone let themselves get like that. It's kind of like smoking - you know it's a slow ticker to health issues, yet people would rather indulge in the short term. You know something is wrong when European countries refuse to import meat products from the US. Ultimately, obesity is indulgent, undisciplined and just plain lazy. When a US is 31% obese and Italy is 8%, how do you explain that disparity? I blame some of it on the system, some of it on culture, but a ton of it on the individual.

I will never go on a cruise again because 3/4 of the people on them go for the all you can eat part of it. It just happens that a ton of those people seem to flock from the midwest/south. And yeah, some of it is definitely stereotype, but I'm a firm believer that stereotypes exist for a reason.
Aug 26, 2011
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The evolution of the American body in the last 30 years is startling. Tune into old baseball footage.... It's amazing what the capitalistic driven FDA in this country will allow on the shelves. I'm not some psycho activist by any means, but obesity annoys me. When I get stuck walking behind some waddling f@t ass in NYC, I always ask myself how someone let themselves get like that. It's kind of like smoking - you know it's a slow ticker to health issues, yet people would rather indulge in the short term. You know something is wrong when European countries refuse to import meat products from the US. Ultimately, obesity is indulgent, undisciplined and just plain lazy. When a US is 31% obese and Italy is 8%, how do you explain that disparity? I blame some of it on the system, some of it on culture, but a ton of it on the individual.

I will never go on a cruise again because 3/4 of the people on them go for the all you can eat part of it. It just happens that a ton of those people seem to flock from the midwest/south. And yeah, some of it is definitely stereotype, but I'm a firm believer that stereotypes exist for a reason.

You mean you're not suppose to use your mobility scooter to get a double Whooper w/ extra bacon and cheese @ the drive-thru??

Aug 28, 2011
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You didn't burst any balloons. That's where we stand right now. We penetrate New York City, upstate New York and New England. That's a huge market.

I think if we get a B1G invite, I think 'ruse football will become a little fish (and they'll be like BCU, an afterthought in the Northeast in FB. If we get an invite, BCU and Cuse would be stuck in a bad conference...(the ACC Football conference) and they'll know it!! :)
Aug 28, 2011
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Formula - the fat , miserable and unsophisticated love themselves some huntin', NASCAR and college football.

Jeez, I didn't know that NASCAR fans were unsophisticated. You better check Stafford, Thompson and Waterford if you think that and then check New Hampshire and see what the NASCAR fans are like.

There were a few NASCAR driver from New England Ricky Craven from Maine and now Connecticut's own Joey Logano.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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Lot of interesting thought process going on here,sometimes things get over simplified .Dont forget when you mention NC you are talking about a state legislature that enacted laws to ensure UNC and State play ECU in football..not in hoops lol..no one is going to poach in that hen house.they bluntly dont give a who you want to watch on tv long as its UNC or State etc..One of the first southernisms you hear when you relocate ,even on military bases is "We dont care how you did it up north"...nuff said.

This is a point that most all who theorize about realignment forget/ignore.

UNC ain't going B1G or to SEC, UNLESS and UNTIL NCST is guaranteed a soft landing in SEC or B12.

People like to focus on the Duke rivalry being important to UNC. But its NCST (a state school governed by the same Board of Governors as is UNC) that will complicate any movement by UNC.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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Who is "Connecticut"? I thought we were known as "UConn" to the entire world??

Its unfortunate it sounds like we're abandoning a brand that promotes our University as the flagship, land-grant, state research university that it is.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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The contiguous state thing doesn't matter according to Frank the Tank. Take that for what it is worth.

I think the B1G is trying to shift it's center of gravity slightly southwards in order to address the perception that it is a conference for fat, vitamin d deprived upper Midwesterners.

UConn doesn't do much for that in that regard.

I think we have a good bit to offer, but it may not be what they think they need. Needs can change of course.

Needs will change if its determined that the South wont go North. If only UVA is prepared to subordinate Southern culture and history to feast, fight and fornicate with the North, B1G's options to get to 16 or more is down to CT, MO and KA.
Aug 26, 2011
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The evolution of the American body in the last 30 years is startling. Tune into old baseball footage.... It's amazing what the capitalistic driven FDA in this country will allow on the shelves. I'm not some psycho activist by any means, but obesity annoys me. When I get stuck walking behind some waddling f@t ass in NYC, I always ask myself how someone let themselves get like that. It's kind of like smoking - you know it's a slow ticker to health issues, yet people would rather indulge in the short term. You know something is wrong when European countries refuse to import meat products from the US. Ultimately, obesity is indulgent, undisciplined and just plain lazy. When a US is 31% obese and Italy is 8%, how do you explain that disparity? I blame some of it on the system, some of it on culture, but a ton of it on the individual.

I will never go on a cruise again because 3/4 of the people on them go for the all you can eat part of it. It just happens that a ton of those people seem to flock from the midwest/south. And yeah, some of it is definitely stereotype, but I'm a firm believer that stereotypes exist for a reason.

I blame most of it on the system, FDA, etc. It's not like the people are any less or any more disciplined than they used to be. Take wheat, for instance. The new engineered wheat literally has a new enzyme in it that tells your brain you have to eat more. We're animals. We respond to what our body is telling us. Our bodies interact with the environment. This has happened over the last 20 years.
Aug 26, 2011
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I blame most of it on the system, FDA, etc. It's not like the people are any less or any more disciplined than they used to be. Take wheat, for instance. The new engineered wheat literally has a new enzyme in it that tells your brain you have to eat more. We're animals. We respond to what our body is telling us. Our bodies interact with the environment. This has happened over the last 20 years.
And that's why I'm switching to Corona (no wheat!). ;^)
Aug 26, 2011
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And that's why I'm switching to Corona (no wheat!). ;^)

I blame most of it on the system, FDA, etc. It's not like the people are any less or any more disciplined than they used to be. Take wheat, for instance. The new engineered wheat literally has a new enzyme in it that tells your brain you have to eat more. We're animals. We respond to what our body is telling us. Our bodies interact with the environment. This has happened over the last 20 years.

Did they add an enzyme to my Gentleman Jack? Damn that's why I drink so much!


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Aug 25, 2011
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I blame most of it on the system, FDA, etc. It's not like the people are any less or any more disciplined than they used to be. Take wheat, for instance. The new engineered wheat literally has a new enzyme in it that tells your brain you have to eat more. We're animals. We respond to what our body is telling us. Our bodies interact with the environment. This has happened over the last 20 years.
Portion sizes, caloric density of foods and the prevalence of fast food.
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