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Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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If ND does join a Conf why would it be the B12?

I think UConn ends up with the old ACC carcasses, better than current state, but still crappy.

I project ND to the B12 because I think:

1. ACC (as currently constituted) will disinegrate;
2. B1G wont accept ND as a partial member; and
3. B12 will accept ND as a partial member.

Even if after that, ND is at sometime later forced to join a confernce full-time, they'll go B1G with its East Coast presence, even if that means B1G going to 20 or more.

B1G would accept ND as its 26th member if it ever came to that.

If Connecticut cant get into B1G, I agree it will join Duke, Cuse, Wake, Holy Cross East, and whoever else then comprises acc.
Nov 28, 2012
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I project ND to the B12 because I think:

1. ACC (as currently constituted) will disinegrate;
2. B1G wont accept ND as a partial member; and
3. B12 will accept ND as a partial member.

Even if after that, ND is at sometime later forced to join a confernce full-time, they'll go B1G with its East Coast presence, even if that means B1G going to 20 or more.

B1G would accept ND as its 26th member if it ever came to that.

If Connecticut cant get into B1G, I agree it will join Duke, Cuse, Wake, Holy Cross East, and whoever else then comprises acc.
Nov 28, 2012
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ND is not going to the Big12. If they join any conference for football it will be the Big10. In a pinch they could go ACC, but I doubt it.


Aug 24, 2011
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i can not wait any longer for this md fee to get settled. it kills me every day getting up that its not. no one will touch the acc until it happens. if some 1 did then that greatly changes the outcome of the md fee as it sugests that them leaving causes the acc more damage. drag....


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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i can not wait any longer for this md fee to get settled. it kills me every day getting up that its not. no one will touch the acc until it happens. if some 1 did then that greatly changes the outcome of the md fee as it sugests that them leaving causes the acc more damage. drag....

I dont think the MD exit fee issue has as much to do with the timing of UVA's departure to B1G as does satisfying the Virginia politicians that VTCH is all but assured a safe landing in the SEC.


Aug 24, 2011
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I dont think the MD exit fee issue has as much to do with the timing of UVA's departure to B1G as does satisfying the Virginia politicians that VTCH is all but assured a safe landing in the SEC.

the md fee has everything to do with it....everything....


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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the md fee has everything to do with it....everything....

there is less than a zero % chance that MD pays a $50M penalty when acc has already mitigated whatever damage MD's departure inflicted.

UVA won't leave without being assured VTCH has a soft landing.

This is why GTCH to B1G before UVA is a very real possibility.


Aug 24, 2011
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there is less than a zero % chance that MD pays a $50M penalty when acc has already mitigated whatever damage MD's departure inflicted.

UVA won't leave without being assured VTCH has a soft landing.

This is why GTCH to B1G before UVA is a very real possibility.

md voted no, uva voted yes for the buyout fee. uva needs md to break the bank on it and get to a price point w/e it is. i used 25mil in another eample elsewhere. from there uva has a starting spot to then negoatiate its buyout and so on down the line. the acc replaced md with lville. thats not equal value. the acc lost a good couple million a year i think from that swap, that will be where the acc holds on to principle in the negoatiation.

va politics will not be a issue. vt and uva will both easily land safe and u can bet the b10 has already worked with the b12 or sec depending on which one of those 2 wants to land vt so that it all happens. 100 time sout of 100 the va politics ppl would want both of there schools in the big 4 instead of outside it. the va politics thing is not what ppl think it is. back then when vt to the big east happened, it was ppl upset that 1 of the schools may get left out of the big boy confs at the time which was a different vision as to who they would be. now the acc is not one where it was seen as a have back then adding the schools it did. times have changed and so have certain metrics and decision makers opinions.
Aug 26, 2011
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there is less than a zero % chance that MD pays a $50M penalty when acc has already mitigated whatever damage MD's departure inflicted.

UVA won't leave without being assured VTCH has a soft landing.

This is why GTCH to B1G before UVA is a very real possibility.

Do some of you people really think the Virgina lawmakers will doom both teams to a crappy ACC because they would refuse to let one team leave? That would be moronic. The Lawmakers have no way to twist the SEC arms and they are not going to make either school stay in the ACC if it starts to break down. It just isnt going to happen. It worked in reverse with Tech going to the ACC but only to the effect that they could force one vote, the Virginia vote but Virginia doesn't have a vote in any other league nor does tech. There isnt jack they can do except punish one of the schools out of spite. The Big 10 or SEC will just say fine you want to jerk us around both schools can rot in the ACC
Aug 26, 2011
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There is only one way the ACC can stabilize after the Maryland departure. The settlement will have to be favorable to the ACC and unfavorable enough to Maryland that it truly does deter further departures.

Anything less than that, there will always be a lack of trust and stability.


It could take months, years even to resolve.
Aug 26, 2011
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There is only one way the ACC can stabilize after the Maryland departure. The settlement will have to be favorable to the ACC and unfavorable enough to Maryland that it truly does deter further departures.

Anything less than that, there will always be a lack of trust and stability.


It could take months, years even to resolve.
Aug 26, 2011
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there is less than a zero % chance that MD pays a $50M penalty when acc has already mitigated whatever damage MD's departure inflicted.

UVA won't leave without being assured VTCH has a soft landing.

This is why GTCH to B1G before UVA is a very real possibility.

I think if the ACC loses a school like UVA and the ACC goes on Big East style death spiral then Virginia Tech would be one of the last schools worried about a soft landing.

They might actually end up entertaining offers from the SEC and the Big 12.
Sep 14, 2011
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Do some of you people really think the Virgina lawmakers will doom both teams to a crappy ACC because they would refuse to let one team leave? That would be moronic. The Lawmakers have no way to twist the SEC arms and they are not going to make either school stay in the ACC if it starts to break down. It just isnt going to happen. It worked in reverse with Tech going to the ACC but only to the effect that they could force one vote, the Virginia vote but Virginia doesn't have a vote in any other league nor does tech. There isnt jack they can do except punish one of the schools out of spite. The Big 10 or SEC will just say fine you want to jerk us around both schools can rot in the ACC

The bolded sentence is the potential fly in the figurative ointment. They're politicians. Of course they wouldn't hesitate to act out of spite. It's one of the tools in their bag of Don't duck With Me blunt instruments used to keep the engines of state purring.
Aug 28, 2011
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Makes sense for ND if they want to maintain indendence for fball.

UConn won't get B1G, would be nice, but want. End up with leftover ACC teams.

I project ND to the B12 because I think:

1. ACC (as currently constituted) will disinegrate;
2. B1G wont accept ND as a partial member; and
3. B12 will accept ND as a partial member.

Even if after that, ND is at sometime later forced to join a confernce full-time, they'll go B1G with its East Coast presence, even if that means B1G going to 20 or more.

B1G would accept ND as its 26th member if it ever came to that.

If Connecticut cant get into B1G, I agree it will join Duke, Cuse, Wake, Holy Cross East, and whoever else then comprises acc.
Sep 14, 2011
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I think if the ACC loses a school like UVA and the ACC goes on Big East style death spiral then Virginia Tech would be one of the last schools worried about a soft landing.

They might actually end up entertaining offers from the SEC and the Big 12.

They're out-patients on a Big East Death Watch now.
Aug 26, 2011
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They're out-patients on a Big East Death Watch now.

The ACC is basically where the Big East was after Miami and Co. left. Maryland is not as significant, but it's just a testimony to how unstable they were to begin with. The Irony is that the 50 Mil designed to stabilize the conference is the single biggest factor in destabilizing it.

If they can extract their pound of flesh from Maryland and fix the TV money, then they will be OK.

If the SEC, Big 12 and B1G rip the place to shreds. Who is going to be left? Wake, BC, maybe Georgia Tech, maybe Notre Dame's basketball team, maybe NC State.

Is that really so much better? We should stop waiting for our meal ticket to arrive and embrace a new national conference that is a bit more selective than what the Big East is proposing.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Would love to see a rationale as opposed to a simple assertion.

That we are subject to the whims of.conferences that don't really need us.makes the entire situation tenuous.

The BE in whatever form it has existed post 1990, has needed UConn. The BBonlies are about to find that out. The B1G and the ACC (for now) don't.

At least in the ACC there is some knowledge of our value. Not so much in the B1G. I'm hoping for B1G but, ACC wouldn't be the worst thing.

Bottom line is need another shoe to drop or we aren't going anywhere soon.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
Sep 14, 2011
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That we are subject to the whims of.conferences that don't really need us.makes the entire situation tenuous.

The BE in whatever form it has existed post 1990, has needed UConn. The BBonlies are about to find that out. The B1G and the ACC (for now) don't.

At least in the ACC there is some knowledge of our value. Not so much in the B1G. I'm hoping for B1G but, ACC wouldn't be the worst thing.

Bottom line is need another shoe to drop or we aren't going anywhere soon.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2

Appreciate your thoughts.

Where you see a situation where neither the B1G nor the ACC need us, I see an analygous position where the B1G didn't need Rutgers and Maryland (not the way they needed someone (who turned out to be Nebraska) to fill out the field of 12 required for a championship game that would keep the B1G brand alive in the week after Thanksgiving when national championship contenders were being debated). Yet the B1G took Rutgers and Maryland anyway. I don't think Delant is operating out of need alone. There is a bigger objective in play.

I contend that objective is the 50-60 million people residing in the northeast corridor between Boston and Washington D.C. Those potential customers of college football are largely underserved today. Those 50-60 million potential customers dwarf any gain the B1G might find in North Carolina. The battle for North Carolina would likely be a costly one, especially if the SEC were to become involved. Why wage it when there are -- repeat after me -- 50-60 million just milling about? Does the B1G need UConn? They do if they intend to serve the northeast and defend it against competition.

I think you are right about another shoe dropping, that of UVa. In my opimion, it'll happen but it may take some time due to a combination of resistence to change at the university and worries about the $50MM buyout fee. They'd prefer to pay as little as possible. How little probably depends on what Maryland settles for, but a seat in the B1G conference meetings is worth $50MM so it will happen no matter what.
Aug 26, 2011
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Appreciate your thoughts.

Where you see a situation where neither the B1G nor the ACC need us, I see an analygous position where the B1G didn't need Rutgers and Maryland (not the way they needed someone (who turned out to be Nebraska) to fill out the field of 12 required for a championship game that would keep the B1G brand alive in the week after Thanksgiving when national championship contenders were being debated). Yet the B1G took Rutgers and Maryland anyway. I don't think Delant is operating out of need alone. There is a bigger objective in play.

I contend that objective is the 50-60 million people residing in the northeast corridor between Boston and Washington D.C. Those potential customers of college football are largely underserved today. Those 50-60 million potential customers dwarf any gain the B1G might find in North Carolina. The battle for North Carolina would likely be a costly one, especially if the SEC were to become involved. Why wage it when there are -- repeat after me -- 50-60 million just milling about? Does the B1G need UConn? They do if they intend to serve the northeast and defend it against competition.

I think you are right about another shoe dropping, that of UVa. In my opimion, it'll happen but it may take some time due to a combination of resistence to change at the university and worries about the $50MM buyout fee. They'd prefer to pay as little as possible. How little probably depends on what Maryland settles for, but a seat in the B1G conferencer meetings is worth $50MM so it will happen no matter what.

If they want to maximize the subscriber fees from dc to boston you add uva umd rutty uconn cuse bc. If this is delany's goal i'd bet he goes to 18 and applies the pressure on nd and unc as icing on top as 19 and 20

B1G20 East
Northern Pod
Souther Pod

B1G20 West
Western Pod
Great lakes pod

Play 4 games against pod 2 more against pod in same div and 1 game against a team in each pod of other diviosn. 9th game allows a rivalry game.
Aug 26, 2011
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If they want to maximize the subscriber fees from dc to boston you add uva umd rutty uconn cuse bc. If this is delany's goal i'd bet he goes to 18 and applies the pressure on nd and unc as icing on top as 19 and 20

B1G20 East
Northern Pod
Souther Pod

B1G20 West
Western Pod
Great lakes pod

Play 4 games against pod 2 more against pod in same div and 1 game against a team in each pod of other diviosn. 9th game allows a rivalry game.
While I don't think it's going to happen, I could live with that.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Nebraska was needed to get to 12 which open up a bunch of BTN $ plus a championship game with more $.

RU and MD added NYC and DC markets, more BTN $ but, were also there for the taking by other conferences. The ACC in adding ND was making a clear play for NY but, didn't think far enough ahead to see Delany's response.

Our position is similar to RU's but to a lesser degree. If we get an invite, it's for reasons other than #B1Gharder. Either the B1G wants to closeout the Northeast, the ACC is worried about the B1G doing just that or the ACC needs to replace defecting teams.

Personally, I don't see how anyone who looks closely at how well UConn does once committed can say we don't belong in either conference. We are not RU or BC, we win stuff.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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I think if the ACC loses a school like UVA and the ACC goes on Big East style death spiral then Virginia Tech would be one of the last schools worried about a soft landing.

They might actually end up entertaining offers from the SEC and the Big 12.

Of course. Probably have already vetted the offers.

My point was simply that the Commonwealth won't allow one of the two to depart for greener pa$ture$ leaving the other in some uncertain death spiral with Duke, wake, cuse and bc.

Neither of those 2 have much to worry about. They are kids in the proverbial candy store....
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