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Aug 24, 2011
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maryland grabs some of the DC market. Adding UVA would grab more and seems to make sense to everyone in the realignment rumor world. Rutgers grabs some of the NYC market. Adding UConn would grab more and seems to make no sense to everyone in the realignment rumor world but us.

we have been talking about what u just said a lot. i have refered to it as others have as double down on those 2 markets. what i was lost in was whats double up? vs double down? just a different way to say it or does he have a different opinion on capturing the markets...


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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am i wrong that he has a decent track record so far? I thought he was actually in the know acc-wise.
Ask HFD. He keeps track of these guys. The only way I would subscribe to any blogger, tweeter or media type as having an insight to the B!G machinations is if they predicted the RU, MD move a week ahead of time. If it was the same day, that was a favor by Delaney to give them the scoop, as opposed to them being with Delaney or his inner circle of advisors.
Aug 27, 2011
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maryland grabs some of the DC market. Adding UVA would grab more and seems to make sense to everyone in the realignment rumor world. Rutgers grabs some of the NYC market. Adding UConn would grab more and seems to make no sense to everyone in the realignment rumor world but us.

yes, what he said
Aug 26, 2011
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we have been talking about what u just said a lot. i have refered to it as others have as double down on those 2 markets. what i was lost in was whats double up? vs double down? just a different way to say it or does he have a different opinion on capturing the markets...

we're all on the same page i think...just using double up or double down. Funny story about double down...i was in AC one night playing roulette and met the a big wig from KFC who was a die hard Ville fan. We got to talking about the Big East and later I divulged my love of KFC. Til this day i swear I am the first person to find out about the Double Down Sandwich outside of KFC.

Aug 27, 2011
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we have been talking about what u just said a lot. i have refered to it as others have as double down on those 2 markets. what i was lost in was whats double up? vs double down? just a different way to say it or does he have a different opinion on capturing the markets...

sorry just a jargon issue - I'm on board with the program
Sep 2, 2011
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I'll drum up the link to a podcast that McMurphy did a few days after the ACC and Notre Dame announced their agreement. McMurphy was careful to state what he was saying was his opinion. He spent about half an hour with the host answering questions about realignment. He spoke of the Big East media deal, BYU, SEC network...the whole gamut.

He specifically stated that realignment was done except for the Big East looking at BYU/ which would then force mwc to look.

Needless to say he was flat out wrong-unequivocally wrong- and missed the Maryland RU move.

The only people that knew of it were the top people at MD, Delany, RU and that's it. That news was kept quiet from mid September to mid November.

Delany learned from the 2010 feeding frenzy that ocurred when it announced it was looking. Never again, he said.

Look at any of mcmurphy's sources and newsbreaks. None of them comes from the big 10.

Would i rather mcmurphy to tweet "uconn in discussions with big 10"? heck yeah. But am i even a bit worried that he tweeted what he did? Not in the least.

SU, pitt out of blue. Rutgers MD out of blue. McMurphy and twittersphere nowhere to be found until the day before. mcmurphy won't admit it, but he has no idea what the big 10 will do.

McMurphyESPN 5:25pm via TweetDeck
To all responses about UConn/Cincinnati having shot at B1G, they don't. However, they could get pulled up to ACC if B1G expands

Just once I'd love for the conference to make him look like a massive tool by announcing UConn to B1G on Christmas Eve!!!
Dec 15, 2012
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So McMurphy adds another other statement of "UConn's not getting into the B1G." No reasoning, no support, no facts. Just simply "nope." I have yet to see good evidence as to why UConn has no shot at the B1G. We've seen plenty of evidence as to why they should be a great candidate. When anyone bothers to make an argument as to why not, the strongest one I've seen is because UVA and UNC are better options. Which stopped the B1G from taking Maryland and Rutgers after all.
Mar 25, 2012
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McMurphy has a spotless record when it comes to breaking realignment stories. That said, getting news as it's happening and getting a play-by-play account of what a conference intends to do ahead of time might be two different things.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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We all have our conceptions about this. Only Delaney knows his. But my thought is if wishes were fishes for Delaney (note the fish reference) his choices in expansion would be ND, then VA, then UNC. The last would be between UConn, BC and Cuse.

I don't see him wanting an island school so GT is out. ND won't join and I doubt UNC would either. So it is VA all the way and only thing that keeps things from moving quicker is the political/legal/monetary situation. I still think VA goes because like us the university people and the politcos will worry about FSU and the B12 and make the move to a stable conference before that option disappears. And the other spot will still be between UConn, BC and Cuse.

I think this is about right, though I don't think delaney cares too much bout islands. He'd look at the ATL like i would Tahiti -- lu$h and green.....


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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A couple thoughts... 1) What incentive does the ACC have to agree to possibly reducing MD's $50 mil? Knowing that FSU has a toe out the door already, will this result in Swofford playing hardball, drawing out the process longer than it might take otherwise? If there is something to bring them to the negotiating table, we should hope it will happen sooner rather than later. 2) Does UVA's leadership issues affect the chances they'd start talking to the B1G? Their "board of visitors" is divided in opposing factions, one faction tried to oust the president and succeeded, but then then the board reinstated the pres... a very political situation that involves even the governor. So maybe this means UVA doesn't move on the B1G quickly without a strong president, or maybe it means some player makes a power move and then things accelerate... (?)


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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A couple thoughts... 1) What incentive does the ACC have to agree to possibly reducing MD's $50 mil? Knowing that FSU has a toe out the door already, will this result in Swofford playing hardball, drawing out the process longer than it might take otherwise? If there is something to bring them to the negotiating table, we should hope it will happen sooner rather than later. 2) Does UVA's leadership issues affect the chances they'd start talking to the B1G? Their "board of visitors" is divided in opposing factions, one faction tried to oust the president and succeeded, but then then the board reinstated the pres... a very political situation that involves even the governor. So maybe this means UVA doesn't move on the B1G quickly without a strong president, or maybe it means some player makes a power move and then things accelerate... (?)
Good thoughts!!!

This process is not linear as some people are making it out to be. There are a lot of competing opinions even within the institutions, never mind between politicians, various universities within a conference, between conferences and between the various media players. So events are not predictable.

HFD proposed something that didn't receive a lot of attention. What if there is no media contract but the football teams agree to wait until 2015 until dissolving the BE. What happens to Rutgers while Md is going through their lawsuit. Rutgers is bleeding severely as a result of their athletic decision. They will get bailed out when they get into the B!G. But can they ride things out until that happens particularly if they have no revenues coming in from the media? Sandy hurt that state badly and sooner or later the politicians will be forced to make further budget cuts to the university. So Rutgers position is very precarious. Does the B!G take in Rutgers without Md if things drag out? Do they want to take someone with Rutgers so they don't have an unbalanced conference while waiting? Unlikely but who can say for certain.
Jan 19, 2012
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Good thoughts!!!

This process is not linear as some people are making it out to be. There are a lot of competing opinions even within the institutions, never mind between politicians, various universities within a conference, between conferences and between the various media players. So events are not predictable.

HFD proposed something that didn't receive a lot of attention. What if there is no media contract but the football teams agree to wait until 2015 until dissolving the BE. What happens to Rutgers while Md is going through their lawsuit. Rutgers is bleeding severely as a result of their athletic decision. They will get bailed out when they get into the B!G. But can they ride things out until that happens particularly if they have no revenues coming in from the media? Sandy hurt that state badly and sooner or later the politicians will be forced to make further budget cuts to the university. So Rutgers position is very precarious. Does the B!G take in Rutgers without Md if things drag out? Do they want to take someone with Rutgers so they don't have an unbalanced conference while waiting? Unlikely but who can say for certain.

The Big East TV deal does not expire after this year. It expires on Dec. 31, 2013. RU is expected to join the Big Ten on July 1, 2014, the very next season, so there is no lost TV money that needs to be made up by the school.

Big East teams currently earn 3.12 mm a year under our current contract. For argument's sake, even if Rutgers had to lose a year of TV revenue by waiting until the 2015 season, RU's current athletics spending is 60mm a year with a 27 million a year school subsidy. That 60mm a year is less than 2 percent of the school's $2b annual budget. Losing out on 3mm for one year is about two tenths of 1 percent.... of the school's overall annual budget.

Chump change.

I think RU can swing that, knowing that once they join the Big Ten, they will be making about 12 million in their first year, more than tripling that to 36mm when the BIG's new contract takes effect in 2017...and to an estimated 43 mm a year (the figure given to Rutgers and Maryland by Delany) by 2020, when Rutgers is earning a full share of the league's new TV rights revenue.
May 21, 2012
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The reason I think we really do have a decent shot at the Big 10, Big 12, or ACC is the ACC exit fee.

Like junglehusky is saying, what reason does the ACC have to volunatarily lower Maryland's exit fee? I think Maryland gets off for $20 million, because they voted against the increase, but why would the ACC let anyone else (other than Florida State) out for less that the full $53 million?

The Big 12 let its teams go for half, but that was essentially equivalent to what they would have gotten had they waited an extra year. The Big 12 was not dying at that point. They just wanted to move on. West Virginia got away for $20 million, but that was just damages.

The ACC will fight to the death to get the full exit fees. If they don't, it will really be like the death for many of its programs. It's not hard to argue that you need that $53 million because the loss of revenue for most of the ACC schools would easily be $53 million. If the ACC as it exists as a major conference dies, that $53 million is no longer punitive.

If the ACC is locked up, we are one of the best options available.
Aug 26, 2011
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The exit fee isn't going to prevent the ACC from coming apart if the future of college football is 4 superconferences. Given the amount of revenue at stake, it makes perfect economic sense to eat the $50 million now in exchange for not only more money, but the guarantee that the money will continue flowing in the future. I think any of the big state schools would take an offer from the Big Ten or SEC right now. The difference in revenue is staggering, especially since the ACC is locked into their deal for long time.
Aug 26, 2011
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The Big East TV deal does not expire after this year. It expires on Dec. 31, 2013. RU is expected to join the Big Ten on July 1, 2014, the very next season, so there is no lost TV money that needs to be made up by the school.

Big East teams currently earn 3.12 mm a year under our current contract. For argument's sake, even if Rutgers had to lose a year of TV revenue by waiting until the 2015 season, RU's current athletics spending is 60mm a year with a 27 million a year school subsidy. That 60mm a year is less than 2 percent of the school's $2b annual budget. Losing out on 3mm for one year is about two tenths of 1 percent.... of the school's overall annual budget.

Chump change.

I think RU can swing that, knowing that once they join the Big Ten, they will be making about 12 million in their first year, more than tripling that to 36mm when the BIG's new contract takes effect in 2017...and to an estimated 43 mm a year (the figure given to Rutgers and Maryland by Delany) by 2020, when Rutgers is earning a full share of the league's new TV rights revenue.

First, RU is going to have to swing that, but people make the mistake of looking at a big budget and thinking the athletics losses are chump change. They don't take into account fixed costs. You can't move those billions around because they are tied to faculty costs, research grants, the endowment, facilities, etc. About $100 million is fungible. A loss of $27 million is 27% of the budget that a President has the power to move around. It's a huge hit.
Aug 26, 2011
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The reason I think we really do have a decent shot at the Big 10, Big 12, or ACC is the ACC exit fee.

Like junglehusky is saying, what reason does the ACC have to volunatarily lower Maryland's exit fee? I think Maryland gets off for $20 million, because they voted against the increase, but why would the ACC let anyone else (other than Florida State) out for less that the full $53 million?

The Big 12 let its teams go for half, but that was essentially equivalent to what they would have gotten had they waited an extra year. The Big 12 was not dying at that point. They just wanted to move on. West Virginia got away for $20 million, but that was just damages.

The ACC will fight to the death to get the full exit fees. If they don't, it will really be like the death for many of its programs. It's not hard to argue that you need that $53 million because the loss of revenue for most of the ACC schools would easily be $53 million. If the ACC as it exists as a major conference dies, that $53 million is no longer punitive.

If the ACC is locked up, we are one of the best options available.

It all depends on what the lawyers say. If it goes to court, the ACC may get even less than imagined.
Aug 26, 2011
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Other conferences are seeing the ACC as having no future in big time sports. Time to stop acting as if we have no chance of getting into the B1G (when we do, according to THEM) and aim for the B1G. WTF.
Feb 21, 2012
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Other conferences are seeing the ACC as having no future in big time sports. Time to stop acting as if we have no chance of getting into the B1G (when we do, according to THEM) and aim for the B1G. WTF.

I want to agree with you here, but who is THEM you are referring to? Is it the ppl on the OSU message board? I think based on the logic of the B1G long term goals and strategy, we would make a ton of sense for them to pair with a big time football school due to our combination of great non-football sports for BTN and location. I have just not heard any of that from anyone, which to me is good, considering everyone thought the entire Rutgers board was delusional (and rightfully so) for about 4 years until about 2 days before they got invited.

People need to realize how outside of the box inviting Rutgers and Maryland was. They both have mediocre to terrible athletic programs with horribly mismanaged budgets, and are middle of the pack academically in the B1G (we are ranked ahead of RU in USNews). They were brought on strictly for television. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who puts down the idea of us getting an invite eventually is just not looking at the whole picture. I bet if you asked that McMurphy clown about Rutgers or Maryland to the B1G in Sept, he would have had the same reaction he did to UConn. He said CR was done after ND.
Aug 26, 2011
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I want to agree with you here, but who is THEM you are referring to? Is it the ppl on the OSU message board? I think based on the logic of the B1G long term goals and strategy, we would make a ton of sense for them to pair with a big time football school due to our combination of great non-football sports for BTN and location. I have just not heard any of that from anyone, which to me is good, considering everyone thought the entire Rutgers board was delusional (and rightfully so) for about 4 years until about 2 days before they got invited.

People need to realize how outside of the box inviting Rutgers and Maryland was. They both have mediocre to terrible athletic programs with horribly mismanaged budgets, and are middle of the pack academically in the B1G (we are ranked ahead of RU in USNews). They were brought on strictly for television. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who puts down the idea of us getting an invite eventually is just not looking at the whole picture. I bet if you asked that McMurphy clown about Rutgers or Maryland to the B1G in Sept, he would have had the same reaction he did to UConn. He said CR was done after ND.
Screw message boards. I am talking about their administrators.

Jan 19, 2012
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First, RU is going to have to swing that, but people make the mistake of looking at a big budget and thinking the athletics losses are chump change. They don't take into account fixed costs. You can't move those billions around because they are tied to faculty costs, research grants, the endowment, facilities, etc. About $100 million is fungible. A loss of $27 million is 27% of the budget that a President has the power to move around. It's a huge hit.

Where are you getting that RU would be losing 27 mm? Because that is what the school subsidizes? In order to save 27mm Rutgers would have to cut every sport they play... because the 27mm subsidy is for the entire athletic department...which includes 10 D1 men's sports and 13 D1 women's sports. You obviously don't think RU would cut its entire athletic program to save 27mm a year, do you?

All schools fund their athletic departments. D1, D2, D3. It doesn't matter. In a year or two...Rutgers will be collecting a lot more money, and the school will soon have to subsidize far less, if at all. If Delany's comment that by the year 2020 each school will be receiving a full share of at least 43 mm a year is correct....instead of subsidizing 27 mm a year, RU will be breaking even by 2016 or 2017 and in the black the following year.
Sep 12, 2011
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Just some food for thought, I realize that this expansion is Football driven... for now, but what happens if the power conferences break away from the NCAA for the Basketball tourney, there's a rediculous amount of money to be made there and I'm guessing this is not as far fetched of an idea to some of them with a vision broad enough. In that sense grabbing some better basketball schools would be a good idea as well because in that sense we could be worth ALOT more in that situation than we are perceived as right now...

Hypothetical I know but just some thought...
Nov 2, 2011
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I think the believers and non-believers are just speaking two different languages :

Aug 26, 2011
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Type huskyfan into Google, HFD is the second hit. Moses doesn't pop up until you type in Mose. So Google recognizes HFD on only 72% of his name, but needs 80% for Moses.



We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Type huskyfan into Google, HFD is the second hit. Moses doesn't pop up until you type in Mose. So Google recognizes HFD on only 72% of his name, but needs 80% for Moses.

That's why we need HFD in UConn's pr department. Anyone more recognizable than Moses will pay his weight in Matzos.
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