Geno can’t just go out and hire whomever he wants, the State of Connecticut requires that open positions need to be posted for x number of days. Geno wants Tonya so a job description is written that applies specifically to her.
It would be far dirtier to post a generic job description, knowing that there’s only one real candidate in mind.
In the past, the US Supreme Court ruled that an employment test must relate to the job requirements.
That ruling indicates that required job qualifications need to somehow be germane to the job.
Or else the requirement is evidence of cronyism & makes a mockery of the state hiring process.
Just because no one complains doesn't mean that the job requirement is ethical.
I'm simply asking the BY how is being an assistant coach for a NC game any different than any other NCAAT game.
I think that many of us would say that it's not significantly any different than coaching any other NCAAT game.
You notice that it doesn't say a FF game, but it needs to be a NC game.
That job requirement should need to be justified & substantiated somehow so there won't be fallout.
Getting away with it in the past for Valley only emboldens the alleged wrongful behavior now.
If Geno actually held interviews, then he should be able to justify why the person was hired.
There shouldn't be a need to seemingly fabricate job requirements in order to be discriminatory.
Then the next thing you know fans will complain about how BB officials discriminate against UConn on the BB court.
It's just a different form of being arbitrary.
CT taxpayers can complain if they think that they see some form of corrupt practices in a state agency.