Andrew Harrison on Kaminsky: "duck* that n****r" | Page 6 | The Boneyard

Andrew Harrison on Kaminsky: "duck* that n****r"

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Aug 28, 2011
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It's not. However growing up, black kids called us it and we them and there were never any issues. It was usually in the context of ni!@ you crazy if you think Pippen is better than Jordan. I'm talking like 13-14, growing up together together since elementary school. Taking the same busses etc. As you got older you realized you shouldn't use it all.

I was only being semi-serious.

Exactly right .. of all the double standards in this country (inferior schools/job opportunities in predominantly black neighbors, lower pay for equal work, job candidates being passed over bc they have "black-sounding" names, being racially profiled by police and business owners who think you're gonna steal something, can't get a cab), THAT'S the one he's worried about? If the fact that you can't call black people that means THAT much to him.. I will trade all of the above with him right now and give him unilateral permission to use that word... and I'm pretty sure I could get every black person I know on board with it

This is 100% accurate.


Do you think a majority of young black kids running around calling each other the n-word reinforces or tears down the stereotypes that lead to some of the issues you've mentioned? (some, not all)
Aug 25, 2011
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Finally, Jason Whitlock weighs in. Good lord can we put this thing to bed?

I was only being semi-serious.

This is 100% accurate.


Do you think a majority of young black kids running around calling each other the n-word reinforces or tears down the stereotypes that lead to some of the issues you've mentioned? (some, not all)
Nov 11, 2014
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Exactly. Disciplinarians like Calhoun, Belicheck, etc. have never had a player say or do something stupid because of their culture. Oh wait, those things have happened to them? Cal's clearly not a big game coach, over the line as evidenced by history (again, we need to be careful houses), but this has zero to do with him and 100% to do with a kid, shortly after a heartbreaking loss, saying something that the kids themselves recognize is no big deal. I am forever grateful that social media and hot mikes did not exist when I was Harrison's age after a Uconn hoops loss.
Disagree. It is a culture that is created that (consciously or subconsciously) a player is influenced by the actions of those above them. Sure Calhoun was a disciplinarian, but look how he treated his players. Love the man and think he is a great coach, but your actions in most things related to the game are a reflection of the coach whether it is fair or not.


Throat's all better now, thanks for asking...
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm just gonna leave this here in this thread...

Sep 9, 2014
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If Wisconsin wins tonight would love to see Kaminsky show up at the NCAA press conference wearing a "duck* This N****! t-shirt

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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I think all the white guys that want reciprocity so they can use the n-word, should do so. Indiscriminately.
No justice if you are deprived of that word's use!
Jun 10, 2012
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My take on this comment is that it wasn't anything but an expression of weariness spoken in terms that wouldn't shock anyone in the African-American community. If the young man is well brought up...which it seems like he is...he wouldn't have meant to make it publicly or to Kaminskey personally because he knew it wouldn't come across as he meant it. He would then seek out Kaminsky personally to apologize and make a public statement of same...both of which he did.

Based on my experiences at an inner city school, the n-word is said multiple times daily by these kids. For them to pop it out as a muttered imprecations is indicative of nothing other than overuse of the term. If a white player says it in an unguarded moment, the concern is that it indicates the same familiarity which says something distinctly less flattering about that individual.

Anyone seeking to use this to castigate anyone is need to ask yourself, to what purpose?
Sep 3, 2011
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Says you. We may not like it, but the use of it isn't going away among black youth. No need to skewer a kid over it to drive home some point about a double standard that doesn't exist. People in this thread did a good job explaining it if you need to better understand it.

The double standard exists because we (as a society) allow it to exist. "We" (or at least may people) definitely don't like it and it should "go away" for good. Stop enabling.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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Why are white guys so jealous of that word? Again, I recommend that you use it widely. Exercise your "equality".
Go further and call other ethnic groups by their originally demeaning names. Even though those words were used to hurt, discriminate and shame, you have have the "right" to do so. Use the K word for Jews, the G & W word for Italians, the M word for Irish, G word for Asians because we are all getting away with something by using it among ourselves.
Good grief. People have real problems to deal with and these guys are worried about their lack of access to the word with the worst history of our nation. Go for it!
Aug 26, 2011
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Why are white guys so jealous of that word? Again, I recommend that you use it widely. Exercise your "equality".
Go further and call other ethnic groups by their originally demeaning names. Even though those words were used to hurt, discriminate and shame, you have have the "right" to do so. Use the K word for Jews, the G & W word for Italians, the M word for Irish, G word for Asians because we are all getting away with something by using it among ourselves.
Good grief. People have real problems to deal with and these guys are worried about their lack of access to the word with the worst history of our nation. Go for it!

I'm amazed the only thing you get out of this is that "white guys" want to use that word or are "jealous" of it. Is that really the best you can get out of this? A guy says something which was terribly wrong and this is what you're getting out of how "white guys" are viewing this? Pretty funny and not sure where this comes from?
Apr 25, 2014
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I'm amazed the only thing you get out of this is that "white guys" want to use that word or are "jealous" of it. Is that really the best you can get out of this? A guy says something which was terribly wrong and this is what you're getting out of how "white guys" are viewing this? Pretty funny and not sure where this comes from?

Because that's who is complaining about it. I have no doubts that the people complaining about this are the white folks that see this as an injustice that someone can do something they can't.
Aug 26, 2011
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Because a bunch of people here are whining about how it's unfair that they can't call people the n-word?
Aug 26, 2011
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Because that's who is complaining about it. I have no doubts that the people complaining about this are the white folks that see this as an injustice that someone can do something they can't.

Yeah good one Bruce. I'm fn dying to say "nigga" - are you idiots serious about this or what? C'mon no one is this stupid. The kid's error in judgement was brushed off like nothing happened that's the damn tragedy here not what "WHITE FOLKS" want to say that they can't. Man people are freakin ignorant! Kind of sick of hearing about "white folks" too! WTF
Aug 26, 2011
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There's no tragedy, because his error was pretty minor and was wrapped up shortly after it happened.
Aug 26, 2011
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There's no tragedy, because his error was pretty minor and was wrapped up shortly after it happened.

Only because he was caught. The fact some people think it's ok makes it laughable.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah, he shouldn't have lost his temper at a press conference. I don't know what you think should happen.

If they still had games left he'd probably sit out for a half or something, but there's no point wishing to punish him at this point.
Aug 24, 2011
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Yeah good one Bruce. I'm fn dying to say "nigga" - are you idiots serious about this or what? C'mon no one is this stupid. The kid's error in judgement was brushed off like nothing happened that's the damn tragedy here not what "WHITE FOLKS" want to say that they can't. Man people are freakin ignorant! Kind of sick of hearing about "white folks" too! WTF

Nothing did happen. He probably wasn't even insulting Kaminsky as much as paying him a backhanded compliment, and if he was insulting Kaminsky it's absurd to think that a single white man in our nation's history has ever been insulted by a black man calling them a .

This entirely false outrage is about nothing other than (i) people who think there is a vast left wing media conspiracy thinking they are being clever by making this a news story, and (ii) people who would like that it not be a big deal when a white man uses that description to describe a black man. There is nothing else here. Unless you want to tell me that you really think Kaminsky was hurt or bothered when he heard this. I've seen many a white kid called a by a black kid on a basketball court and never seen one who was upset by it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah good one Bruce. I'm fn dying to say "nigga" - are you idiots serious about this or what? C'mon no one is this stupid. The kid's error in judgement was brushed off like nothing happened that's the damn tragedy here not what "WHITE FOLKS" want to say that they can't. Man people are freakin ignorant! Kind of sick of hearing about "white folks" too! WTF

So what is an appropriate punishment for an offense like his?
Aug 25, 2011
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Only because he was caught. The fact some people think it's ok makes it laughable.

The fact that you don't is more telling. A double standard means uneven treatment. The gist of the double standard argument is "Why is it okay for them to do it and not okay for me to do it." I'm not saying that you personally are running around wishing you could call people a n_____, but that's the essence of the "double standard."

And the people pushing the double standard canard are the ones who can't bring themselves to admit (or understand) that when a 20 year old black kid uses that word in the context Harrison did it's fundamentally different than when a 55 year old white guy uses it to refer to to that same kid. If you honestly cannot understand that distinction you should sit this conversation out.
Sep 3, 2011
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Yeah good one Bruce. I'm fn dying to say "nigga" - are you idiots serious about this or what? C'mon no one is this stupid. The kid's error in judgement was brushed off like nothing happened that's the damn tragedy here not what "WHITE FOLKS" want to say that they can't. Man people are freakin ignorant! Kind of sick of hearing about "white folks" too! WTF

Great post. So true. The kid was trying to be a thug.
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