No, you aren't thinking broad enough. Simply looks at demographics. Right now, with lock down, our health system is coming apart at the seems in areas. We simply do not have the infrastructural capacity to pull this off.
Also, without a vaccine, herd immunity is physically impossible for something that one cannot 'beat'. It ain't chicken pox.
I mean, I realize I can't argue with someone who's advocating for higher percentages of people to die. At it's basic level, it's a form of eugenics. Very, very weird and immoral hill to die on.
You are being snow jobbed by impatient politicians and business interests, pushing that idea because they want things to start up.
Oh, and as
@WingU-Conn states, since you've expressed caring about this particular topic in the past, you'll be killing off a higher percentage of black and poor folks. Which is probably a plus in the minds of some of our populace. And what he didn't mention, is these people have far less access to treatment than wealthier folks. More adverse outcomes. Again, eugenics.
If you are trusting the WHO with anything, I mean anything, you are doing it wrong. They have been on the wrong side of this from day 1. They continue to be. And not for nothing, but it's no surprise that China has significant influence over that organization.