Geno is a public Wow is he a public figure, larger than life and too often willing to say whats better not said.
The forum in which it stated those word reported was, reported too be, among Philly fans. In today's world ALL people of NOTE are aware of the potential of those words being wide spread. The onus is on Geno to protect words not to be published. The only way for his words to not be publish is for him not to say them.
The Boneyard fans, critics, haters, are not responsible for his words, regardless of how they were obtained the owner ship of those words remain with GENO .
If that is unfair--blame the world--the world is unfair---destroy cell phones, stop speaking in forum of fans, or use guarded speech. Most public figures, Geno is one, knows the potential of their words being spread. Is it unfair to accurately report the actual words Geno spoke---regardless of where they were spoken??