Couple of points here:
UCONN, due to lack of conference TV dollars, has to watch its budget. In football, Randy Edsall took a very UCONN favorable contract so he could hire the coordinators he wanted and the rest of the staff as well. The football budget will be balanced and be profitable when attendance rises.
The men's basketball budget has taken the same revenue hit as football, less tv dollars and less attendance dollars. KO has a big salary. IF KO wanted Chillious and Miller, the pay has to come from somewhere but even more importantly, do you think that Miller would take a staff demotion for Chillious? Then Miller takes Moore's spot? No way. So while Miller was surprised, something had to change and knocking Moore off the staff would not be a bold move to change the lack of momentum.
I love JC for all he did for UCONN basketball but remember, he wasn't retiring and elevating KO because he wanted to. He had physical issues that forced him out. JC had some weird comments during the Championship run in 2014 and has gone on the road the last few years. I am not sure he is at total peace watching anyone else coach UCONN. It's just how he is wired. So while he will help KO anyway he can, part of it is by not being around much. I don't think the relationship is strained, I just think it is what it is due to JC's competitiveness.
Finally, while I felt watching this team the last 2 years has been akin to 30 root canals a year, I look forward to seeing this smaller team go up tempo and play the ball KO wants. While we don't have a knock down shooter, Adams, Vital and Gilbert are good enough shooters to keep teams honest. Personally, I think we will do well next year and go dancing- without adding another player. We will add, so the question is how deep can the run be.