That’s a really short book.
Oh come on.
Episode 1 - the youthful brash NBC execute son hatches a league as part of his way of getting out from dad's shadow.
Episode 2 - reality hits when fund raising meets skeptics - show ends when angel funding saying yes.
Episode 3 - fund raising was easy compared to operational reality... owners/mayors/facilities/logos/gear... all swirl in a toxic sea of arrogance, idiocy and greed.
Episode 4 - overselling to wishful fringe nfl players
Episode 5 - media/tv deal breakthrough
Episode 6 - not all angel investors are legit/neither are all mayors&cities
Episode 7 - resurrection from near death (this is a theme that will repeat three times an episode!)
Episode 8 - a fringe college star banks a career rebirth- which lifts the league - but maybe not all in a positive way as hoped.
Episode 9 - prep for game one/opening show shot in a near real time fashion leading up to kick off. all kinds of deeper stories running through the first 8 episodes (which I have not yet developed - but will! (ie love/greed/hate/jealousy/fraud)) meet crescendo.
This stuff is easy.