Nah, there are many good, knowledgeable and hard working people doing these rankings as
@HuskyNan &
@CamrnCrz1974 can attest. The issues are mostly on the consumer side (i.e., us) because without written detailed explanations about methodologies of the rankings we assume many things and sometimes THE worst things like bias. Take the post above as an example &
@Essexdave I'm not picking on your post just using it to illustrate an example of what I'm talking about. In the example Hailey Van Lith position got changed and she moved down in the class.
Unless you understand the rating philosophy it is hard to make sense of it because Hailey Van Lith has played relatively well and probably didn't deserve to move down.
Explanation: The ESPN were at one time based on a projection of the position that the player would play at the next level. When ESPN last saw Hailey Van Lith they probably projected her to be more 2 guard than 1 guard so they switched her position. A switch in position is what accounts for the drop in the class because as we know this is a class loaded with PGs.