GOT Season Six | Page 42 | The Boneyard

GOT Season Six

Aug 27, 2011
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My wife's reaction to the Tower of Joy was cattier---"I thought Lyanna was supposed to be pretty."

I think it would be tough to pull off Lyanna looking stunningly beautiful while simultaneously dying right after giving birth. Then again, the show has dragons and giants, so maybe they could have done a better job. :D

At least we didn't get a "What's this? Twins!?!" moment during that scene.


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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It's a fair point. In a show with lots of beautiful women, the one character who was most renowned for beauty wasn't very pretty at all.

Ah but maybe there is a different definition of beauty in westeros than modern times. Kinda like how Africans covet fat chicks.
Aug 27, 2011
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Jaime and Cersei talk about it in Season 4 or 5.

So back to my original point about R+L=J...All this misery could have been prevented if Lyanna had just come clean that Robert Baratheon was never leaving the FriendZone.

It wasn't like Robert was sending her ravens asking her out. Their parents had arranged for them to be married.

I think a large part of Robert's devotion to Lyanna, even after her death, was that she was "the one who got away." Robert bedded any woman he wanted, even while he was fighting a war to get Lyanna back. If she had survived or never ran off with Rhaegar, he would have cheated on her the same way he did with Cersei. Lyanna telling him "No" through her actions was probably the only time that ever happened to him.
Sep 2, 2011
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I think it would be tough to pull off Lyanna looking stunningly beautiful while simultaneously dying right after giving birth. Then again, the show has dragons and giants, so maybe they could have done a better job. :D

At least we didn't get a "What's this? Twins!?!" moment during that scene.

Hey, I didn't endorse the sentiment, did I? Just passing it along. :)


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Ah but maybe there is a different definition of beauty in westeros than modern times. Kinda like how Africans covet fat chicks.

It really doesn't seem like it. Even the queen of thorns once looked like this.



Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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So all the Lords of the North think Snow is a Stark. On one hand, what happens when they find out he's not? On the other hand, the look from Sansa to Littlefinger was like this:



The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Back to real issues. The most interesting plot developments for me involved team Stark.
  • Littlefinger tells Sansa that everything he does is to put himself on the Iron Throne, with her by his side.
  • Sansa tells Jon that only a fool would trust Littlefinger. Jon says they must trust each other. Sansa admits that she screwed up by not telling Jon about the knights of the Vale.
  • Littlefinger tries to persuade Sansa that the North would follow her, not Jon
  • The North clearly intends to follow Jon, not Sansa and named him King in the North
Where does that leave us? The most interesting point for me, is that Littlefinger now sees Jon as a rival that must eventually be eliminated. Sansa knows this...and they exchanged looks during the meeting. Where does Sansa side? When does she clue Jon in?


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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My only problem with last night's episode is that I wanted to know what Queen Margeary was up to. Now we'll never know.

By the way -- if I was hitting that and then she was gone, I'd jump too.

Don't think there was much going on there -- when the High Sparrow had Lorris' forehead cut, she said to him "You promised you wouldn't mutilate him!" Seems clear to me that she cut a deal with the Sparrow to save her brother and herself, and in return would convince Tommen to listen to the High Sparrow. If Cersei didn't have the Wildfire cache below the Sept, Lorris would still be alive, Margery would face no punishment for her crimes, while Cersei would have likely been executed for hers. Margery would then have Tommen all to herself, and she would have been around for her son to rule the seven kingdoms.

UConn Dan

Not HuskyFanDan; I lurk & I like
Feb 25, 2012
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Lastly, I thought we might see some move by the Night King, but they remain the biggest tease of the series. In the books, they appear in the opening pages, even before we meet the Starks. Now, we've technically reached the end of book 6 (or thereabouts) and the white walkers still haven't moved south of the Wall. They wrecked the Night's Watch at the Fist of the First Men, the Wildlings at Hardhome, and the 3 Eyed Crow's pad, but they still haven't actually threatened the 7 kingdoms. Based on what Benjen Stark said, the dead can't go past the Wall, so their threat is contained. Do we see, early next season, the Night King solve that problem and breach the wall? If so, I hope they explain why that couldn't have been done earlier in the series.
My guess is that since the night king put his mark on Bran that as soon as Bran passes through the wall he will break the spell and allow the night King to follow him through (like at the weirwood tree).
Sep 2, 2011
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My only problem with last night's episode is that I wanted to know what Queen Margeary was up to. Now we'll never know.

By the way -- if I was hitting that and then she was gone, I'd jump too.

Lol. You must have really liked her. Never known you to utter anything nearing on crude before.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Lol. You must have really liked her. Never known you to utter anything nearing on crude before.

While looking for old Diana Rigg pictures, I was struck by the fact that Natalie Dormer has a little bit of a resemblance.
Aug 26, 2011
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Last evening's finale was great & leaves us with anticipation for next season, which is the producers' intent.
My big question, which has partially been addressed is if Jamie has finally seen the light. As he cleared the hill overlooking King's landing, he sees the aftermath of the Sept set ablaze by wildfire. As Cersei is coronated, Jamie is seen glaring in the background with disgust. Will we see next season that Jamie has decided that Cersei is as mad as her dad, & that he is now free to pursue lady Brienne. Will he take the Red Army with him on the ruse of combating the threat of the Starks in the North, only to ally with them to combat the true threat of the Night King & the undead? Will he then, after that threat is put to rest, go to war against Cersei with the Stark alliance? So many questions to be answered. In any case Cersei looks to be toast. It would by hilarious if she's fighting a war on two fronts against armies that are allied by both of her siblings.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Jon Snow is the son of a Stark. Just not Ned Stark.
Hm, what's the succession protocol for paternal vs. maternal lineage for King in the North? Anyway, there will have to be some developments between Bran, Jon, possibly others (from Dany's alliance) in order for Jon's true identity to become known to someone other than Bran (and the audience). Maybe some long-distance warg-ing, if Bran can't go south. Or is there some way for Bran to connect with the meisters in Old Town? The coming war with the popsicle zombies will presumably involve use of powerful magic, it'll be interesting to see who uses it, how much of that knowledge still exists in that big library.
Sep 2, 2011
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Hm, what's the succession protocol for paternal vs. maternal lineage for King in the North? Anyway, there will have to be some developments between Bran, Jon, possibly others (from Dany's alliance) in order for Jon's true identity to become known to someone other than Bran (and the audience). Maybe some long-distance warg-ing, if Bran can't go south.

Bran is going South. That's implied by Uncle Benjen's stated inability to go any further with him.

The Starks are reuniting. Just gotta get Arya to take a break from awesomeness to see the whole bunch back together again.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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Bran is going to come back and tell Jon he's a Targ, which would make Bran the Lord of Winterfell. I would imagine the people that just declared their support for Jon won't be too happy with this, and won't necessarily follow Bran. In fact, I would wager to bet they're going to think he's lying just so he can sit on the throne. I'm sure Jon and Sansa will believe him, but I'm definitely interested in seeing where that goes.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Hm, what's the succession protocol for paternal vs. maternal lineage for King in the North? Anyway, there will have to be some developments between Bran, Jon, possibly others (from Dany's alliance) in order for Jon's true identity to become known to someone other than Bran (and the audience). Maybe some long-distance warg-ing, if Bran can't go south. Or is there some way for Bran to connect with the meisters in Old Town? The coming war with the popsicle zombies will presumably involve use of powerful magic, it'll be interesting to see who uses it, how much of that knowledge still exists in that big library.

Does it matter anymore? If you were a male heir of almost any house in Westeros, you're now dead or ineligible. No Tyrells. No Lannisters unless Jamie or Tyrion produce an heir. No Baratheons (save another bastard, Gendry). No Freys. Theon isn't fathering a Greyjoy heir. No more Martells either. If Edmure can retake RiverRun, the Tullys are one of the few that have a young son. It's not a good place to have a Y chromosome.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Bran is going to come back and tell Jon he's a Targ, which would make Bran the Lord of Winterfell. I would imagine the people that just declared their support for Jon won't be too happy with this, and won't necessarily follow Bran. In fact, I would wager to bet they're going to think he's lying just so he can sit on the throne. I'm sure Jon and Sansa will believe him, but I'm definitely interested in seeing where that goes.

Bran is the three eyed raven. I think that role precludes him from accepting another, sort of like Jamie being in the Kings Watch. I still think Jon and Dany team up to beat the white walkers.
Sep 2, 2011
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Bran is going to come back and tell Jon he's a Targ, which would make Bran the Lord of Winterfell. I would imagine the people that just declared their support for Jon won't be too happy with this, and won't necessarily follow Bran. In fact, I would wager to bet they're going to think he's lying just so he can sit on the throne. I'm sure Jon and Sansa will believe him, but I'm definitely interested in seeing where that goes.

Bran is the 3-Eyed Crow. He doesn't have time to muck around with lordship stuff. I think next season is going to finally be about bringing order to the disorder. I would look more for victories and alliances than disunity and squabbles. On the whole. I mean, at some point the plot has to go there and Dany's return is the beginning. Only people who are finally gonna lose and lose big are Cearsie and Littlefinger.
Aug 26, 2011
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My wife's reaction to the Tower of Joy was cattier---"I thought Lyanna was supposed to be pretty."
Seeing how handsome (not) young Ned was you think Lyanna should be a beauty?

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