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Wolf is Back!

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Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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I have a tough time with this one. I'd have to think that Kevin Ollie would have done more than just drop his scholarship and he would face explulsion from UConn's disciplinary process if what he did rose to that level. Ultimately I don't know what happened... Ollie, the courts, and the University discipline process probably have a better sense of it than I do... so I'm going with that.

$40k is a lot of money. That's a substantial punishment if his crime is basically acting like an balloon knot and not having the good sense to leave a crappy situation before he does something stupid. It was more serious than just being a belligerent balloon knot, he put his hands on her. No matter what his intent nothing good could come from doing that.

Oh and how much he does or doesn't contribute to the team should have zero impact on this. If it was the best player on the team in the same situation I'd hope they handle it the exact same way.
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Aug 29, 2011
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Oh and how much he does or doesn't contribute to the team should have zero impact on this. If it was the best player on the team in the same situation I'd hope they handle it the exact same way.
One can hope that this sets a new model for dealing with this stuff. I hope we never have to see whether it holds true, but in the event that it does, it would be good to see the Athletic Department apply similar penalties to other offenders.
Aug 25, 2011
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One can hope that this sets a new model for dealing with this stuff. I hope we never have to see whether it holds true, but in the event that it does, it would be good to see the Athletic Department apply similar penalties to other offenders.

C'mon, you sort of hope we get to see. Any thoughts on anything else that's been going on lately?
Aug 28, 2011
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The NCAA is horsebleep. And they have no standing in this situation in any way.

If someone goes to jail and serves their time, they are judged by their actions in the present. It's called paying for your crime.

The charges against Wolf were dropped. He admitted his mistake. He took the proper steps to move on. There was no crime. So he loses his scholarship? How is that fair in any way?
Aug 29, 2011
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The NCAA is horsebleep. And they have no standing in this situation in any way.

If someone goes to jail and serves their time, they are judged by their actions in the present. It's called paying for your crime.

The charges against Wolf were dropped. He admitted his mistake. He took the proper steps to move on. There was no crime. So he loses his scholarship? How is that fair in any way?
Who said anything about the NCAA having something to do with this? The charges were dropped, but that was a decision by the prosecutor and the judge. But he is subject to other penalties as well. The university could have, if it so decided, expelled or suspended him from school. Then there is the basketball level. The basketball team could have kicked him off the team, revoked his scholarship, or suspended him from part of the season or Ollie could have told him to run stadium steps at 5 AM(if we still had a stadium)...Those are all independent judgements, and generally speaking, one is not dependent on the other. Though obviously, if he had been sentenced to a year in prison, for example, one can assume he also be out of school and off the basketball team, and if he had been kicked out of school, he's also gone from basketball. But except in those extremes, each of those are independent judgements. It is really pretty common to have to answer to multiple sources in a situation like this. And one other point. Just because the charges were dropped, that doesn't mean that he didn't do what he was accused of doing. The court simply decided that a treatment program was preferable to punishment in this instance. Ollie and manuel made a different decision.
Aug 31, 2011
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The NCAA is horsebleep. And they have no standing in this situation in any way.

If someone goes to jail and serves their time, they are judged by their actions in the present. It's called paying for your crime.

The charges against Wolf were dropped. He admitted his mistake. He took the proper steps to move on. There was no crime. So he loses his scholarship? How is that fair in any way?

All of this talk about "charges" and "crime" is irrelevant. He embarrassed himself and the program. He caused "Uconn basketball" to once again be in the news for a negative reason, which has happened a few too many times in recent years. He didn't just get caught drinking at a party - it was far worse than that. There's a new administration (and coach) in charge who clearly want to clean up our image. And they decided that what Enosch did warrants more than an 8 game suspension.

And guess what? If he wants - and if he earns it - he still could be jumping center against Maryland in the Barclays Center. You could make the argument that kicking him off the team completely would be excessive. I don't think this is at all.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Too soon to tell, but I doubt those posters who think that KO is doing this to improve the "program's image" or to kowtow to the NCAA are correct. KO is a different kind of guy. Character matters with him as does accountability. He is making it abundantly clear that the bar at Connecticut is very high in terms of your personal actions. That is his expectation and I bet he doesn't care one bit what you, I or the NCAA thinks about it. JMO
Sep 2, 2011
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Everything you write makes sense.


Lyle McCombs.

All of this talk about "charges" and "crime" is irrelevant. He embarrassed himself and the program. He caused "Uconn basketball" to once again be in the news for a negative reason, which has happened a few too many times in recent years. He didn't just get caught drinking at a party - it was far worse than that. There's a new administration (and coach) in charge who clearly want to clean up our image. And they decided that what Enosch did warrants more than an 8 game suspension.

And guess what? If he wants - and if he earns it - he still could be jumping center against Maryland in the Barclays Center. You could make the argument that kicking him off the team completely would be excessive. I don't think this is at all.
Aug 29, 2011
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We recently had a situation which was somewhat similar locally. A local police officer was arrested for some off duty illegal activity. The prosecutor and the court dropped the charges after he entered a rehab program. The Mayor, who has the power to fire him elected not to do so. The Police Chief who has the authority for discipline in the department short of firing, where he can only recommend, suspended the officer for 30 days and re-assigned him to some lower duty level. Nobody said, "well the charges were dropped so he shouldn't be suspended and re-assigned." He violated the law, but the DA elected not to prosecute. the mayor decided his crime didn't rise to a fireable offense when taken in the total context(i.e. he was getting treatment and the charges were dropped), but the chief saw his violation of departmental policies as worthy of suspension. Same thing happened with Mr. Wolf.
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe Enosch only has a semester or so left to graduate??? Even if he or his family have to pay, finishing a degree makes sense especially if he can pull it off in a semester. He won't transfer credits to most German universities too easily, but he can go home with a degree and play hoops somewhere in the world for OK money as a 22ish year old for a few years.
Good point. I see it possibly happening too now that you say it. So use to kids with a bball mind set to just get on with playing professionally and forgo the added expense.
Aug 26, 2011
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Too soon to tell, but I doubt those posters who think that KO is doing this to improve the "program's image" or to kowtow to the NCAA are correct. KO is a different kind of guy. Character matters with him as does accountability. He is making it abundantly clear that the bar at Connecticut is very high in terms of your personal actions. That is his expectation and I bet he doesn't care one bit what you, I or the NCAA thinks about it. JMO

Lots of positive comments along this line. Impossible to know, but there are two possibilities:

1. Ollie took the scholly as punishment. Wolf has known for a while, but has done all the right things and now has the option to return as a walk-on. Lasan Kromah was added as a 1-year stopgap due to Ollie taking the ship. I hope this is the timeline, as it is fair to all involved.

2. Ollie wanted Lasan Kromah, and used Wolfs situation as an opportunity to get this kid in here. This would not be ideal, and is the sort of, cough, roster management that I despise in college athletics.

From what we know of Ollie this situation is probably closer to #1. At least I realllllllly hope so.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think what Uconn did was the right thing. Wolf is not likely to contribute much to the team anyway. I think when he was given the scholarship originally, Uconn was hoping that he would develop into a solid front court player. He hasn't. He can still walk on if he wants but I would think the Kevin Ollie would want to give his minutes to others with a higher upside. Now that recruiting is on the up-tick he can use the extra scholarship.

Anyone who thinks they are as good or better without him didn't watch much last year. They were a better team with him in there and to think they have anyone with a "higher upside"......well let me ask who does for sure?

There is no telling what Brimah brings and although I like Nolan a lot to leave him and Tyler as the only definite C's isn't a fuzzy picture for a team with high hopes. We know he's 7'1 which neither is, he can shoot it a little and pass it a little and alter shots.....want to let me know which of them is better at any of that? Nolan is a good athlete and showed promise but the Huskies are better and deeper if EW comes back!!


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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Lots of positive comments along this line. Impossible to know, but there are two possibilities:

1. Ollie took the scholly as punishment. Wolf has known for a while, but has done all the right things and now has the option to return as a walk-on. Lasan Kromah was added as a 1-year stopgap due to Ollie taking the ship. I hope this is the timeline, as it is fair to all involved.

2. Ollie wanted Lasan Kromah, and used Wolfs situation as an opportunity to get this kid in here. This would not be ideal, and is the sort of, cough, roster management that I despise in college athletics.

From what we know of Ollie this situation is probably closer to #1. At least I realllllllly hope so.

I really doubt Ollie took our potential starting center's scholarship away just so he could bring in a 4th guard who will likely play 10 minutes a night.
Aug 29, 2011
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I know its not allowed to post it here, but nationally UConn has a reputation as a thuggish, dirty program. Whether that is deserved or not, and I'd say mostly it is not, UConn also needed to do something to begin turning that perception around. I believe that this fits nicely into that narrative. While you can argue that others like Syracuse deserve the rep more than we do, that is not really relevant. We got it. this will begin changing that reputation. If Wolf decides not to return, it will do even more to restore our good name. But the days of the head coach complaining because the AD enforces the rules on his players are over I think. this has the feel of a united front. Also a good outcome I believe. Whether we have another player who can step up is an open question, but sometimes you have to take short term setbacks for long term gain.


Really Popular Poster
Aug 28, 2011
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I know its not allowed to post it here, but nationally UConn has a reputation as a thuggish, dirty program. Whether that is deserved or not, and I'd say mostly it is not, UConn also needed to do something to begin turning that perception around. I believe that this fits nicely into that narrative. While you can argue that others like Syracuse deserve the rep more than we do, that is not really relevant. We got it. this will begin changing that reputation. If Wolf decides not to return, it will do even more to restore our good name. But the days of the head coach complaining because the AD enforces the rules on his players are over I think. this has the feel of a united front. Also a good outcome I believe. Whether we have another player who can step up is an open question, but sometimes you have to take short term setbacks for long term gain.

UConn is considered a dirty program because it went from rags to riches. New $ always immediately gets labeled dirty. Yes we've had our problems and maybe slightly more than average, but at the end of the day its jealousy. The internet is a terrible place to get the pulse of the public eye. ESPN comments will jade anyone.
Aug 31, 2011
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UConn is considered a dirty program because it went from rags to riches. New $ always immediately gets labeled dirty. Yes we've had our problems and maybe slightly more than average, but at the end of the day its jealousy. The internet is a terrible place to get the pulse of the public eye. ESPN comments will jade anyone.

People consider Uconn a dirty program because of NCAA sanctions, APR penalties, and multiple players getting arrested. These things actually happened.
Aug 26, 2011
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People consider Uconn a dirty program because of NCAA sanctions, APR penalties, and multiple players getting arrested. These things actually happened.

These things actually got reported ......... they don't everywhere else and that's the truth. Far from clean but not nearly as bad as some that you never hear anything about.......under the rug programs!!


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Well said!!! Enough is enough. Taking his scholarship seems to be petty. Charges were dropped. So he made some mistakes, so what? didn't we all do it at some point? I don't know his finance but this really hurts.
I don't know the full details of what did happen (there are only a few people who do) but he did, as a scholarship athlete, cause a disturbance (and quite a bit of bad press) in a situation where a representative of the university should have been far more intelligent and in control. I personally see nothing wrong with reinstating his participation privileges but not his scholarship privileges for the basketball program.

As far as paying for his final year, if he is on schedule to graduate, it would be foolish of him not to return (and in effect he would be paying roughly $10k per year for a top notch degree). Additionally, the training he will receive (towards a professional basketball future, even if it would be in Europe) on its own would be worth the cost. I don't know what his financial situation is or what his plans are but i don't see the stance that the athletic department (and/or basketball program) has taken as being remotely unreasonable.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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People consider Uconn a dirty program because of NCAA sanctions, APR penalties, and multiple players getting arrested. These things actually happened.
...at pretty much every college campus across America. Most far more than at Connecticut.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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If Wolf is as great as everyone seems to claim why wouldn't he transfer?


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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If Wolf is as great as everyone seems to claim why wouldn't he transfer?
I suspect he will try although its sometimes tough to find a school who wants to pay two years tuition for a dude who can only play one year of hoop.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I know Whaler thinks that we can win with 4 guys under 6'5 because in his rec league, 6'5 seems pretty tall. For UConn to be more than a novelty next year, we need Wolf. I hope he comes back and makes the improvement that I expect from him. If Olander and a 6'8 frosh are UConn's centers, UConn will be staring at an 8/9 matchup the first weekend of March Madness.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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If Wolf is as great as everyone seems to claim why wouldn't he transfer?

Pretty snarky. I'm pretty sure similar thoughts about his ability were had by many concerning Chuck O going into 2010-11. Wouldn't miss him if he was gone, etc.
Aug 24, 2011
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I agree logically, but if he is a 'Man' and wants to correct a wrong then he should return. The cost will be nominal to his Euro pro salary, and easily paid back. He owes UConn for his lapse in judgement. In a way coming back IS a good career move, in more ways than one. Can he live his life telling his story of why/how he left UConn?

Its a proper amend for him to return. I really hope he comes back, not for basketball but for him as a young adult.

I also applaud UConn move taking the schollie, its the right thing to do.

It's easy for you to say that it will be "easily paid back". We don't know his financial situation, and getting a contract that pays a lot in Europe is not at all a sure bet.
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