How MANY apps are on your phone?
I have >400 and suspect I could let go of a few...
Spark - Two versions. One for personal email and their beta version for work.
Carrot Weather - Psychotic weather app. See picture.
Halide - It’s a camera app that does amazing things with RAW photos.
Shortcuts - New favorite app. Endless tinkering.
Calendars 5
Instagram - So I can stalk my daughter.
Overcast - Podcasts
Audible - Bookcasts
Flipboard - News
Swarm - Social app by FourSquare that no one uses, but makes a decent trip journal app.
Bonus Plus - Our supermarket’s app.
Amazon - Large retailer that sells stuff and launches rockets.
SchoolTool - Daughter’s school told me I needed it.
OnDeck - Like SchoolTool, but my daughter’s swim team told me I needed it.
MeetMobile - Race results for said swim team.
Nest - So I can override my wife when she sets the thermostats at 105 degrees.
AeroPress Timer - Recipes for making coffee with an AeroPress.
AnyList - Grocery/Recipe/list maker. More functional than Paprika.
Google Voice - The phone number I give people/companies I don’t want to talk to.
Feedly - RSS reader.
Stash - Read-it-later service.
FlightRadar - Our house is on the glide path for a few airports. Like to see where the planes are from.
FEMA - Weather alerts. (You need this.)
FireFox Focus
Garmin Connect - It connects my Garmin, funny enough.
HeartWatch - Heart rate app for the Apple Watch.
Optimum - Our cable company.
Remote - AppleTV remote.
Authy - Generates codes for two-factor authentication for Dropbox, Google, etc.
USPS Mobile
FAST - Netflix app that tests your internet connection speed
1Blocker X - Ad blocker.
Netgear Genie - Handles the home wifi.
Hue - Lets me screw with the lightbulbs in the guest room when the inlaws visit
Home - Apple app that handles the lights and switches and garage door and crap.
Retouch, Snapseed, PhotoScan, Unspash, Google Photos, Focus, Clips - Photo editing, etc.
Skiplagged, Hotel Tonight, Skyscanner, Hopper, Hitlist - Airfare/hotel tracking apps.
Word, Excel, Books, Prizmo Go, Agenda, Drafts, Files, Documents, PDF Expert, Scanner Pro, PDF Optim - Boring, but necessary work apps.
AAA - I have the platinum plan. They will help me bury a body if I want.