Q: Do we even know if she would be eligible next season?
A: We do not know.
Q: If not, when will we find out?
A: Here are next steps and rough timeline.
1) Evina has to be accepted by UCONN and put on scholarship. Any day now.
2) Evina will be enrolled in one or both of the Summer sessions at UCONN. (June 3 - August 16, 2019)
3) UCONN submits request for immediate eligibility on day one of Evina's enrollment-June 3rd, 2019
4) Revisions, rewrites, tweaking of the waiver request. (June- September 2019)
5) NCAA will make a final decision ~ October, 2019 based on the Jessica Shepard timeline.
Apologies CocoHusky, I can't resist this:
5) NCAA staff member reviewing transfer waiver for student-athlete E. W. calls M.E. for guidance on waiver decision:
Staffer: I have a request fro waiver for E.W., her coach got fired and she wants another school now.
M.E.: Is she going to ND or UNC?
Staffer: Unnnh, no.
M.E.: Well that makes it tougher, but possible. It depends on the circumstances. What school does she want?
Staffer: Unnnh, you know, that one you used to work for before they pushed you out for incompetence, UConn.
WT*! Unprintable, unprintable, NEVER! You call me about a UConn waiver again, you'll be looking for a job.
Staffer: Yes sir. Waiver denied.
If we are lucky enough that Westbrook decides to come here, and a waiver is granted, I will publicly apologize to the NCAA here on the boneyard.