I'd LIKE to see us do really well. That's my fantasy. But honestly at this point I have no idea what to expect. Watching games the last 2 seasons felt like nails on a chalk board - impossible to experience without cringing.
Realistically I'd like to see an improvement from last season. I think a 20+ win season would exceed pretty much all reasonable expectations. I'd like to see us win the games we should, and even win a few that come down to the last second, or games we probably shouldn't have won. Lord knows there was precious little of that the past few seasons.
I just want this team to be fun to watch. I want the kids to have fun playing (while busting their asses at the same time). I'd like to see some sort of coherent offense run, and some sort of stable defense to be played. I'd love to see Hurley chew the ass off of some of the players and then see them respond. If you compare what we do to what we did the past 2 seasons, the bar is really low, and we should be able to achieve improvement easily. But we are UCONN. I want more (within reason)...