I agree that we need five guards. There had been talk that one of them might be Lecque. The fact that we took both of these players would seem to make that less likely which in turn makes it less likely that we are going to be good next year.
I'm not saying it's the end of the world, and I get that people want to be positive, but there's also no sense in pretending that there isn't a real opportunity to be a factor next year with an addition or two. Assuming Adams is back, there's something to work with and something to recruit with. I don't buy the fact that it's too late in the process, the grad market is comprised of guys you literally can't recruit until they declare their intent to transfer, not to mention the fact that he doesn't suddenly lose the connections he made at Rhody by moving down the street to Storrs. If he could have brought a kid like Harris with him, that would have been very helpful. He had plenty of time to think about how the roster was going to come together while he was not coaching URI over the last six weeks of their season, so I would say it's reasonable, based on precedent, to think that if a young coach is going to be a force on the trail, he's going to show some signs of that right away rather than taking dudes from Duquesne. If you're Hurley you have the chance to coach Jalen Adams once and you don't want to waste it like Ollie did.