UConn and BCU talkin' | Page 4 | The Boneyard

UConn and BCU talkin'

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Redding Husky

UConn & SMU alum
Mar 12, 2015
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If UMass ever got its act together, a UConn-UMass football rivalry could be the best non-military rivalry in the Northeast. It could make BC an afterthought. Northeastern "rivalries":

Pitt-Penn State is dead.
Pitt-WVU is dead.
Syracuse-Penn State only mattered to Syracuse.
Maryland-WVU would have potential, but it's going nowhere.
Rutgers-Penn State? Don't make me laugh.
UConn-Rutgers died before it got off the ground.
BC-Syracuse doesn't matter; it's two private schools.

But UConn-UMass may have a lot of appeal, if the teams were decent.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Two simple words: D*ckhead Troll.
Its called being realistic. It doesn't really do anything for anyone. Have them get us in the ACC then we'll start the rivalry.
Sep 30, 2014
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This reminds me of the Civil Conflict. UCF doesn't really care, and either does Boston College. No incentive to play other than drive attendance up for one game - but that's not worth the possibility of getting beat by a lesser New England school.

Whether anyone admits it or not, the reality is: No potential rival (contrived or otherwise) is ever going to take UCONN football seriously if they can't even compete regularly in a conference their fans think they're too good for.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Whether anyone admits it or not, the reality is: No potential rival (contrived or otherwise) is ever going to take UCONN football seriously if they can't even compete regularly in a conference their fans think they're too good for.
No one is going to take UConn football seriously unless they win. That's the reality.
Feb 22, 2014
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If UMass ever got its act together, a UConn-UMass football rivalry could be the best non-military rivalry in the Northeast. It could make BC an afterthought. Northeastern "rivalries":

Pitt-Penn State is dead.
Pitt-WVU is dead.
Syracuse-Penn State only mattered to Syracuse.
Maryland-WVU would have potential, but it's going nowhere.
Rutgers-Penn State? Don't make me laugh.
UConn-Rutgers died before it got off the ground.
BC-Syracuse doesn't matter; it's two private schools.

But UConn-UMass may have a lot of appeal, if the teams were decent.

Sorry but UMASS is never going to get its act together in a manner that anyone outside of either school will ever notice. UMASS is woefully underfunded, plays in a glorified HS Stadium, has no ability to recruit athletes, and has the burden of zero conference affiliation. How can they ever create a product that will be attractive to TV outside of their annual paycheck games against Big 1o and SEC opponents?

I'm not saying this to be mean, but realistic. UMASS is minimum 30 years behind the curve and losing ground. UCONN has a better chance of forging a rivalry with Temple, a team that can recruit athletes, has some backing, and plays games on television. Hopefully you all get a B1G invite someday and get to renew your rivalry with Rutgers. Conference affiliation is the only trump card they hold over you, and they cling to it like grim death.
Aug 26, 2011
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1) The lawsuit is an excuse not to play not a reason.
2) If you think that Blumenthal somehow went rogue and prosecuted the suit on his own, you are mistaken.
3) Pittsburgh was plaintiff in the suit. If suing poisoned UConn chances, why didn't it hurt Pitt as well?
4)We now know that UConn was the first choice to join with Syracuse. They back filled with Pitt after BCU balked. So your supposition that that Pitt's superior planning got them in is flawed.
Jun 2, 2015
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If UMass ever got its act together, a UConn-UMass football rivalry could be the best non-military rivalry in the Northeast. It could make BC an afterthought. Northeastern "rivalries":

Pitt-Penn State is dead.
Pitt-WVU is dead.
Syracuse-Penn State only mattered to Syracuse.
Maryland-WVU would have potential, but it's going nowhere.
Rutgers-Penn State? Don't make me laugh.
UConn-Rutgers died before it got off the ground.
BC-Syracuse doesn't matter; it's two private schools.

But UConn-UMass may have a lot of appeal, if the teams were decent.

Let's ignore the fact that most of this post is just totally wrong, but are you really saying that umass needs to get their act together ? Did you not see Uconn last season ? Umass would roll Uconn presently
Jun 2, 2015
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It must be tough to get you BC fans to stop yawning. I mean, if USC at 8pm on ABC does nothing for your students and alums, who does?

BC consistently outdraws Uconn YOY (even with Uconns aggressive attendance records, see SMU 2015) so the attendance point you keep harping on doesn't really make sense. Also, the Uconn game of the millennium (vs Michigan) wouldn't even have been close to a sellout without all he maize in the crowd


We are not amused.
May 5, 2015
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This is seen thru a Connecticut prism however.. and I get that. But in Massachusetts, there is more interest in BC and Umass getting together and playing football, than a BC - Uconn game. If we asked casual sports fans from Massachusetts would they rather watch BC play Uconn or Umass, the vast majority would say " Umass ". Thats not a disrespect to Uconn. Its the fact that there are far, far more graduates of the College State systems in Massachuetts, than there are Uconn grads in Massachusetts, especially the closer one gets to inside rte 495 corridor of Eastern Mass. This notion that somehow if Uconn plays BC in football that this will somehowbe a big shot in the arm to " New England College Football " ( heard many a time here ) is simply seen thru a Connecticut prism. BC students and alums are mostly from outside New England. They are not from N.E. at all. And there are few Uconn grads in Greater Boston( compared to alums that graduated from the State college system of Umass- Amherst, Umass- Boston, Umass- Lowell, and 7 other Massacusetts state colleges.) As a result, BC will have more Massachusetts residents at a BC- Umass game than a BC- Uconn game. So the fact that a BC- Umass game has more interest in Greater Boston than a BC- Uconn football game would is being shared now on here as seen thru a Massachuetts prism. Again, I DO understand the Connecticut prism lens here, and it makes perfect sense to me as to why this is seemingly such a big deal for people of Connecticut, or who are Uconn grads. I get that. I do. I just wanted to share however how this is looked at thru most Massachusetts casual sports fans prisims and who are not connected to BC in any way as alums there.
I disagree. I live outside of Boston and have ties to BC and UConn. BC v UMass does not register; people up here will watch BC v UConn.
Dec 25, 2011
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BC will play Umass most years. Thats seems to be enough local attraction for college football fans in the state of Massachusetts from my observation.

UMass (Amherst) is in Massachusetts? I wonder how many folks on Beacon Hill know that?
Dec 25, 2011
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There is a pecking order in college football. ND looks upon BC ,the way BC looks upon Uconn,, and Uconn looks upon Umass, the way Umass looks upon Holy Cross. It may not be fair, but its the reality of how football programs and its fan bases see themselves.

Ditto for the relationship between Rutgers & Penn St as there are a lot of Jersey HS grads who to to Penn St. just as a lot of CT HS grads go to BC. Penn St. is the established program. Rutgers likes to think of themselves as the up and comer. Both schools carry weight in NYC. Penn St could have felt threatened by this; but, instead they voted to allow Rutgers to join the B1G. On the flip side, BC did feel threatened by UConn and blackballed us using the lawsuit as an excuse. The lawsuit was foolish; but, had little to do with BC's actions. After all, if it was all about the lawsuit, why wasn't Pitt blackballed, too?
Dec 25, 2011
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BC consistently outdraws Uconn YOY (even with Uconns aggressive attendance records, see SMU 2015) so the attendance point you keep harping on doesn't really make sense. Also, the Uconn game of the millennium (vs Michigan) wouldn't even have been close to a sellout without all he maize in the crowd

In 2014, BC drew 34,300 while UConn drew 27,460. Considering how poor UConn's on-field product was in 2014 and the lack of any marquee games (unlike Michigan in 2013) whereas BC did get USC at home, not as big of a difference as it should have been.


Providence-Newark-San Antonio
Aug 26, 2011
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In 2014, BC drew 34,300 while UConn drew 27,460. Considering how poor UConn's on-field product was in 2014 and the lack of any marquee games (unlike Michigan in 2013) whereas BC did get USC at home, not as big of a difference as it should have been.

Given the product on the field, the home schedule, and the "history" that BC wraps itself in, this has to be down right embarrassing for them. Switch places and UCONN would average 40,000 while BC would be lucky to break 20,000. Which is precisely why they will continue to do all they can to keep UCONN out of the picture. Can't see them playing us when they are running this scared.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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Did you read your own link?

Connecticut, Rutgers, Pittsburgh and West Virginia already are suing Miami.

"We just got off a conference call," Blumenthal said early Monday evening. "All the presidents have authorized this lawsuit."

ppst... Blumenthal's a Democrat... so he MUST be the reason why we didn't get into the ACC.
Aug 26, 2011
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ppst... Blumenthal's a Democrat... so he MUST be the reason why we didn't get into the ACC.
The state made the decision. Blumenthal was the mouth piece. Sometimes you should just shoot the messenger. Look...Pitt got in despite the lawsuit because they had an established D-1 football program with a little tradition(and first team All Americans. Tony Dorsett, Mike Ditka, Dan Marino to name just a few but that go back to 1918) and UConn did not. To date UConn has no Div 1 first team All Americans. The lawsuit wasn't the only thing keeping UConn out of the ACC but it sure came at the worst possible time. Basketball alone wasn't going to get them in and I suspect there were a lot of ACC women's basketball coaches that wanted nothing to do with Geno's Juggernaut twice a season, every season.
Aug 24, 2011
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You've given absolutely nothing... Just sayin. You've said nothing that everyone doesn't already know, good job.! Anything else you mention is speculation and your opinion is as good as anyone else's on the board, but keep in mind it's your opinion... Period!

LMAO. Are you a ten year old? Or did I miss your explanation as to how BC being offended by the lawsuit doesn't stop them from voluntarily scheduling us in those sports in which they find scheduling us to be in there best interest? (Which, by the way, is a fact and not an opinion.)


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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It's really not that hard to figure out. Our own fans have a tough time believing we belong playing big time football let alone programs like Clemson and Florida State. You add in BC actively working against us... and probably some pettiness from Syracuse and Miami and it was enough to keep us from joining the ACC. It's got absolutely nothing to do with the quality of football we played (until PP showed up), Blumenthal, our TV market, the value of our AD, our attendance, our girls basketball coach, Mike Ditka, or Jim Calhoun's crankiness.

I mean BC's AD bragged about it, he spelled it out.. it was about protecting turf. If that's not enough evidence for you... I donno what else to tell you.


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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Well you talked about their stacked schedule and forget about some of the hideous teams they have on their schedule that they could easily replace for us.
3 of the first 4 home games are Maine, Howard and Northern Illinois.
We'd probably lose badly to Northern Illinois right now... lol

Perfect Hair

I saw Diaco drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics
Oct 24, 2014
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So, this is like throwing red meet to hungry dogs. None of these coaches have much of a say- although their jobs may be at stake for saying too much. Both schools and their mothers/fathers know what a wonderful thing it would be for the schools, states, region (and even country) to play football. But as the BC's AD and coach remarked- there are scars. And these structured feelings are embodied in not just individuals, but also in institutions- the very fabric of things. Yes, we will play, one of these days, just don't know when that might be.
While I appreciate the news(?) from DC, he could push his way further in and talk to those who the sun nerver shines on. Of course it's much easier to talk to those loitering outside the doorway.

Addazio is on record as saying he'd rather play these patsies (Howard, Maine etc) than legit teams. Yes, he's a CT guy and wants to pretend to be a supporter but in reality he has forced his ADs hand and "forced" him to play a weak schedule. Somebody on here on an earlier page (I'm too lazy to look it up) made the asisnie comment of saying "we should offer BC a 2 for 1 to call their bluff". It's this kind of attitude that BC has shown in the past, now I read it on here. We are in a second tier conference and our program is struggling, we are in NO position to be high-minded about anything. We are not better than UMass, just as BC is not better than us so let's please get off any horse that appears to be as high as the one the nuts from Chestnut Hill sit on.


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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Ok, so now that everyone has played the blame game and gotten over things, and its all water under the bridge for hurt feelings- lets get a contract in place and get this thing done! There's no question (not just us) but both schools could benefit from creating a meaningful geographic rivalry game annually. The AAC for UConn and the ACC for BC haven't proved to be great boons when it comes to scheduling and filling seats (espectially at The Rent).

Perfect Hair

I saw Diaco drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics
Oct 24, 2014
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We'd probably lose badly to Northern Illinois right now... lol

NIU is a legit team, there is no question they have been better than us the last couple of years. We need to make sure that the Maines, Howards and Villanovas of the world are not better than us.
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