UConn and BCU talkin' | Page 3 | The Boneyard

UConn and BCU talkin'

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Jun 2, 2015
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I wish Addazio was our coach. So close to getting him.

This is a good start. BC is our biggest rival, that game would get our fan base fired up.

How is BC a rival at all, yet alone Uconns biggest ? They haven't played in 10 years, Uconn has never beaten BC, and they don't even play the same level of football
Jan 15, 2014
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Nope! All southern schools: Wake,UNC,Duke,Virginia and Maryland but we know where they stand stand now. BC has Cuse and they desperately need them because except for Bball season they feel the same way about the Fruit too!

You said you talked recently with" fans from ACC schools" Then just listed " Maryland " as one of those ACC schools. Maryland is in the Big, not the ACC. So of course they would not care anymore about BC... nor any school in the ACC, for that matter. Wake is worse than BC in football, so who cares what they think about BC Football. Duke, UNC, Virginia, are in the Coastal Division of the ACC, not the Atlantic Division... so none of these schools play one another most years, so naturally BC fans don't think of these schools, in equal proportion that they can be expected to not to think of BC, either.
Sep 21, 2011
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That said, BC still has larger attendance at its home football games, than Uconn football does. So I wouldn't be knocking BC football on its home game football attendance attendance, when Uconn football has less fans at its games, than BC and yet is essentially the only game in town, and with no surrounding competition for the sports loving fan's dollar either.
Give UConn the ACC schedule and give BC the AAC schedule and how do you think those attendance numbers move for both schools, skippy.
Jan 15, 2014
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How is BC a rival at all, yet alone Uconns biggest ? They haven't played in 10 years, Uconn has never beaten BC, and they don't even play the same level of football
Agree. In order to have a football " rivalry " with another, both schools have to play each other in football, and play each other every year in football too. And even THAT would not make for a football rivalry. Both schools would have to recognize that each is the others rival. Its not enough that just one side thinks this. For example, BC and ND's record against one another the last 20 years in football, shows ND with a slight edge in the match ups. If BC alums consider this other catholic school their football " rival", is it a football " rival " ? No... its not. ND does not consider BC their football " rival ", and so they are not. Besides, BC and ND don't play one another each year, and so that a " rivalry " deal breaker too. As for BC and Uconn, this is not remotely close to being a football rivalry, as the teams don't play, BC has won all the previous games ( tied once ), and BC students and Alums don't see Uconn as a football rival. Is Umass, Uconn's football rival ? No, of course not. It wouldn't matter what Umass fans might think on this either. If Uconn doesn't think Umass is their football rival, than that alone makes it a non rivalry game. That said, I have no idea who will be Uconn's football rival moving forward. The Uconn football coach wants it to be Central Florida... but thats dubious too as neither school's fans want the other as their football rival. So who knows where this goes regarding Uconn's quest to find a suitable football rival.
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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Bottom line: BC and Pitt saw the writing on the wall when Miami and VT left and acted on it when the opportunity presented itself. If UConn football started a generation earlier things would have been a lot different but..... if you snooze you lose. The state and UConn in particular snoozed too long on Division 1 football and now they're paying the price for it. You can crap on BC all you want but it's only talk. They hold the cards and until UConn can produce a ranked, marketable football team that TV wants to show BC won't have a reason to play the Huskies when they can play Cuse, Pitt, ND, Miami, Clemson, Fla St, Louisville, the Virginia and Carolina schools. The lawsuit just gave BC another reason to NOT play UConn so you can thank your U S Senator for that colossal blunder.
UConn: put a winner out there like TCU, T. A&M and Boise St did and conferences will want you. Beat Missouri! beat BYU! Beat the teams that your not supposed to and folks will take notice including BC. Diaco needs to shut up and concentrate on strategy. Do your talking on the field pal.

1) The lawsuit is an excuse not to play not a reason.
2) If you think that Blumenthal somehow went rogue and prosecuted the suit on his own, you are mistaken.
3) Pittsburgh was plaintiff in the suit. If suing poisoned UConn chances, why didn't it hurt Pitt as well?
4)We now know that UConn was the first choice to join with Syracuse. They back filled with Pitt after BCU balked. So your supposition that that Pitt's superior planning got them in is flawed.
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Sep 21, 2011
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How is BC a rival at all, yet alone Uconns biggest ? They haven't played in 10 years, Uconn has never beaten BC, and they don't even play the same level of football
It is not a rival now, due to BC's choosing.
It had potential for a damn good regional rivalry but as has been said a million times, BC wants no part of UConn being on a level playing field as them because they worry that what happened in hoops will happen on the gridiron.
Jan 15, 2014
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1) The lawsuit is an excuse not to play not a reason.
2) If you think that Blumenthal somehow went rogue and prosecuted the suit on his own, you are mistaken.
3) Pittsburgh was plaintiff in the suit. If suing poisoned UConn chances, why didn't it hurt Pitt as well?
4)We now know that UConn was the first choice to join with Syracuse. They backfilled with Pitt after BCU balked. So your supposition that that Pitts superior planing got them in is flawed.
The notion that BC has such enormous political clout and leverage in the ACC that all the other ACC schools defer to what BC wants is something that seems to dwell within the state of Connecticut alone. Yes, its true that BC voted " yes " to Uconn's admittance to the Big East in all sports, and " yes" to Uconn's admittance to Hockey East for Hockey, but " no " to Uconn's admittance to the ACC. " yes " its true that BC did not want a resurgent Uconn Football program in its neck of the woods. But its silly to think that BC has the political clout to call the shots with the other ACC schools ( or even the BIG schools ). Bottom line, if the other ACC schools felt that adding Uconn to their league would make them money, they would push BC aside in a heartbeat and invite Uconn . Same with the Big.
Jan 15, 2014
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It is not a rival now, due to BC's choosing.
It had potential for a damn good regional rivalry but as has been said a million times, BC wants no part of UConn being on a level playing field as them because they worry that what happened in hoops will happen on the gridiron.
I think you could be right. There are ND people that said that ND should never have scheduled BC in football a few decades ago., as it would help elevate their program. At the time, ND felt they could schedule BC, and they'd win all the games between the 2 schools. But in time BC moved up and over the last 20 years, the won loss records show ND with just a slight edge, and even the BC losses to ND have mostly been close game right down to the wire. There are ND folks that said ND made a mistake to have ever scheduled BC in football decades ago.. Perhaps in retrospect, from a ND perspective, they are correct in that assessment. For BC, its much more closer to home too. Uconn is much closer in miles to BC, than ND is to BC. So BC probably believes that if they can prevent Uconn from moving up in football to their level in football, then by all means do so. The lawsuit gave BC an excuse to do what they felt they needed to do to protect their investments and protect what they view as their " turf ", ie New England. BC football is the king of college football in New England , has been for over 40 years, and BC decided to keep it that way, and do what they could, both on and off the field to prevent an intrusion on BC's 40 year dominance of N.E College football.. Thats my sense of this anyway, as a non BC alum. That said, if the other ACC schools ( or the BIG ) wanted Uconn in their leagues, BC couldn't stop this.
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Sep 21, 2011
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The notion that BC has such enormous political clout and leverage in the ACC that all the other ACC schools defer to what BC wants is something that seems to dwell within the state of Connecticut alone. Yes, its true that BC voted " yes " to Uconn's admittance to the Big East in all sports, and " yes" to Uconn's admittance to Hockey East for Hockey, but " no " to Uconn's admittance to the ACC. " yes " its true that BC did not want a resurgent Uconn Football program in its neck of the woods. But its silly to think that BC has the political clout to call the shots with the other ACC schools ( or even the BIG schools ). Bottom line, if the other ACC schools felt that adding Uconn to their league would make them money, they would push BC aside in a heartbeat and invite Uconn . Same with the Big.
Conferences tend to allow their schools to protect their turf as long as its not a preposterous request. Because Pitt was an acceptable replacement to UConn, they went with BC's wishes early in the process to change it from the original UConn/Cuse addition to Cuse/Pitt
The Louisville thing as we all know by now was a move by the football schools to wield power. The hoops schools willingly gave up their reputation as an academic conference first and foremost by taking Louisville over UConn so that the FSU's and Clemsons could be happy.
Considering how many posts you have as a BC fan on a UConn board, I'd have to believe you've heard of these things by now.

Why are you on the Boneyard again, considering the two schools aren't rivals?
Jan 15, 2014
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Conferences tend to allow their schools to protect their turf as long as its not a preposterous request. Because Pitt was an acceptable replacement to UConn, they went with BC's wishes early in the process to change it from the original UConn/Cuse addition to Cuse/Pitt
The Louisville thing as we all know by now was a move by the football schools to wield power. The hoops schools willingly gave up their reputation as an academic conference first and foremost by taking Louisville over UConn so that the FSU's and Clemsons could be happy.
Considering how many posts you have as a BC fan on a UConn board, I'd have to believe you've heard of these things by now.

Why are you on the Boneyard again, considering the two schools aren't rivals?
Sorry, but I'm just not going to explain anymore why I an here. I have explained it more than a dozen times now, over the lat couple of years, and thats enough explaining, if you are still interested in this, others can perhaps explain it to you.

As for BC " wishes being honored ":, the ACC schools really don't care about BC's " wishes ", They principally care about making money.. ..period. If the ACC schools ( or the BIG ) concluded that adding Uconn to their league over other possible school choices would make them more money, that would easily trump honoring BC's " wishes " on this matter. Thats just common sense too, imo.
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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Sorry, but I'm just not going to explain anymore why I an here. I have explained it more than a dozen times now, over the lat couple of years, and thats enough explaining, if you are still interested in this, others can perhaps explain it to you.

As for BC " wishes being honored ":, the ACC schools really don't care about BC's " wishes ", They care about making money.. period. If the ACC schools ( or the BIG ) concluded that adding Uconn to their league over other possible school choices would make them more money, that would easily trump honoring BC's " wishes " on this matter. Thats just common sense too, imo.

Yeah the ACC doesn't have issues to vote on... and where a handful of votes can block things those votes can't be traded.

Congratulations to your fine kollege: your strategy to finally be ahead of UConn athletically is working.

Yet you'd have to admit that you achieved it by being the biggest bunch of pu@@ies that ever walked the planet. Clearly that doesn't bother you - which says as much about you as it does your beloved kollege.

Anyone who had any confidence in their athletic program would welcome a local peer and let the results talk. Instead you and your beloved BC prefer to win administratively instead of having it out on a level playing field.

Again we get thousands of words from this idiot but HFD gets banned.
Jan 15, 2014
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Give UConn the ACC schedule and give BC the AAC schedule and how do you think those attendance numbers move for both schools, skippy.
Well, if you want to change things around like THAT, what if we moved the Celtics, Bruins, Red Sox, Patriots to Hartford from Massachusetts, gave you guys the ACC schedule to play in Hartford with all these pro teams there in Hartford too, and see how BC ,without this pro sports competition anymore in their area, does with their football attendance back up in Boston, compared to Uconn football in Hartford in THAT scenario. You want to do that,........" skippy " ?
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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Well, if you want to change things around like THAT, what if we moved the Celtics, Bruins, Red Sox, Patriots to Hartford from Massachusetts, gave you guys the ACC schedule to play in Hartford with these pro teams too, and see how BC ,without this pro sports competition anymore, does with their football attendance compared to Uconn in Hartford THAT scenario. You want to do that... " skippy " ?

Why don't we make a simple change. Add UConn to the ACC and let's see what happens.

Oh wait. That's too scary for your 'leadership'.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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My guess is they both (along with the football coaches from both schools) but BC's leadership wants nothing to do with us (in this sport). The parties that want it are trying to paint BC's leadership into a corner where they have no choice but to approve the game(s).
Do you really think BC "leadership" spends .000001 second thinking about football scheduling? If Adazzio and Bates want the game it will happen
Apr 25, 2013
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So, this is like throwing red meet to hungry dogs. None of these coaches have much of a say- although their jobs may be at stake for saying too much. Both schools and their mothers/fathers know what a wonderful thing it would be for the schools, states, region (and even country) to play football. But as the BC's AD and coach remarked- there are scars. And these structured feelings are embodied in not just individuals, but also in institutions- the very fabric of things. Yes, we will play, one of these days, just don't know when that might be.
While I appreciate the news(?) from DC, he could push his way further in and talk to those who the sun nerver shines on. Of course it's much easier to talk to those loitering outside the doorway.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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This reminds me of the Civil Conflict. UCF doesn't really care, and either does Boston College. No incentive to play other than drive attendance up for one game - but that's not worth the possibility of getting beat by a lesser New England school.
Aug 24, 2011
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BC will play Umass most years. Thats seems to be enough local attraction for college football fans in the state of Massachusetts from my observation. The state college system in Massachusetts produces a lot of grads that are from Massachusetts, many of whom remain in state for jobs after graduation. So they like playing BC. As for BC, most of their students now are from outside of N.E., so most of them would just yawn if a New England College like Uconn was put on the football schedule. It does nothing for these students, alums.. That said, I totally understand how this would be a VERY big deal in Connecticut, as many of its grads are residents of Connecticut, and Uconn football is ( or was ) big in the state.

There is a pecking order in college football. ND looks upon BC ,the way BC looks upon Uconn,, and Uconn looks upon Umass, the way Umass looks upon Holy Cross. It may not be fair, but its the reality of how football programs and its fan bases see themselves. All fan bases feel put upon by the ones higher up on the pecking order than them. There is nothing new under the sun in this, imo.

Why the disrespect in such a passive aggressive way. You are a visitor to this board, be respectful and act like a visitor.

You may refer to our UNIVERSITY as follows:
The University of Connecticut
Connecticut's flagship State University
One of America's preeminent state universities

Given this board is largely dedicated to collegiate athletics you may also refer to the UNIVERSITY as follows:
Home of the 4 time nation champion UCONN men's basketball program
Home of the 10 time national champion UCONN women's basketball program
Home of .....list conference and national championships too numerous to elaborate upon here.....

We are NOT a New England college. I'm sure you are familiar with at least one, so that may be what limits your perspective and ability to show basic respect and politeness as a visitor to a board dedicated to the athletics of such and fine UNIVERSITY.

Mods, for what it's worth, I'm with Whaler on this one. It's time.
Jan 15, 2014
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Why the disrespect in such a passive aggressive way. You are a visitor to this board, be respectful and act like a visitor.

You may refer to our UNIVERSITY as follows:
The University of Connecticut
Connecticut's flagship State University
One of America's preeminent state universities

Given this board is largely dedicated to collegiate athletics you may also refer to the UNIVERSITY as follows:
Home of the 4 time nation champion UCONN men's basketball program
Home of the 10 time national champion UCONN women's basketball program
Home of .....list conference and national championships too numerous to elaborate upon here.....

We are NOT a New England college. I'm sure you are familiar with at least one, so that may be what limits your perspective and ability to show basic respect and politeness as a visitor to a board dedicated to the athletics of such and fine UNIVERSITY.

Mods, for what it's worth, I'm with Whaler on this one. It's time.

The context is everything. I was referring above to BC, Umass, ND, Uconn., I mentioned the distance factor. I referred to BC and Uconn both as a ' New England College " in respect to the DISTANCE factor, alone. If you care to reread that, you should be able to see that I was referring to this. I am aware that are 4 schools are Universities and not " colleges". As such It should be clear to all here that my comments as read in its appropriate context above regarding Uconn as a " New England College " had no disrespect component to it whatsoever. Put your pitchfork down. I did not disrespect Uconn by referring to it in such context as a " New England College " . All 3 of Uconn, BC, Umass were included in this context as " New England Colleges " by me, and it was in relationship to my comments on ND ( locaated in the midwest )) with distance a factor with the other 3 " New England Colleges ". Requesting to the moderators that I be banned for something like this is a bit ridiculous. My comments here regarding Uconn tends to be FAR less critical , aggressive hostile, poster insulting,, disrespectful than many of the Uconn alums with their own school, leaders, teams, other posters.. Thats my sense on how I have conducted myself in relationship to others on here over the last few years anyway.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Other than Notre Dame, the private schools are never going to have the pull public schools will. The masses (obviously) can relate to public schools much easier than most private schools. Schools such as BC would be best served by coming to terms with that and working within their own region to drum up interest amongst their own fanbase. But at this point in time, I'd rather develop a rivalry with UMass-Lowell.
Aug 24, 2011
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The context is everything. I was referring above to BC, Umass, ND, Uconn., I mentioned the distance factor. I referred to BC and Uconn both as a ' New England College " in respect to the DISTANCE factor, alone. If you care to reread that, you should be able to see that I was referring to this. I am aware that are 4 schools are Universities and not " colleges". As such It should be clear to all here that my comments as read in its appropriate context above regarding Uconn as a " New England College " had no disrespect component to it whatsoever. Put your pitchfork down. I did not disrespect Uconn by referring to it in such context as a " New England College " . All 3 of Uconn, BC, Umass were included in this context as " New England Colleges " by me, and it was in relationship to my comments on ND ( locaated in the midwest )) with distance a factor with the other 3 " New England Colleges ". Requesting to the moderators that I be banned for something like this is a bit ridiculous. My comments here regarding Uconn tends to be FAR less critical , aggressive hostile, poster insulting,, disrespectful than many of the Uconn alums with their own school, leaders, teams, other posters.. Thats my sense on how I have conducted myself in relationship to others on here over the last few years anyway.

So you know we are a preeminent state university and lumped us in as a "New England college".

The correct response Yawkee was an apology, not a diatribe.
Jan 15, 2014
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So you know we are a preeminent state university and lumped us in as a "New England college".

The correct response Yawkee was an apology, not a diatribe.

I saw nothing to apologize for, as you totally miscontrued by remarks, assigned to me a disrespect with my useage of the phrase " New England College(s) " that was neither intended, nor delivered, as such, then asked for my banning because you saw slight in that phrase, where there was none. In that vein, if it is an apology that should be extended, it would be more appropriate to be coming from you to me on this. That would be the correct, intelligent, gentlemenly thing to do now that you have had an ample opportunity to hopefully conclude that there was no slight at all to Uconn with my useage of this phrase for the 3 schools of Umass, Uconn, BC as New England based " Colleges ", in respect to ND as a midwest based school ( or college, or university, what have you )


Providence-Newark-San Antonio
Aug 26, 2011
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This reminds me of the Civil Conflict. UCF doesn't really care, and either does Boston College. No incentive to play other than drive attendance up for one game - but that's not worth the possibility of getting beat by a lesser New England school.

Two simple words: D*ckhead Troll.
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