Yeah, well to delve a little deeper into the "history" of the program.. The administration at WA had a handshake deal to absorb the PSA program 4-5 years ago and at the last minute a wealthy investor dropped a few million into the school and PSA walked away from the deal. Administration dealt with this in a very petty way (that's how they deal with everything up there) and decided to create a post grad program and essentially attempt to put them out of business.
The corresponding move with this was to buy the Pomfret School which had gone out of business and that gigantic business expense blew up in their face because the school fell into massive financial peril. Partly because they were putting all of these pseudo blue chip NCAA prospects on scholarship - meaning they then had to scratch and claw to fill every bed of the dorms - which substantially brought down the academic component of their boarding population.
They found moderate success with Bergeron at the helm, but obviously he was up to some below board activities while there. He found a better deal, I think they knew he eventually would, and he pointed them in the direction of his successor and the program has been just treading water since then.
I've sent a few players to PSA over the years, and while the program has found success and continues to raise it's profile - I just have always been concerned with the academics there. Whenever someone asks me about the place, I just respond with a deep sigh and say, I just hope these kids' transcripts aren't scrutinized heading into college. Tommy is a good guy and does a great job up there, but as an educator myself, the academic component up there is very troubling.