Again I really liked the episode, but its just fun to do this Meyers-bringgs show rationalizations tests.
I usually test as ISTJ, although I have tested E and P also. But always ST. Figures huh?
1. So your society-building is Maggie takes over Hilltop b/c she can drive a tractor and one guy at Kingdom lost his family so knows a dictator must eventually be stopped? Not exactly high complexity sociological interaction, or did I MISS something again?
I don't recall saying the society building was supposed to be complex. But they do show varied ways to build a local society. Now we are on to combining those local ways into a more world society. That could get a little more complex, if they choose to show that. It would seem at some point with different local societies, they would have to form some sort of representative government.
2. Why have Carol and Morgan persist with the pacifist bs, I was glad they were on-screen because they are good actors, but why show them taking their cards off the table when everyone else anti's in? Seems really obvious dumb inevitable setup of a flip-flop in aforementioned clusterfuk episode to come next half-season.
Well we already know Morgan's back story of why he is somewhat a pacifist. Although we've seen he will kill to protect if he absolutely has to. He may not go to war, but undoubtedly the war will come to him.
Don't think Carol is so much a pacifist as just tired of killing people. Or having to kill people. Turning into a killer or a monster, or she feels she already has and just wants to try an gain some humanity back. If left alone, she really doesn't have to deal with that. But again undoubtedly the war will come to her.
3. The Rosita scene is correctly identified as most suspension of disbelief unraveling. I thought maybe Negan blocked the bullet with his bat like Wonder Woman. Then I called BS on Negan immediately examining the bullet and identifying as homemade and making a big deal - what about WHERE DID YOU GET THE GUN?! Lastly if you are going to have your bad arse military chick miss from close range when aiming right at someone you can't end the scene by having someone else magically whirl around in a circle and shoot someone dead in the eye.
Well again like I said above, because TV (or movies). See Storm Troopers for example.
4. Negan scratched on his last shot
Yea, I was hoping to see if he would just pull out the cue ball and continue with his turn. You know, Negan Rules.