So you saw Vogelsnack walk up to "Milkshake." Awesome. My oldest daughter just moved to Queens and she turned me on to the Gametime app for buying tickets (which is what I used for Sunday's game), and she said the cheap seats were going for $3 yesterday. She couldn't get to the game because she had to work, but she's gone for $10 earlier this season.
Anything new of interest for food or drink selections? Where were your seats?
I tend to be a bit picky about my seats and really like being low down in the 300s directly behind home plate. Great perspective, cover from the elements and club access with much shorter food, drink and restroom lines. Obviously not the cheap seats, but the app was great for scoring a huge discount. It's a bit addicting because the prices and inventory fluctuate quite a bit and drop precipitously when Gametime approaches, but by then the seats in those sections are usually gone.