Is this a canary in the coal mine, bill?...just shocked by Dixon as I thought he would start or play a ton
I love all the guys that take every opportunity to criticize Randy Edsall. All he has done is put the best football team on the field that any UConn football fan has gotten the opportunity to enjoy. I have been a diehard fsince the Walt Nadzak days, and the run that we had with RE at the helm is unparalleled (Conference tiltes, bowl games, NFL players). He does it the right way, building a foundation that is sustainable. He is an awesome evaluator of talent, which is necessary to recruit at Connecticut. His integrity is off the charts. What happened since he left was criminal (The choice of the CT HS football coaches, The Broyles award winner). He deserves every bit of 5 years to right this ship.
What 4 or 5 star recruit has verballed to UConn for 2020? Isn’t that part of the problem?Really. Best in UConn history, isn't that like the tallest midget? Let's not get carried away with a couple of 1st place ties in the BE over 7 years. After coaching UConn for 5 years the team entered the BE and HCRE1.0 coached there for 7 years before he became HCREDreamJob1.0. During this time the BE record and place (amongst 8 teams) were:
3-3 tie 5th
2-5 tie 6th
1-6 tie 7th
5-2 tie 1st
3-4 tie 5th
3-4 tie 4th
5-2 tie 1st
If his foundation was so sustainable, who did he leave as QB for the twins and how sustainable did it turn out to be since don't think there has been a winning record since he became HCREDreamJob1.0.
You say his integrity is off the charts, that may well be true, I am not in any position to know. Are you? Let's ask Crocker if he thinks HCRE2.0 treated him fairly and with integrity. HCRE2.0 seems more of a narcissist to me where he never, never, never does anything wrong; it always seems to be someone else with eye discipline problems or inability to execute. Ask him a probing question and you get on his "not with MY program" list.
HCRE2.0 has set the bar so low that a FBS win in 2019 will be seen as proof positive than he has the team on the right track.
What has HCRE2.0 done for you to say he DESERVES 5 years. Maybe he needs that much time or more, but what has he done to deserve it? He coaches every day and gets paid every day. He doesn't like his pay or circumstances he can leave (he's shown he knows how to do that). If he produces another year in 2019 like 2018 why wouldn't it be ok to fire him if the AD thinks that is not good enough and there is a better alternative? If 2019 is like 2018 (or near abouts) HCRE2.0 SHOULD be fired even if it means losing some of the 4 and 5 star recruits that have verballed to UConn for 2020.
Is this a canary in the coal mine, bill?
You minimalize a couple of 1st place finishes from a program that started at 1-AA, good for you. I, and many UConn FANS were ecstatic to pack the Rent, go to bowl games, be there for the win at ND. Who could have imagined all of that watching games at Memorial Stadium. I support the guy that gave a proud UConn alum what he thought that he would never see.Really. Best in UConn history, isn't that like the tallest midget? Let's not get carried away with a couple of 1st place ties in the BE over 7 years. After coaching UConn for 5 years the team entered the BE and HCRE1.0 coached there for 7 years before he became HCREDreamJob1.0. During this time the BE record and place (amongst 8 teams) were:
3-3 tie 5th
2-5 tie 6th
1-6 tie 7th
5-2 tie 1st
3-4 tie 5th
3-4 tie 4th
5-2 tie 1st
If his foundation was so sustainable, who did he leave as QB for the twins and how sustainable did it turn out to be since don't think there has been a winning record since he became HCREDreamJob1.0.
You say his integrity is off the charts, that may well be true, I am not in any position to know. Are you? Let's ask Crocker if he thinks HCRE2.0 treated him fairly and with integrity. HCRE2.0 seems more of a narcissist to me where he never, never, never does anything wrong; it always seems to be someone else with eye discipline problems or inability to execute. Ask him a probing question and you get on his "not with MY program" list.
HCRE2.0 has set the bar so low that a FBS win in 2019 will be seen as proof positive than he has the team on the right track.
What has HCRE2.0 done for you to say he DESERVES 5 years. Maybe he needs that much time or more, but what has he done to deserve it? He coaches every day and gets paid every day. He doesn't like his pay or circumstances he can leave (he's shown he knows how to do that). If he produces another year in 2019 like 2018 why wouldn't it be ok to fire him if the AD thinks that is not good enough and there is a better alternative? If 2019 is like 2018 (or near abouts) HCRE2.0 SHOULD be fired even if it means losing some of the 4 and 5 star recruits that have verballed to UConn for 2020.
You minimalize a couple of 1st place finishes from a program that started at 1-AA, good for you. I, and many UConn FANS were ecstatic to pack the Rent, go to bowl games, be there for the win at ND. Who could have imagined all of that watching games at Memorial Stadium. I support the guy that gave a proud UConn alum what he thought that he would never see.
The bar was already set low when he came back. I admire a guy that can admit he was wrong, say that he regretted how he left, and come back at a fraction of the market compensation. He gives money out of his own pocket to subsidize his coach’s salary and donate to the program. Crocker was a bad hire. Strong leaders acknowledge their mistakes, and make the tough decisions. Unfortunate but necessary.
Apparently, all of that is not good enough for you.
That is a major part of the problem, along with a raft of tells that the RE2 experiment went bad early and continues to be off track. Had they stayed the course in year 1 on O and did what it took to keep the 2 most talented coaches and built on that SEC foundation, we would sitting in a lot better spot with recruiting connections, better coaching, higher levels of expectation of play, etc...instead we kept a fool with no real FBS experience or connections running a joke D for two years.What 4 or 5 star recruit has verballed to UConn for 2020? Isn’t that part of the problem?
For those viewing the departure of MW and Dixon as some sort of sign of the apocalypse - have you looked at the transfer portal in general? Lots of programs - very successful programs - are seeing a ton of churn. And sometimes it’s with kids that were set to play, but are leaving anyway. Good summary in the link below.
Transfer Portal: Tracking players exploring transfer options
Tracking players who've entered their names in the NCAA transfer
Are they losing players to FBS programs and bringing in D-II transfers? Did they start with a historically bad roster? Are they set to go into the season with 80 or so scholarship players?
Not at all. This is about terminating tolerance for mediocre efforts at living up to the requirements to be a student athlete.
Edsall tried to coach the uncoachable - time to cut the lossesPure apologista nonsense. This is the type of player we need to be bringing in not pushing out.
1. There is so much movement I haven’t had time to delve into the trends yet. Some good programs are losing key back ups just because said kid wants to be a starter someplace in their final year. The bad programs are losing kids that just simply want to be on a winner. A lot of kids just moving home or leaving because their school no longer wants them post injury.
2. Few had a roster like ours...
3. On the scholarship thing, I have seen some stories that several programs in the P5 expect to be well under their 85 slot allotment because we are now several years into the 25 man rule. Lots of programs are seeing the combination of transfers, grads and dismissals exceed 25 for back to back years, yet you are only allowed to bring in 25 replacements. I could be wrong, but it appears when the 25 man rule first came into being it was practiced that grads and JUCOs were exempt from the count, so a program could reload that way. Apparently that has been clarified to as part of the new portal to not be the case, all scholarships count towards the cap except for kids that have been WOs for two years. So- while I have been barking about mismanagement, I think you will read a lot of programs will have unused scholarships this fall. I fully expect a rule change next winter.
As it stands, because of the 25 man cap, we can add just 2 to 4 kids this cycle. The reason it is unclear is because January enrollees can be flexed back and forth between years (I believe).
So what does all this mean for UConn? Edsall doesn’t want to swing and miss again like he did with Hinton from Columbia. These last few slots have to be with kids that are really coming here. Beaudry, Harris, Morgan and Brown clearly want to be here and accept the challenge and opportunity. Second, I think they are looking hard at character. They need that locker room to be 90% good character guys/ guys that want to be coached and pushed... no more mediocre talent that has to be babied... that’s not working with the level of talent we get. Edsall will dabble with weak academics if the talent is superior...none of the kids that left had superior athletic talent. Third, all indications are that there are more guys floating in the portal than there are seats left in P6. This is the first year of this open process. Let’s see if they can find some interesting kids in June and July because the seats are gone and the clock is up. Of course - gonna have to be a kid that accepts UConn is the place - grad kids can walk at any time.
I understand the transfer dynamic.
It’s not they dynamic that is UConn’s issue.
There is something seriously ‘wrong’ here where they seemingly can’t get anyone to commit.
You wouldn’t think it would be possible to be worse than last year. They may be worse than last year.
It’s year three and there isn’t a single thing to point to in Edsall’s favor.
I respect him personally and for what he did here - but it ain’t working and I don’t see any signs it’s going to work.
Pure apologista nonsense. This is the type of player we need to be bringing in not pushing out.
You obviously have an undeniable bias against RE1, RE2, RE everything - that's fine - just don't keep writing things that exclude the good just to make your pointReally. Best in UConn history, isn't that like the tallest midget? Let's not get carried away with a couple of 1st place ties in the BE over 7 years. After coaching UConn for 5 years the team entered the BE and HCRE1.0 coached there for 7 years before he became HCREDreamJob1.0. During this time the BE record and place (amongst 8 teams) were:
3-3 tie 5th
2-5 tie 6th
1-6 tie 7th
5-2 tie 1st
3-4 tie 5th
3-4 tie 4th
5-2 tie 1st
If his foundation was so sustainable, who did he leave as QB for the twins and how sustainable did it turn out to be since don't think there has been a winning record since he became HCREDreamJob1.0.
You say his integrity is off the charts, that may well be true, I am not in any position to know. Are you? Let's ask Crocker if he thinks HCRE2.0 treated him fairly and with integrity. HCRE2.0 seems more of a narcissist to me where he never, never, never does anything wrong; it always seems to be someone else with eye discipline problems or inability to execute. Ask him a probing question and you get on his "not with MY program" list.
HCRE2.0 has set the bar so low that a FBS win in 2019 will be seen as proof positive than he has the team on the right track.
What has HCRE2.0 done for you to say he DESERVES 5 years. Maybe he needs that much time or more, but what has he done to deserve it? He coaches every day and gets paid every day. He doesn't like his pay or circumstances he can leave (he's shown he knows how to do that). If he produces another year in 2019 like 2018 why wouldn't it be ok to fire him if the AD thinks that is not good enough and there is a better alternative? If 2019 is like 2018 (or near abouts) HCRE2.0 SHOULD be fired even if it means losing some of the 4 and 5 star recruits that have verballed to UConn for 2020.
You obviously have an undeniable bias against RE1, RE2, RE everything - that's fine - just don't keep writing things that exclude the good just to make your point
Anyone can look down on RE1 on how he left the team BUT not pound on him for the why - to many, a chance to coach at their alma mater would be a dream job
RE2 came into a complete crap show and it would take out of the world results in recruitment to even get a representative team on the field for AAC play in the 1st 2-3 years - I know of no coach who isn't named Sweeney or Saban who could make the sudden turnaround you and some others are unrealistically (IMHO) looking for from RE2
Do any of us enjoy spending season ticket $ on what we saw the last few years? Hell no. But I strongly feel we have to give RE2 a little benefit of the doubt
I have no idea what "he has done" to deserve the 5 years that was agreed to - and you seem to think you do know that he hasn't done much - must be great to be an insider
If 2019 is like 2018 (or near abouts) - what the heck does this mean? Love the specificity
You honestly think the db AD David Benedict is going to admit a mistake and fire RE2?
As far as integrity - I'll leave that alone, I don't personally know the man but I do know that his dealings with one person, Crocker, is not enough to determine a person's overall level of integrity
Are they losing players to FBS programs and bringing in D-II transfers
Realistically what’s the difference between bringing in a one/two year JUCO transfers (acceptable/expected) versus bringing in D2 transfers (mocked)?
Sure I could be wrong and Seton Hill North may take off - but this roster is worse than last year’s as of today.