Before you guys accuse others of being apologists, realize that lots of totally inconsistent statements are being made to make Ollie look bad. For instance, mere minutes before this thread on the St. John's kid was posted, someone wrote this to me in regard to my statement that there are slim pickings out here now in April:
@upstater nobody was expecting Chillious to re-stock the roster with five star talent, but as it stands now we're struggling to put enough bodies together to field a team. It's absolutely fair - and reasonable, I think - to expect him to find guys in the grad market that can play at this level. Even at this stage in the game, it's not selling water in the desert to get somebody to buy in on the idea of playing with a championship caliber back court in a competitive conference. If we can't get guys from Green Bay or UMass to come here with tons of minutes available, there is a real problem."
And one of the posters here blaming us for being apologists then agreed with the statement by writing:
"Well said, don't understand why this is so hard to understand for some on the board."
The same person came here to this thread and called this kid's possible commitment "Sad."
So what in the world are we to assume other than people have it out for Ollie no matter what? Either Ollie takes a transfer from UMass or Green Bay or East Bumfudge, or it's sad that Ollie is taking one from St. John's.