So who starts at QB next week? | Page 4 | The Boneyard

So who starts at QB next week?

Oct 14, 2015
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I think you have to stick with Pindell. Shirreffs played well but a lot of that was due to the fact that the Holy Cross defense was gassed late in the game. That is exactly what UConn's new offensive system is designed to do. The constant pressure of fast paced offenses is supposed to wear teams down.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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Everyone has valid points. However, I think gioff23 closing remark is most valid. Bryant won't be here next year. Yes, he is a better leader and the team has more confidence in him because of what....experience.

I like Bryant and offer him a lot of respect for what he has done. Never had a solid group of supporting players around him.

Dave needs experience. Did anyone realistically think Tom Brady was taking over the program?

What other inexperienced QB on the sidelines would have done as good or better. He'll get better as he experiences adversity going from Jr college talent to FBS/FCS opposition. He, or some other QB on the bench has to experience football challenges and growing pains at this level as the program tries to rebuild for the future. ,,,,,,,, before the arrival of Fall 2018.

Bryant can be, and continues to be a valuable asset. He can be a tremendous learning asset to Dave P as we move forward

And meanwhile, the losses continue to pile up. We cannot afford to lose games, period. You play the guy that gives you the best chance to win games. It's not about next year. Bobby Fiasco screwed us with his lame approach to a season, supposedly always "building for the future." The future is now.

You want examples? Try Jameis Winston. Stepped in from day one as a true freshman, and didn't have the luxury of any JUCO experience. Yeah I know we don't have any Jameis Winstons on the roster, but Pindell isn't even remotely close to Tyler Lorenzen when he came here with similar prior experience. I was at Lorenzen's first game vs. Duke. He was poised and ready to play at this level. Granted he had an OL and this team obviously doesn't, but he was a leader. The lack of an OL makes it even more imperative for Shirreffs to start. He's proven capable of performing despite that handicap.
Aug 26, 2011
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Bryant missed a couple throws but when the lights came on he proved himself to be a leader...Pindell...not so much.

I think it's an easy call.
Yes, BS gets the start but Pindell will be back. Hated to see BS overthrow the deep ball, just like last year. He's a tough kid and a real competitor, the team needed that last night.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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I have to go back and watch the game on my DVR to see it all more clearly.

My hunch is that pindell didn't have full command of the plays or setting the o line or something because the team did seem to respond better to Sherriffs. Also, Pindell seemed nervous too and never settled in.

I would tell Pindell this is your team, but we are going to go with Sherriffs this week to give you extra time to master the offense. I would tell him get ready for week three.

After I watch the game tonight/tomorrow I may change my mind, but that is what I am thinking this morning.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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I don't think that it is good for the kid or the program to name someone a starting qb and then not start him more than once. Looks like the coaches understand that if a starter is not doing the job, for whatever reason, there will be a change - don't think that would have happened with last 2 HCs. Pindell did have decent stats and I am convinced he has the tools to be very very good. He needs to start next Saturday but needs to understand that if it is not going well, BS is going in. And BS needs to know that he will be on the sidelines Saturday but be assured that they will call his number. It is a luxury to have - now lets work on that OL
Aug 27, 2011
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No we don't. We have never seen him play four quarters with a real OC, a real coach and an offense that is actually trying to move the ball and score points.

Shirrefs has been the whipping boy on and off the field for two years. He took way more blame than he deserved. He was benched for a guy who is now a second string WR. He played hurt. He lost his job to a Juco and never once complained

Then he comes in, moves the ball. Leads a double digit comeback from late in the third quarter and then a game sealing drive to kill the clock.

He deserves to start. Even ignoring what he's been through here before edsall. He lead 3 scoring drives to take the lead and iced the game at the end.

And he deserves more respect from this fan base.

I think Pindell has a higher ceiling. But if the offense is better with Shirrefs, and it clearly was tonight, then he should start. Period.

Maybe you don't. I have seen him enough to know he tends to be bad in the first half of games and better in the second half. I am a BS fan, but he isn't doing that for 4 quarters. Part of the reason it worked last night was the other team wasn't prepared for him. So, yes the offense looked better with him...for one quarter. Pindell completed almost 70% of his passes and was starting to be effective on the ground. Kid better learn how to carry a football.....
May 19, 2015
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Yes you can. Experience and leadership count for a lot at the QB position. Pindell looked like the second coming of Donovan Williams' burned redshirt, and against a I-AA team. If he looks this bad against a lower division program, I shudder to think what's going to happen when you throw him out there against a real football team like USF.
Not for nothing, but Shirreffs looked pretty terrible for the majority of the game last year against FCS Maine.

Again I think BS should get the start because he has the hot hand, but I'm absolutely not writing off Pindell. The staff named Pindell the starter for a reason and if he doesn't start the USF game, I don't think it'll be long before we see him again.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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Pindell was named the starting qb. Pindell starts next week.

Seems everybody is forgetting that Pindell engineered a very nice 1st quarter drive. He can get the job done. This is Lashlee's job as OC to have both Pindell and Sheriffs ready. This was only the first game after seasons of stupidity. Still much to work on on both sides of the ball.
Aug 24, 2011
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He clearly has a running gear BS doesn't have but BS got it done.

Yes, but it doesn't matter when you spend all your time trying to shake defenders and not actually using that speed.

I think Pindell will end up back as the starter eventually. I don't think it's a good idea to throw him back in against a USF defense that is likely to knock him around a bit. I worry about his confidence long-term if you throw him back out there next week and end up having to pull him again if/when it doesn't go well.


1977 & 1974 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Jun 7, 2017
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Kid better learn how to carry a football.....


At this point, I'm ok with either guy vs. USF. But, we need to settle on one of them. I hate not having a clear starter.

The one good thing I'm certain, whoever is the backup will become the most loved player on the team.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Pindell. Other than that terrible fumble he was solid. Bench him this early and you might lose him mentally. Chalk this up to opening night jitters and give him another shot.

Plus Sherriffs off the bench is a nice security blanket.
Start him against USF and the kid is really going to take a shot to his confidence. Start Sherriffs bring Pindell in if things get out of hand,
Aug 29, 2011
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I have to wonder if some guys maybe turned on Giants-Pats by mistake because if you watched UConn-Holy Cross it was pretty clear that Shirreffs was way better. He threw the ball better moved the chains, read the blitz better, brought a whole lot more confidence to the offense. Pindell did not "play well." With the exception of the team drive it was 3 and out after 3 and out. He had a critical fumble. His stats look ok but the eye test says different.
Aug 24, 2011
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I wouldn't be upset by any means if BS gets the start next week, but the offensive line was MUCH better with him in the game than Pindell. I can't hold that against Pindell.

The OL did look better. But was it truly better, or was there either better timing in running the plays or better reads when BS came in? I don't know -- I'm really just asking for those who know details much better than I do.
Aug 29, 2015
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The OL did look better. But was it truly better, or was there either better timing in running the plays or better reads when BS came in? I don't know -- I'm really just asking for those who know details much better than I do.
It looks like Bryant set his protections better. I don't think Pindell ever checked the HB to pick up a blitzing safety. Bryant did it twice.
Aug 24, 2011
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I think the fans and the program need wins right now. Rebuilding is something that should happen while you try to win.

If the coaches still want to go with Pindell, that's fine with me. He's very talented. However, you might want to see what BS can do with competent coaching. Again, BS played great in the shotgun when playing catch up the last two years. He appears to be a good QB for this high speed offense.

We're 1-0. You don't play the guy who doesn't give you the best chance to win now for next year. If they are truly even, or if we're 2-7, then you can play a younger #2. But the only questions Edsall and Lashlee will be asking themselves this week is who gives them a better chance to have a winning season this year.
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Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Start him against USF and the kid is really going to take a shot to his confidence. Start Sherriffs bring Pindell in if things get out of hand,

This is where I'm at too. If HCRE thought after training camp that Pindell was the starter, then he by rights earned his start vs. Holy Cross.

It became apparent that the offense needed a shot in the arm and Shirreffs came in and did just that.

Starting QB isn't a permanent position, especially at UConn. USF is probably the best team we'll play all season and I think after watching the Holy Cross game, Shiffeffs has earned the right to start next Saturday.

Chances are both are going to see the field plenty this upcoming season and we'll need both of them to get better as well.

Pindell looked ok at times, but I'm not buying the logic of letting him work things out on the field, because we are here to win games again.
Aug 24, 2011
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Reality: HC wore down in the second half and BS had more time to throw than Pindell. The BIGGEST play of the game was the roughing the kicker penalty. Uconn then took the ball down the field and didn't score (failed 4th down), but it kept HC D on the field, stopped their momentum, and changed the field after that crazy punt downed at the one. If that penalty doesn't occur, uconn likely loses.

Back to the QB...neither was good. BS was so late on so many passes, his timing was terrible. he got lucky twice that defenders fell. Pindell looked lost for most of the game, bad decisions, throwing into double coverage, etc. he was also playing his first game and HC pressured him a lot more.

I hope Pindell is better than that, but I think you kep with BS. He's gonna throw a pick 6 or get his wRs killed if he continues to be that late with his passes, but could also be a reflection of lack of first string time, first game, etc. And, cannot discount that entire got a lift and played better once he was put in.

They were both awful compared to what? Tom Brady?

I'm sorry -- that's ludicrous. You just can't look at the numbers and rationally come to that level of trashing.
Aug 27, 2011
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Start him against USF and the kid is really going to take a shot to his confidence. Start Sherriffs bring Pindell in if things get out of hand,

Quarterback position doesn't work that way. Team needs to know who is in the cockpit. Give Pindell another start. If it goes off the rails, then you bring in BS and you stick with him no matter what (barring injury) for at least the next handful of games.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Quarterback position doesn't work that way. Team needs to know who is in the cockpit. Give Pindell another start. If it goes off the rails, then you bring in BS and you stick with him no matter what (barring injury) for at least the next handful of games.

You don't think the team has an idea who's leading the ship after the game last night?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Quarterback position doesn't work that way. Team needs to know who is in the cockpit. Give Pindell another start. If it goes off the rails, then you bring in BS and you stick with him no matter what (barring injury) for at least the next handful of games.
Have you been watching UConn football, because that has been our narrative, a lot. ;)

Ideally, I love to have one guy go to guy leading the team and yes I think that's optimal. I don't think Pindell, who struggled against Holy Cross, is going find the reads easier against USF. Putting him in there has the potential to kill his confidence. I think Bryant is more ready to deal with the speed of the game and the pressure he'll be under. But the bottom line is that the OL has to give these guys more time. If that doesn't happen and the game get out of hand, I have not problem with bring in the #2 (or maybe the 1b) QB.
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