My thoughts are:
Baylor will have trouble bringing the ball up court. Evina starts on Didi and is in her grill all game. Look for the 1-2-2 with occasional pressure.
Pressure causes Baylor to start their offense further out than they want. Causes longer passes. Paige and CW will be poaching the passing lanes. Will the Bear guards get the ball inside? If not it's a long night for Baylor.
Liv outruns the defense to score early putting pressure on the Baylor bigs to run more than they have to date. Can they keep up is the question.
Fouls on Liv and/or Aaliyah cause rotation problems meaning Anna and Aubrey will have to step up and handle Smith in the D end.
Didi a great defender but is revealed as an inadequate point guard at this level.
Baylor is thwarted in the half court and outrun in the full court.
4 UConn players score between 14-20 each (Liv, CW, E, and the other one

UConn 73 - Baylor 63 unless Anna finds her shot. Then Katie bar the door.