No chance.
The smaller schools are not the people who generate the revenue. I mean, colleges could even decide to go for profit and set up their own college league and pay players.
There is so much money out there for this. This is like global climate change. We have sounded the alarm so much over the last 30 years now that it is here we don’t even recognize it. Lol.
If I told you in 1998 that the college landscape would look like it does, you would have said I was a moron.
But, it’s because it isn’t done yet. This is a consolidation period for athletics. It’s nearing completion. Once we find out who is included, what the money is and how it will be cut, then they will get back to how they will be organized.
And, so do I believe the big east would be included for its basketball? I do, in its current form. That is, until it isn’t.
What happens if big 12 says, Gonzaga, St. John’s, Villanova, Georgetown—- come join our basketball super leagues we are going to sell it for huge money.
Do those 4 schools say no to joining Big 12 for more than they could get in big east?