Our Fanbase Is Still Conflicted | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Our Fanbase Is Still Conflicted

Nov 14, 2016
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where's that money coming from?

Where ever it needs to come from. I cant imagine they'll give up what JC built at UConn for $10M. The money is somewhere, they'll find it.
Aug 25, 2011
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I'm convinced we are becoming irrelevant, and somewhat forgotten with each loss, especially the bad ones. None of our players are nationally known or recognized. When televised announcers continue to refer to our past and seem to struggle with good/new things to say about us. I seem to hear a lot of pity these days. Nearing February we are now usually listed as a bubble team in best case scenario. Like others said our road game arenas are less than half filled. We have no real exciting players or plays, sans Jalen (who balances highlights with miscues). We have no highlight dunkers, shot blockers or ball handlers. We seem to have a boring, undisciplined, unexciting product. Our starting lineups change so frequently, that sportscasters have to study 9 players so they can keep up. We have only one player that may sneeze at an AA list, but not this year. I don't expect to see any of our game replays, highlights (player or team) or special news on the major network sports news. We don't pass well, shoot well or play as a team well, so we look amateurish to the unfamiliar. All my family and friend (non UConn) who once were closet/remote UConn fans have moved on, not even asking how we are doing.

I watch games now multitasking, not making much noise, willing to miss a play or two to grab something, even answering the phone (I still don't make calls), and worse my family doesn't even know I'm watching the game upstairs/downstairs. Hell even after victories I don't even check the highlights or boxscore, just a writeup or two. I've become a casual, quiet and unemotional fanatic.

I could continue but the more I type the more depressed I get, and the more of an oblivion feeling sinks in.

Anyway I'm not conflicted, I'm just feeling hopeless about our immediate future. We need some exciting players again, because David O, Andserson, Vital, Larrier and others aren't enough to even get me clapping and stomping like days of old. Love me some Jalen but like the announcer said last night 'Jalen Island' ain't enough. Our Coach also seems resigned to accepting losing with standard/pat unemotional responses. At this point I don't even know what he wants to do or get out of this group of players, allowing them to shoot at will, make unforced turnovers, and make poor defensive decisions without any concern of repercussion or coaching penalty.

Where I once was a UConn basketball addict, I'm in involuntary recovery now. I'm so 'cured' that now if I miss a game (seen them all so far) I may no longer will feel sad or dejected, like I used to.

Losing Sucks (and we have a winning record)!
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Aug 26, 2011
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You are one of many brand new posters that seem to be defending KO. Well, maybe you aren't "brand new" but when I see a pro-Ollie post and it isn't August, Dan or Mau, it is usually someone with 5 posts.
Yea, so I don't post much. I generally just enjoy reading posts on recruiting threads and getting "inside" color on various aspects of the program. I felt compelled to post today because I'm just as frustrated as you are. I'm also as big a fan as you pr0bably are even though I don't have ~1,500 posts to pat myself on the back with. I'm defending Ollie not because I think he's the greatest coach alive, but because I don't want to make a change just to say we made a change. I am not convinced another coach does better with our current roster. That's about it.


Aug 14, 2011
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Yea, so I don't post much. I generally just enjoy reading posts on recruiting threads and getting "inside" color on various aspects of the program. I felt compelled to post today because I'm just as frustrated as you are. I'm also as big a fan as you pr0bably are even though I don't have ~1,500 posts to pat myself on the back with. I'm defending Ollie not because I think he's the greatest coach alive, but because I don't want to make a change just to say we made a change. I am not convinced another coach does better with our current roster. That's about it.

Keep posting.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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It's all well and good if you think he should be shown the exit, but you do realize that there's a financial reality here right? That the University will take a bath getting rid of him?

The issue is complicated. But there is a potential bigger bath for keeping him if the rest of this year isn’t better and he’s kept for another year with no turn around.

I’m not a fan of Ollie, but the five games before Memphis: including losses, were better. Just how fragile the team and progress were was demonstrated by the loss of Larrier. The likelihood of winning without him is small, but the style and organization you would hope wouldn’t be so glaring. And I get that not having Gilbert hurts a team so thin in difference makers and experience. Some of that: of course, is the result of departures, and how much of that is connected to how he relates to players or just plain ego on their part I certainly don’t know. The Memphis game was a reversion to bad form, no real ball movement leading to bad shots and bad shot selection. D wasn’t much better.
Jul 27, 2013
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Well then, you're not a serious person.

The top three scorers for Memphis last night were all Juniors. Four of their five starters are juniors. That's the difference, even if you choose not to believe it...

First off, not sure where you're headed with the "you're not a serious person" comment, but thanks.

If you think the sole reason we lost last night was our relative youth I don't know what to tell you. The worst player on our team was a 5th year transfer. The best player in the country right now is a freshman. The roster construction, just to hammer this point home again, is completely up to KO. We would have a solid sophomore class if half of them didn't decide to transfer this past offseason.

I would say that we lost last night because we were without one of our best players, our offense was predictable and awful, and we got sloppy on D. Does youth have something to do with that? Of course. But to keep blaming the team's youth without realizing why the team is young or that there are several other glaring issues as well is ridiculous.

Just one not-so-serious person's opinion.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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First off, not sure where you're headed with the "you're not a serious person" comment, but thanks.

If you think the sole reason we lost last night was our relative youth I don't know what to tell you. The worst player on our team was a 5th year transfer. The best player in the country right now is a freshman. The roster construction, just to hammer this point home again, is completely up to KO. We would have a solid sophomore class if half of them didn't decide to transfer this past offseason.

I would say that we lost last night because we were without one of our best players, our offense was predictable and awful, and we got sloppy on D. Does youth have something to do with that? Of course. But to keep blaming the team's youth without realizing why the team is young or that there are several other glaring issues as well is ridiculous.

Just one not-so-serious person's opinion.

Again, you're not being serious. Because if you were being serious, you would be able to recognize the fact that even those 5th year players that we have on our squad have only been on Ollie's team for 4 months. And even after having said that, we do rely on Anderson to play a lot of minutes. But besides Anderson and Jalen (and DO), there wasn't a single upperclassmen on the floor in a UConn jersey. Furthermore, 5 of the 9 basketball players for UConn last night have only been playing college basketball for 4 months. I'm including Diarra in that calculation because he didn't play last year.

So yeah, that is what it is. The flip side to that is the fact that I believe that Carlton, Whaley, Williams, Polley, and Vital will be MUCH better next year than they are this year. You can see most of those players getting better already. And that's what the sign of a good coach is. Whaley and Carlton look like different level players from the first games that they played...
Feb 26, 2017
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Yea, so I don't post much. I generally just enjoy reading posts on recruiting threads and getting "inside" color on various aspects of the program. I felt compelled to post today because I'm just as frustrated as you are. I'm also as big a fan as you pr0bably are even though I don't have ~1,500 posts to pat myself on the back with. I'm defending Ollie not because I think he's the greatest coach alive, but because I don't want to make a change just to say we made a change. I am not convinced another coach does better with our current roster. That's about it.

UConn today makes me think of Pitt a while back. There was a significant portion of the fan base calling for Jamie Dixon to move on. Who do you get instead? Oh, well we'll bring in Sean Miller. Or Archie. Or Enfeld. Maybe a Hurley. Cronin or Willard?

Pitt's in the ACC. They'll land a top coach. All of those suggestions said no, and they hire Stallings.

Larry Brown?

Why not bring JC back?

Maybe pay KO and give him a chance to turn it around. You just extended his contract. You are going to pay him anyway. I don't think there is much of a choice to do anything else for a few years.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Where ever it needs to come from. I cant imagine they'll give up what JC built at UConn for $10M. The money is somewhere, they'll find it.

Keep wishing and hoping...shockingly, if they can come up with the cash, you and I both want the same thing to happen. But the stuff doesn't grow on trees.
Aug 27, 2011
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You see the attendance this year? There's a bigger financial reality if UConn keeps him.

They'll be renting out sections at XL games to local high schools for archery practice next year if Ollie is still the coach.

That last line is one for the ages. I lmao. Well played sir.
Jan 4, 2018
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You are one of many brand new posters that seem to be defending KO. Well, maybe you aren't "brand new" but when I see a pro-Ollie post and it isn't August, Dan or Mau, it is usually someone with 5 posts.

That’s right because clearly anyone who doesn’t post here all the time and supports the coach can’t be a fan. They have to be on the staff or a friend of the staff.

Some of you are pushing this beyond rational thought to the point where some of us feel compelled to join the discussion for the first time. It’s not crazy to be of the belief that a new coach might not do any better. Despite all of those pushing their fire the coach agenda refusing to acknowledge it can get get worse, it absolutely can and no one can say with any more certainty it won’t get worse than I can say it will get better if Ollie stays.
Nov 20, 2015
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Current D1 coaches to have won a title: Izzo, K, Williams, Calipari, Ollie, Wright, Self, Boeheim. So that's 8 out of 351.

Of course the fanbase is still conflicted. And I don't buy the "winning with Calhoun's guys" argument. Urban Meyer's first title at UF was with Ron Zook's guys. So what?
Mar 27, 2017
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Im convinced were the weirdest team in the country. Great players, terrible play but for whatever reason some games they play good. Its Ollies fault but not 100% His players still need to put up on their end

What great players? Our players with the exception of Adams and Larrier are not worthy of being on a roster for any top 25 team. Our players lack of talent is a big part of our problems as is Ollie being head coach.

Ollie has brought UCONN from the mountaintop to Tulsa. That will be his legacy.

PS: No one on the fanbase is conflicted anymore. Even the Pollyannas know this.
Jul 27, 2013
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Again, you're not being serious. Because if you were being serious, you would be able to recognize the fact that even those 5th year players that we have on our squad have only been on Ollie's team for 4 months. And even after having said that, we do rely on Anderson to play a lot of minutes. But besides Anderson and Jalen (and DO), there wasn't a single upperclassmen on the floor in a UConn jersey. Furthermore, 5 of the 9 basketball players for UConn last night have only been playing college basketball for 4 months. I'm including Diarra in that calculation because he didn't play last year.

So yeah, that is what it is. The flip side to that is the fact that I believe that Carlton, Whaley, Williams, Polley, and Vital will be MUCH better next year than they are this year. You can see most of those players getting better already. And that's what the sign of a good coach is. Whaley and Carlton look like different level players from the first games that they played...

Memphis' starting lineup last night featured one freshman and three dudes who have only been on Memphis for four months. All told it looks like they have nine kids on their roster who have played for another team prior to Memphis. So yes, I'm being serious. You're going to need a different excuse for last night's loss.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Memphis' starting lineup last night featured one freshman and three dudes who have only been on Memphis for four months. All told it looks like they have nine kids on their roster who have played for another team prior to Memphis. So yes, I'm being serious. You're going to need a different excuse for last night's loss.

Then you also missed the part where I said our guys have also only played college ball for four months.

If you don't think there's a difference between playing freshmen and playing juniors, then that's a "you" thing. I'm done arguing about this, though. I see many of our players improving and that tells me what I need to know at this point.

I never thought I would say the following sentence, but I hope to God we beat Villanova so that the UConn fans can shut up...
Nov 18, 2012
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After 3 straight wins half the "fire Ollie posters" were "back on the wagon"

Now after Memphis waxes the court with a Terry-less UConn team they are back on the fire Ollie rampage

Let the season play out see how the young players continue to develop and what the team ends the season looking like then make a decision.

I think Ollie deserves next year but I'm not the AD
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm still on the Ollie train. Sorry. And I'm on the train because of the same reason that I was on it last year. Last night, there was exactly 1 UConn-trained upperclassman (Adams), and it showed. I'm not going to include Anderson and Onuorah in that list, because they are stop-gap players to fill a void.

Yes, we can go on and on about how the void is Ollie's fault. But the void is the void. Whaley is playing much better now. Carlton is playing much better now. Vital as a sophomore has sporadic games where he can rattle off 20 points. But we have no UConn-trained seniors and only 2 UConn-trained juniors, one of whom couldn't play last night. And again, it showed. And my opinion is that it would be difficult to squeeze out a lot more from this group as constructed with any other coach.

So I hope to see continued growth and hopefully things come together for post-season play. And next year, if Jalen stays especially, we will have a much different looking team than the one we have today...

If anyone thought they were going to score over 50 last night they were nuts. No options other than Jalen, no passers, ball handlers etc etc.. When Larrier was reported out I said to my brother they're lucky to get 4o tonight, well thanks to Tubby we got 9 more than that. Also said the cronies will be back out in droves, well 1 for 2 isn't bad.;)
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Aug 26, 2011
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That "solid upper-class memphis team" replaced six players from last year and just waxed us. Losing Gilbert is a huge blow, no doubt, and last year that excuse held up especially well. This season? Gilbert came into the year having not played for a long time and off multiple surgeries. KO knew that. KO failed to land a kid (MAL) to replace him and filled the hole with Anderson instead, and we all know how that's turned out.

Saying "when at full strength uconn is easy to guard" is a huge indictment of how bad this team is constructed. When you ask "why don't people get that" the answer is - we do. A college coach is responsible for both a. constructing their team and b. coaching it, unlike in the NBA. KO has been pretty awful at constructing a balanced team the last few years, and the jury is out but likely coming back with the wrong verdict soon on his in game coaching.

If you think we're easy to guard this year, I've got some bad news for you about next season.....

You've got bad news about everything, that is't exactly newsworthy here! LOL
Sep 12, 2011
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Is it possible for AD to demote Ollie to Assistant Coach without generating the buyout? We could hire someone new and keep Ollie to just focus on recruiting?
NO ATTACK Uconn77Duke74...This is silly at best, this for at the minimum two reasons. First being contract and second and just as important, Ollie to focus on recruiting???? So far that is his main problem, he won the big one with JC's men. No coach, not Jim or Geno were really successful until they started getting better players. Yes Jim will always be a legend for being able to will a team on to victory, but even those as rare as he did not get to the top without special recruits. Sad but true, and most in victory or acceptance of merits all say, "I could have not done it without the players".....


Aug 14, 2011
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Devil’s Advocate: It takes time for new players to buy into and execute a coach's system. The problem as I see it is Ollie doesn’t seem to have a system outside of, “go play.”

Again, you're not being serious. Because if you were being serious, you would be able to recognize the fact that even those 5th year players that we have on our squad have only been on Ollie's team for 4 months. And even after having said that, we do rely on Anderson to play a lot of minutes. But besides Anderson and Jalen (and DO), there wasn't a single upperclassmen on the floor in a UConn jersey. Furthermore, 5 of the 9 basketball players for UConn last night have only been playing college basketball for 4 months. I'm including Diarra in that calculation because he didn't play last year.

So yeah, that is what it is. The flip side to that is the fact that I believe that Carlton, Whaley, Williams, Polley, and Vital will be MUCH better next year than they are this year. You can see most of those players getting better already. And that's what the sign of a good coach is. Whaley and Carlton look like different level players from the first games that they played...


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Devil’s Advocate: It takes time for new players to buy into and execute a coach's system. The problem as I see it is Ollie doesn’t seem to have a system outside of, “go play.”

You devil!

But seriously, any team under any philosophy needs time to play together in order to establish roles. Not just offensive roles, but defensive as well. How to play the 2-3, the 1-3-1, the three quarter court, etc. And all the fundamentals that go along with it.

Many folks here think that someone who was a star in high school just comes here and does all that. They don't. In fact, they get into bad habits they need to break because they went against much inferior competition. That's why the transition from freshman to sophomore year is normally the biggest improvement a player will have...

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