Completely disagree. While not as good as last weeks (which had to be in the top 5 of the series), it was really good. Very tense the whole time. Some great character development. Let the antagonist and protagonist meet face-to-face. Saw the Governor try to play with Rick's mind, because he knows it's not in the right place now anyway. And Rick knows it too. Rick trying to be the cop and see through the BS.
The Martinez/Daryl interaction was brilliant (lieutenants), and the Milton/Hershel (the scientists/voices of reason) was also good. Let them get a look at the enemy as people.....before they kill them.
Also, finally (and yes this should have happened episodes before), got through to Andrea. She'll be up to something, we'll see who she enlisted to try and pull it off. Milton? Tyreese?
Nice that they also didn't have to go through the lead up to how the meeting came to be. Besides that would have meant more Andrea and until she starts trying to kill the Governor, people really don't want to see her. It was a nice touch that both the Governor and Rick told her she was not needed or really wanted at the negotiation table (or with either group). Kind of how a lot of fans feel.
Starting with last point I think it was well-played that they just had the meeting at the episode start, but that illustrates the inherent problem with the show. There was no logical way that Rick would believe an Andrea brokered truce was possible nor any way he could reasonably agree to show up alone to a meeting with the Governor at a location chosen by the governor. Since that was impossible to write/explain they just jumped to it. I'm fine with that and agree with the choice, but it perfectly illustrates the weaknesses of the show. Contrast it with Breaking Bad where once its main protagonist - antagonist were at odds the henchman/plot etc.. kept them apart and both characters assidiously avoided any risk while plotting the other's demise.
Probs with meeting especially from Rick's standpoint:
1. Governor Henchman could have been hiding anywhere in barn
2. Governor's superior forces could easily have ambushed Darryl & Herschel
3. Governor's superior forces could clearly have devastated the prison, Governor didn't even need to show up at meeting.
4. Govenor walked out of Rick's sight while Rick relaxed
5. Rick drank out of glass Whiskey that could have been poisoned (again see BBad for masterful treatment of poisoning)
6. No reason whatsover for Rick to not simply shoot the Governor
But they did at least come up with a rationale for the Governor in that he wants to try and take Michonne alive so he kills two birds with one stone by establishing some trust pre-ambush (setting up a more devastating ambush at 2nd meeting) and he gets a free chance to size up Rick and try his Jedi-mind tricks.
P.S. I think the Governor character is both mediocre writing and poorly acted. Only the fishtank heads ventured into his true darkness. His continual low-key approach to everything is inconsistent with his supposed motivation as a dark power hunger meglomaniac. I know he's supposed to be a formerly impotent middle-manager that rose to the position by default and praying on the weak, but they've simply made him to milk-toasty, too much Phillip not enough Governor. For example they could/should have shown him loading up the walkers and plotting the purely intimidation aspect of their prison attack. Let us see him being purely cruel for cruelties sake and getting off with his henchman about how much havoc they'll wreak. Instead we simply get the recently coldly delivered 'it'll be a slaughter for their side not ours' line - oh my he's so treacherously nonchalant [sarcasm]. Nope, that doesn't work as menancing because he's nonchalant and matter of fact about everything.
P.P.S. Got too caught up in my criticism as I always seem to with this show. Your other points were spot-on, face-to-face was necessary and good. Liked the way they played the Andrea realization. Very good one-on-one's with Herschel-Milton and even better Darryl - Martinez, even if the latter was a little Top Gunny (not that there is anything wrong with that