Hartley is horrific this year, never got the game back and is always dribbling around like a chicken with her head cut off.......Doty, well the injuries in her career took away her athleticism and with that her game, same place too often dribbling......Faris is solid always, throws some whacky passes but she's a toughie.........Dolson, bad bad game - looked lost - take another shot when you've missed 8 in a row?. Mosquito is really really good but can't guard anyone as good as McBride.........Tuck is going to be real good just needed to make some layups.......Stewart is whacked but she made big plays without trying, blocked shots, kept balls alive and rebounded, needs to relax...........Geno has not been too good either this year quite honestly in big games, Muffet owns him right now!!! Bring the freshman in (#4?) the 2nd half when things are falling apart?? Smart move......how about getting her comfortable slowly since she's a better option than Hartley or Doty?? The funny thing is they seem to need to hand the ball off so much and why? No one could get open...........
and they throw passes to spots because the offense should run smoothly and when they finally play someone good and the other team can guard them, they still throw it there because they are running the offense? Unfortunately the other team is there awaiting the arrival of the awful pass......there's no skeleton defense out there anymore ladies!!
Womens refereeing is a joke.......women can't ref normally but the dude in this one was clueless....the call on Dolson for her 2nd was enough to assure the guy should never referee anything but women's HS JV games.........but seriously the ref's are always clueless and even the real good ones wouldn't be able to do a good mens HS basketabll game!!
Finally Fishy is so right, you saw what happens in a women's game, both way, when both teams are pretty good. All that supposedly smooth passing and cutting is out the window and they look kinda like Fishy outta the water!!

......these teams are so used to being so much better than 95% of their schedule that's an issue!