OT: Tiger - Not only a cheat . . . . | Page 4 | The Boneyard

OT: Tiger - Not only a cheat . . . .

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Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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Last night Tony Cornheiser said that one of the marshals (he named him) told woods that Garcia had hit - but that was after Woods had pulled a club. So its possible that all parties are telling the truth - as they see it.

My opinion of Tiger Woods' character was formed many years ago when he left Fuzzy Zoeller swinging in the breeze. His on and off course antics (tantrums, foul mouth, spitting . . . hookers and ) just serve to reinforce that opinion.


Aug 24, 2011
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Ah you are incorrect. Not naive because you don't agree with me, naive because you think Tiger is an upstanding person. He's not, he's what is generally referred to as a douchbag, jerk, etc. And certainly lies and certainly cheats. Just the way it is.
I never said Tiger was an upstanding person. I have no opinion on that matter since I don't follow him closely. But your behavior is like that of a 5 year old - childish. Apparently anyone who doesn't see it your way is "naive". Certainly not the worst thing I've been called, but it's certainly the sign of an immature person to name call when others disagree. I've noticed that's your M.O. on this board, tho, so I'm not surprised.


Aug 24, 2011
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As well they should. Plenty of reasons to be a "Tiger hater". People who are not "Tiger haters", really should be held in suspicion.
And people who post like you really should grow up. The petulant princess posts you've made are funny. Too bad, really.

Ozzie Nelson

RIP, Ozzie
Aug 26, 2011
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done that. now what?

Nothing I guess. Seems as if we do no think alike.


An old, fat, dumb, deaf, ocular challenged, memory impaired man who has aged friends that are not so.



You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I never said Tiger was an upstanding person. I have no opinion on that matter since I don't follow him closely. But your behavior is like that of a 5 year old - childish. Apparently anyone who doesn't see it your way is "naive". Certainly not the worst thing I've been called, but it's certainly the sign of an immature person to name call when others disagree. I've noticed that's your M.O. on this board, tho, so I'm not surprised.
Well a couple things. I don't consider if someone is naive about something, letting them know as "name calling". It's just kind of a fact. If I used terms such as jerk, idiot, then yea I would consider that "name calling". I would also consider "childish" as "name calling". But I'm sure you don't consider yourself a "name caller". :rolleyes: Interesting bolded parts above, don't you think?

Do I find you "childish" or "immature"? No. Naive? Yes. I think we all are about somethings. This is your instance. And you are not alone, Tiger has fooled many people. I just choose to see through his facade. I didn't always. I was actually a pretty big Tiger fan at one time. I was naive. Not anymore. I also think you are frustrated that I have called you out on this. That's understandable.

Naive - Lacking worldly experience and understanding

It's not really a bad thing. Just rather where you are in life for this situation. Actually being naive about some things is a rather good thing. I myself am quite naive about a lot of things. I have no idea how to lander money, or how to set up an offshore account. Nor do I know much about drug use. But I don't consider that as a bad thing.

And again, it has nothing to do with "not seeing things my way". Rather not seeing things the way they are.

And people who post like you really should grow up
Nah, I'm already too grown up. Definitely don't want to become some old stick in the mud.

As John said, "growing up leads to growing old and then to dying, and dying to me doesn't sound like all that much fun".

Gotta be happy eric. You only get one life.
Oct 18, 2011
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The point is Tiger has cheated and lied. Not that other athletes haven't. (we know they have).

Well that is not true. We know he cheated on the Masters, he got caught. Hence why he was docked strokes. That is what is clear.

No, he didn't get caught. Someone phoned in thinking he had broken a rule. Golf officials thought otherwise and didn't even bring it to Tiger's attention.

Later, Tiger did interviews explaining his thought process, showing he likely broke the rule. If Tiger shuts his mouth, he gets away with it. So why would he open his mouth if he thought he didn't something wrong? Oh yea, he wouldn't.

That's not cheating, that's a mistake. He took his penalty. There was nothing sneaky about Tiger's decision. Nothing morally wrong with what he did. Nothing dishonest. His honesty was what got him caught. He just didn't know the rules.

This whole "Tiger's a cheat" thing likely comes from people who are so upset that Tiger's back. Deal with it. His reputation isn't tarnished, except by people who already hated him.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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From cheating, lying, being the @ss that he is.

I'm sure he could if he tried. But I don't think it is in him to try. I don't think he thinks of himself as needing to be redeemed. He doesn't even realize how bad he is.

Really I'm not so much a "Tiger hater", don't care enough about him or the game. (won't call it a "sport") I would consider myself more of a "Tiger Apologist hater". Although it does give me great pleasure to see him lose.
You hate him. It's ok to admit.

And for someone that doesn't care much for the "sport", you sure have a lot to say about it.
Aug 27, 2011
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I watch pro athletes for their skills at sport. I don't know what they are like in their personal lives, don't really care and I don't make judgments based on media reports. I've been following pro golf for a long time and anyone who thinks Tiger's off-course behavior is unique are the true naïve ones. The difference was Tiger's dirty laundry was aired out in public. I had a friend who caddied on the tour for years. He made it clear to me that cheating on spouses is the primary off-course activity on tour. I have no clue as to the "moral values" of most pro athletes. I am not interested. Parents who want role models for their children should look into a mirror instead of leaving it to some fake media image manufactured to sell cars or insurance. And when that fake media image gets exposed as in Tiger's case I don't act shocked and outraged because I never bought the hype. I judge Tiger on his athleticism and as an entertainer. In both regards he is the tops. I leave the rest to those who read the scandal sheets.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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No, he didn't get caught. Someone phoned in thinking he had broken a rule. Golf officials thought otherwise and didn't even bring it to Tiger's attention.
Ummmm, the guy calling in was correct, he did get caught. If he didn't do anything wrong and didn't get caught, they why was he penalized? Ignorance is no excuse (and probably unlikely anyway). And why lots of golf advocates and players (PGA or former PGA) thought he should DQ himself.

Not sure why some people have such a love affair with a lying, cheating, scumbag of a person???? I don't get it??
Aug 27, 2011
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Not sure why some people have such a love affair with a lying, cheating, scumbag of a person???? I don't get it??

When I "don't get it" I go back to my premises and the answer is usually that one or more of them were incorrect.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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You hate him. It's ok to admit.
Nah, really it's more the Tiger Apologists/Fans. Not that I like him, I don't, love to see him lose, but that's more to piss off the Tiger Apologists/Fans than him personally.

And for someone that doesn't care much for the "sport", you sure have a lot to say about it.
Well I know quite a bit about most sports or games. It's the way I grew up. One of my passions. I don't particularly like or follow hockey either, but I'll still watch a game if it's on and I have nothing else to do (or I'm at someone's house and they are watching).


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I watch pro athletes for their skills at sport.
I usually watch sports to cheer for or against players/teams. Sometimes just to watch skills, but not very often.

I've been following pro golf for a long time and anyone who thinks Tiger's off-course behavior is unique are the true naïve ones.
While true, not really relevant as to whether Tiger lies, cheats or is a jerk.

II judge Tiger on his athleticism and as an entertainer. In both regards he is the tops.
Agreed he is very, very good. One of the best ever, maybe THE best?? One reason I used to cheer for him. But now I want to see him fail miserably, just like a certain TN team.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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When I "don't get it" I go back to my premises and the answer is usually that one or more of them were incorrect.
That would be the easy way. But I know better.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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so now the Marshalls are a part of Tiger's circle... and clearing up their lies too. hate Tiger, hate Serena... do you hate Jordan also, how about Barry Bonds, Lance?
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