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Seriously, people. How dumb are you trying to make us look?
Perhaps his account is a conspiracy to make Andre Drummond look bad.
Seriously, people. How dumb are you trying to make us look?
Among all the hype, I'm looking for real 'damage' here. Didn't notice that he was in any violation of contracts.
the players are protesting, but none are sitting out any games. Doc Rivers said that "if it were up to me", the fans should stay away from the games. But if he is so outraged, why doesn't he stay away from the games? Those $20M pay checks must outweigh any personal skin in this game.
Let's follow the other money.
The woman who spilled the beans is a case in herself. According to Yahoo News and curt papers, she changed her name from Perez to Stiviano in 2010 as she had not "yet been fully accepted because of my race."
She is being sued by Sterling's wife as Stiviano “engages in conduct designed to target, befriend, seduce and then entice, cajole, borrow from, cheat and/or receive as gifts transfers of wealth from wealthy older men.” The suit charges that Rochelle Sterling believed the $1.8 million duplex in which Stiviano now resides was being purchased in the Sterlings' names, and that Stiviano has received gifts including four cars (two Bentleys, one Ferrari, and one Range Rover) and about $240,000 in "living expenses." The allegation, then, is that Donald Sterling gave Stiviano about $2 million in community property without Rochelle Sterling's knowledge. Do I smell motivation??
What is startling is that, while no teams were for sale, Magic Johnson and his partners, Guigenheim Partners, have conveniently stepped forward to express interest in a team, and in 3 days, the NBA has decided to dump Sterling, creating just such an opportunity. Do I smell a bum's rush??
Oh, and Donald Trump agrees that Sterling was set up by a very bad girlfriend.
So how much did the Gugie team slip her???
Lastly, the race card bait. The ample PR being supplied frames the race issue. The guy probably said it, etc, etc. But with 30 years of apparent dismay and no action, why now? The race card pros have chimed in. Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh pointed to the hypocrisy of Jesse 'hymie town' Jackson (as he called him on his show) chiming in. Even the pres had time to ignore Bengazi to add his 2 cents. The $64 question is: did I miss comments by Al Sharpton - the premier shake-down artist?? In this environment, race sells, and everyone is talking about race, and therefor distracted from the . Bait and switch the narrative. Doug Henning would be pleased! Banned for life?
Follow the . But I wonder what he can get for the team?? Stay tuned to see how many bidders there are.
Sorry you are all looking at the babe in the bleachers while home plate was stolen.
See, I feel the opposite. I hate these threads, and hate that they're just relevant enough to basketball that they aren't shuttled over to the Cesspool immediately.I guess we are all bonded by our shared UConn fandom, but WOW! We have some serious POS on this forum. I love these threads that reveal posters true colors.
Dont go there. Dont do it. Im not that person. The best man at my wedding was my best friend floyd a black man. But this whole thing feels fishy to me. I dont trust her. She recorded 100 hours. the recording I heard sounded like an old senial jealous man whos taking shots at the younger men his gf is hanging out with one of which is an iconic figure for your in town rival. Not a wildly racist rant. I dont believe the man is a racist.I guess we are all bonded by our shared UConn fandom, but WOW! We have some serious POS on this forum. I love these threads that reveal posters true colors. STB amd Gtcam showed themselves a while ago but thanks ucannuconn.
I dont believe the man is a racist.
. I dont believe the man is a racist.
He is a registered Republican and donated money to democratic politicians for his business interests. Just sayingThis is just mind boggling... the man is a liberal democrat who was donating money to the NAACP employs mostally black people. He was jealous of the much younger better looking black people his GF was hanging out with and made wrong insensitive remarks in private. Imagine the stuff we would hear if we listened to private conversations between black players? There is a huge double standard. How many times has jay-Z made s e xist, homophobic, or racist comments on his tracks?
Dont go there. Dont do it. Im not that person. The best man at my wedding was my best friend floyd a black man. But this whole thing feels fishy to me. I dont trust her. She recorded 100 hours. the recording I heard sounded like an old senial jealous man whos taking shots at the younger men his gf is hanging out with one of which is an iconic figure for your in town rival. Not a wildly racist rant. I dont believe the man is a racist.
Dont go there. Dont do it. Im not that person. The best man at my wedding was my best friend floyd a black man. But this whole thing feels fishy to me. I dont trust her. She recorded 100 hours. the recording I heard sounded like an old senial jealous man whos taking shots at the younger men his gf is hanging out with one of which is an iconic figure for your in town rival. Not a wildly racist rant. I dont believe the man is a racist.
I dont know the mans past but I listened to the recordings I think they are mildly racist at best. It was a man whos jealous of the men his gf is hanging out with. There was no racist rant dropping the n word. The whole conversation was dictated by her steering him in a certain direction. It takes a certain kind of crazy to record a private conversation and sell it to the media. The media blitz was a total overreaction. Dont call me a racist dont drag me through the mud thats not meThe desire to defend a person, and to call what he said "mildly racist," just baffles me.
And that's on wildly misguided and ill-informed end of the scale.
We've got other people on this thread citing Donald Trump as an authority figure and another who actually used the words "black vermin."
I'm someone who thinks we should be careful throwing around the term "racist" to describe people. Instead, I'm generally in favor of pointing out racist "things." Not everyone who says something racist is a racist. Often, they are just ignorance. When we call everyone who says a racist thing a racist, it flattens them in ways that end dialogues, and it devalues actual racists. You know, the ones who do (more importantly) and say (still significant) the types of things that Sterling has. Or people turn people into non-humans by calling them "vermin." That is legitimately scary.
I guess we are all bonded by our shared UConn fandom, but WOW! We have some serious POS on this forum. I love these threads that reveal posters true colors. STB amd Gtcam showed themselves a while ago but thanks ucannuconn.
"It's better to know and be disappointed, than to never know and always wonder."See, I feel the opposite. I hate these threads, and hate that they're just relevant enough to basketball that they aren't shuttled over to the Cesspool immediately.
Then maybe you should educate yourself, because you're making yourself look foolish right about now.I dont know the mans past but I listened to the recordings I think they are mildly racist at best. It was a man whos jealous of the men his gf is hanging out with. There was no racist rant dropping the n word. The whole conversation was dictated by her steering him in a certain direction. It takes a certain kind of crazy to record a private conversation and sell it to the media. The media blitz was a total overreaction. Dont call me a racist dont drag me through the mud thats not me
what're your thoughts on the jim irsay situation?Happy the NBA acted so quickly. I was actually pretty shocked at the severity of the consequence.
But I am also shocked at how hard it is for people to discuss bigotry. A couple posters don't even concede that Nelson is a bigot. I would ask if your private conversations sound like his. If yes, you too are a bigot. If no, then you should understand that his being tricked into his words becoming public is irrelevant.
Some feel he shouldn't be punished for his sick attitude because it is a personal opinion, not an action. I can understand this but I disagree given this situation. Our sports leagues are 1) not entirely private businesses. 2)There are individual owners but they are collectively in business in a league. 3) That league must support the 85% of their employees who are black 4) not doing so would cause a PR nightmare 5) it is morally right to respond.
Others are uncomfortable with the whole conversation and want it to go away
Among all the hype, I'm looking for real 'damage' here. Didn't notice that he was in any violation of contracts.
the players are protesting, but none are sitting out any games. Doc Rivers said that "if it were up to me", the fans should stay away from the games. But if he is so outraged, why doesn't he stay away from the games? Those $20M pay checks must outweigh any personal skin in this game.
Let's follow the other money.
The woman who spilled the beans is a case in herself. According to Yahoo News and curt papers, she changed her name from Perez to Stiviano in 2010 as she had not "yet been fully accepted because of my race."
She is being sued by Sterling's wife as Stiviano “engages in conduct designed to target, befriend, seduce and then entice, cajole, borrow from, cheat and/or receive as gifts transfers of wealth from wealthy older men.” The suit charges that Rochelle Sterling believed the $1.8 million duplex in which Stiviano now resides was being purchased in the Sterlings' names, and that Stiviano has received gifts including four cars (two Bentleys, one Ferrari, and one Range Rover) and about $240,000 in "living expenses." The allegation, then, is that Donald Sterling gave Stiviano about $2 million in community property without Rochelle Sterling's knowledge. Do I smell motivation??
What is startling is that, while no teams were for sale, Magic Johnson and his partners, Guigenheim Partners, have conveniently stepped forward to express interest in a team, and in 3 days, the NBA has decided to dump Sterling, creating just such an opportunity. Do I smell a bum's rush??
Oh, and Donald Trump agrees that Sterling was set up by a very bad girlfriend.
So how much did the Gugie team slip her???
Lastly, the race card bait. The ample PR being supplied frames the race issue. The guy probably said it, etc, etc. But with 30 years of apparent dismay and no action, why now? The race card pros have chimed in. Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh pointed to the hypocrisy of Jesse 'hymie town' Jackson (as he called him on his show) chiming in. Even the pres had time to ignore Bengazi to add his 2 cents. The $64 question is: did I miss comments by Al Sharpton - the premier shake-down artist?? In this environment, race sells, and everyone is talking about race, and therefor distracted from the . Bait and switch the narrative. Doug Henning would be pleased! Banned for life?
Follow the . But I wonder what he can get for the team?? Stay tuned to see how many bidders there are.
Sorry you are all looking at the babe in the bleachers while home plate was stolen.
Doc did a really good job when he was just keeping his mouth shut………I mean please? You took millions and millions of dollars from this man who you KNEW was a "racist" right, but because you had a chance to win right away with a very good foundation of team you disregarded the past shortcomings of this man to WIN at all costs………now a tape makes you throw him under the bus? Hypocrite at its finest I would say!
what're your thoughts on the jim irsay situation?
I can't imagine this but Kareem may have the most educated analysis of this whole circus……….