OT- Penn State to get Hammer of Thor Dropped on them | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT- Penn State to get Hammer of Thor Dropped on them

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Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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This entire process seems choreographed. Report, statue, leaks, NCAA announcement coming out with military precision. How did PSU get the NCAA to play ball? Why was UConn left hanging for so long for much, much less?
Aug 26, 2011
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This entire process seems choreographed. Report, statue, leaks, NCAA announcement coming out with military precision. How did PSU get the NCAA to play ball? Why was UConn left hanging for so long for much, much less?

It is choreographed. The BOT and the NCAA have something at stake here.
Aug 26, 2011
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This entire process seems choreographed. Report, statue, leaks, NCAA announcement coming out with military precision. How did PSU get the NCAA to play ball? Why was UConn left hanging for so long for much, much less?

Did you sleep w/ Conspiracy Kitty last night?
Aug 24, 2011
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This entire process seems choreographed. Report, statue, leaks, NCAA announcement coming out with military precision. How did PSU get the NCAA to play ball? Why was UConn left hanging for so long for much, much less?

You are absolutely right on this. PSU and the NCAA either did something that will be perceived by the public as meaningful in light of the atrocities or it will be perceived as a whitewash. If it is the latter, both institutions could be huge losers. This thing is a firestorm and it is in the best interest of both PSU and the NCAA to bring it under control. Whether they have the leadership to do it is certainly in question.


Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel
Aug 26, 2011
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If anyone believes that there is ANY punishment that would guarantee that something like this would NEVER happen again, I want some of what they are smoking. There's too much evidence that proves the basic stupidity of human nature. Twenty years from now most people won't remember this whole fiasco.
Aug 26, 2011
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If anyone believes that there is ANY punishment that would guarantee that something like this would NEVER happen again, I want some of what they are smoking. There's too much evidence that proves the basic stupidity of human nature. Twenty years from now most people won't remember this whole fiasco.

What you say is true. The punishment must be great enough so that people will remember.
Aug 24, 2011
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If anyone believes that there is ANY punishment that would guarantee that something like this would NEVER happen again, I want some of what they are smoking. There's too much evidence that proves the basic stupidity of human nature. Twenty years from now most people won't remember this whole fiasco.

I agree with this. Given the same set of circumstances, this could have happened in any number of athletic programs around the country. It its core, this is what is wrong with the "win at all cost" attitude that has taken hold in bit-time college athletics. The only potential silver lining to this situation is that maybe....just maybe.....some perspective can be brought into college athletics. Frankly, I'm not hopeful.
Aug 24, 2011
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Bowl games and/or scholarship reductions.

You may be right. And if you are, PSU and the NCAA will see a PR nightmare as has never been seen in college athletics and it will last for years.
Aug 26, 2011
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You can not create a punishment that will keep sexual abuse from happening, but you can create one that will keep any cover up from being attempted.

A whitewash might be the best thing possible, the more people that realize the NCAA is a corrupt and evil organization, the faster the problems within it might get fixed.
Aug 24, 2011
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Question about tv bans. Doesn't that punish the opposing institutions and their fans as well? If PSU is banned from tv, how would the opposing fans see the games?

While I get how it punishes PSU, I think it also hurts others who are only associated with PSU by schedule.
Aug 28, 2011
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You can not create a punishment that will keep sexual abuse from happening, but you can create one that will keep any cover up from being attempted.

A whitewash might be the best thing possible, the more people that realize the NCAA is a corrupt and evil organization, the faster the problems within it might get fixed.

100% right on the child abuse aspect, but the punishment needs to reestablish who is in control at schools and that the school itself is ultimately accountable for the actions of it's leaders, whomever they may be. Ultimately the trustees at major schools should be put on notice as a result of this penalty. That's why thus can't be just about loss of football related funds and has to hit the broader institution.
Aug 26, 2011
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100% right on the child abuse aspect, but the punishment needs to reestablish who is in control at schools and that the school itself is ultimately accountable for the actions of it's leaders, whomever they may be. Ultimately the trustees at major schools should be put on notice as a result of this penalty. That's why thus can't be just about loss of football related funds and has to hit the broader institution.

Well, I've obviously disagreed with this point of view for a long time here.

Who is in control is the President. Full stop. He should widen the circle to include admin. and faculty in certain decisions such as this one, and perhaps the police chief too. But what does going to the BOT accomplish? These are political appointees, many of whom were on the board of Second Mile. nothing.

Criminally prosecute coaches, administrators and the President if they violate the law. That should be reason enough to refrain from a cover-up. By the way, the PSU ex-President has been neither charged nor fired for his part in all this.
Aug 26, 2011
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Don't you think it's a rather conspicuous argument that ESPN is making here? That bowl bans and scholarship reductions will be a de facto death penalty, as bad as? Who leaked that info to ESPN and characterized it as such? And why is ESPN repeating it as though it's the gospel.

1. Makes for good debate for all the hoo-hah that will drive up ratings in the next couple of weeks.

2. The NCAA will really try to pass that idea off through its partner, ESPN.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Don't you think it's a rather conspicuous argument that ESPN is making here? That bowl bans and scholarship reductions will be a de facto death penalty, as bad as? Who leaked that info to ESPN and characterized it as such? And why is ESPN repeating it as though it's the gospel.

1. Makes for good debate for all the hoo-hah that will drive up ratings in the next couple of weeks.

2. The NCAA will really try to pass that idea off through its partner, ESPN.

Yep, when someone pitches something as being "as or more severe than", it isn't. If it was then they would let it speak for itself. If PSU gets a anthing less than one season ban on play, the NCAA needs to be disbanded.
Aug 26, 2011
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If you think that President was in full control, then you still are in denial. Just like the maggots that rioted last fall.

The President should have been in full control, but he lacked the moral courage to do the right thing.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Okay details are starting to come out:
NCAA president Mark Emmert has decided to punish Penn State with severe penalties likely to include a significant loss of scholarships and loss of multiple bowls, a source close to the decision told ESPN's Joe Schad on Sunday morning.
But Penn State will not receive the so-called "death penalty" that would have suspended the program for at least one year, the source said.
The penalties, however, are considered to be so harsh that the death penalty may have been preferable, the source said.
Bull and Emmert.

ESPN article
By the way, what is "unprecedented" is NCAA sanctions applied to a circumstance that doesn't directly involve NCAA rules.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, I've obviously disagreed with this point of view for a long time here.

Who is in control is the President. Full stop. He should widen the circle to include admin. and faculty in certain decisions such as this one, and perhaps the police chief too. But what does going to the BOT accomplish? These are political appointees, many of whom were on the board of Second Mile. nothing.

Criminally prosecute coaches, administrators and the President if they violate the law. That should be reason enough to refrain from a cover-up. By the way, the PSU ex-President has been neither charged nor fired for his part in all this.

You are leaving out the substantial civil judgements that are sure to follow. Anyone in a position of authority who takes such things lightly doesn't belong in those positions. The moment the word, "liability" entered Spanier's brain was the moment this whole mess should have ended. Unfortunately, the job descriptions for these positions nationwide, now consist of more cocktail parties, than operating the day-to-day of a large organization.
Aug 26, 2011
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With the bowl ban expect an exodus of football players from PSU much like with the USC punishment that landed us Shoemate. I know there are no winners from this kind of situation but this is the time for our coaching staff to get on their horses and land us some players that can hopefully fill some holes and lead us to a BE championship.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am completely against scholarship reductions. All that provides is x amount less kids receive a free college education. That is not a positive thing. Punish the program, not the kids who may, even with said punishment, want to still be part of it.
Aug 28, 2011
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Well, I've obviously disagreed with this point of view for a long time here.

Who is in control is the President. Full stop. He should widen the circle to include admin. and faculty in certain decisions such as this one, and perhaps the police chief too. But what does going to the BOT accomplish? These are political appointees, many of whom were on the board of Second Mile. nothing.

Criminally prosecute coaches, administrators and the President if they violate the law. That should be reason enough to refrain from a cover-up. By the way, the PSU ex-President has been neither charged nor fired for his part in all this.

At any public entity the board and or trustees are the ultimate decision makers over leadership and therefor hold the last line of accountability. It's like that at any public company, pension, charity or non profit. The issue in many companies is separating CEO and Chairmanships, and we are talking about a friggin football coach trumping all at the largest public entity & employer in the state of Pennyslvania. If something similar like this occured at a company and god forbid a financial entity there would be a public uproar like you have never seen and every one on those trustees would be breaching fiduciary duty.


Aug 26, 2011
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I don't believe scholly reductions will accomplish much, due to the cult-like nature of Penn State's faithful. I have no doubt that there are plenty of talented football players who would pay for the "privilege" of playing for Penn State.

In some ways, I hope this is the straw that breaks the NCAA's back. For them to think, even for a moment, that penalties remotely similar in nature to those given out for free tattoos or what have you are appropriate in this instance... I guess I'll reserve full judgement until tomorrow. But a total 1 year football ban is entirely appropriate here, and I suspect the NCAA is going to have a lot of ire directed at it tomorrow for anything short of that.
Aug 26, 2011
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If the NCAA doesn't give Penn State the death penalty, then there probably is nothing a school could do to earn that punishment.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Aug 28, 2011
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If the NCAA doesn't give Penn State the death penalty, then there probably is nothing a school could do to earn that punishment.
In the grand scheme this makes SMU, the U, Baylor, Enron, Worldcom and any other major corruption scandal look trivial in all aspects. This is institutional indifference toward children on the scale of what's taking place in N Africa. I hope Paterno rots and all those alive get their comeuppins in jail for their involvement. And I find the Paterno family statements despicable. This was rape of children on mass scale, shut upend move on Paterno family.
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