OT- Penn State to get Hammer of Thor Dropped on them | Page 3 | The Boneyard

OT- Penn State to get Hammer of Thor Dropped on them

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Aug 26, 2011
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In the grand scheme this makes SMU, the U, Baylor, Enron, Worldcom and any other major corruption scandal look trivial in all aspects. This is institutional indifference toward children on the scale of what's taking place in N Africa. I hope Paterno rots and all those alive get their comeuppins in jail for their involvement. And I find the Paterno family statements despicable. This was rape of children on mass scale, shut upend move on Paterno family.

Hopefully the penalties will be so bad that Penn State will just throw in the towel. But that seems like a longshot at this point.

The whole Penn State community seems to be rotten dumpster fire to me. I hope they never live this down. If they play football this year, I hope the home fans wear black when Penn State plays away games to show the school the general disapproval for covering up for an industrialized mass child rapist.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I hear severe sanctions, and that is what comes to mind. I hope for the sake of the players who had nothing to do with this, that they do not. If something like that were to happen, the kids should be given enough time to transfer.

And every school on their schedule.
Aug 30, 2011
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In the grand scheme this makes SMU, the U, Baylor, Enron, Worldcom and any other major corruption scandal look trivial in all aspects.

Don't include Enron in that group, they were intentionally cutting off power to California for profit. There could have been fatalities because of that loss of power. To this day that is a story that doesn't get the coverage it deserves. A very sinister story.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am guessing (just my opinion) the penalty will be a bowl ban for 3-5 years, forfeiture of profits for 3 years, money to go to abuse prevention, scholarship reductions and no TV for home games. Scholarship reduction hurts only PSU as there are umpteen other programs where players can get scholarships, from Duke to SE Missouri State. Bowl ban hurts only PSU, no profits hurts only PSU and no home TV hurts mostly PSU although TV could be allowed with profits forfeited. Short of a death penalty, what else can you do? It would not be fair to PSU's opponents to pull the schedule at this late date so that option was probably rejected. There also could be imposed a home game limit of 4 or 5 games per season. None of this will ever be enough but I suspect my guess will be close to what actually happens.
Aug 27, 2011
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Please explain why this would be stupid?
Because it would cause great detriment to the careers of the players currently on the team, who would not be able to transfer and would be forced to not play football for a year while not injured, and not able to go pro. All of whom, presumably, had absolutely nothing to do with this. The point of the NCAA penalty isn't to create even more unnecessary victims. If youre going to shut them down, shut them down in 13-14, and allow everyone to transfer next year penalty-free.
Aug 26, 2011
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As I peruse the web looking for information, my prediction is that the penalties will underwhelm most of the non-PSU landscape, yet the PSU fans will scream that it's unfair. I believe the NCAA and PSU do not understand the PR storm that is about to unfold. I saw a statement by SNAP expecting the Death Penalty for years.Based on the leaks, I do not see this happening and as a result a significant backlash against both the NCAA and PSU. I can only hope that the civil suits bring PSU to it's senses over the next few years.
Aug 26, 2011
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At any public entity the board and or trustees are the ultimate decision makers over leadership and therefor hold the last line of accountability. It's like that at any public company, pension, charity or non profit. The issue in many companies is separating CEO and Chairmanships, and we are talking about a friggin football coach trumping all at the largest public entity & employer in the state of Pennyslvania. If something similar like this occured at a company and god forbid a financial entity there would be a public uproar like you have never seen and every one on those trustees would be breaching fiduciary duty.

We've been over this again and again and again and again....
Aug 26, 2011
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If you think that President was in full control, then you still are in denial. Just like the maggots that rioted last fall.

The President should have been in full control, but he lacked the moral courage to do the right thing.

I have no idea what you're going on about. Continue in your forever ignorance.
Aug 26, 2011
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You are leaving out the substantial civil judgements that are sure to follow. Anyone in a position of authority who takes such things lightly doesn't belong in those positions. The moment the word, "liability" entered Spanier's brain was the moment this whole mess should have ended. Unfortunately, the job descriptions for these positions nationwide, now consist of more cocktail parties, than operating the day-to-day of a large organization.

Not leaving it out, it just didn't pertain to what I was discussing. I was responding to someone who suggested the BOT should have had oversight.
Aug 27, 2011
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Not leaving it out, it just didn't pertain to what I was discussing. I was responding to someone who suggested the BOT should have had oversight.

The BOT unquestionably knew the character of JoPa, and his belief that he was Penn State. That is why they are severely tainted.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am guessing (just my opinion) the penalty will be a bowl ban for 3-5 years, forfeiture of profits for 3 years, money to go to abuse prevention, scholarship reductions and no TV for home games. Scholarship reduction hurts only PSU as there are umpteen other programs where players can get scholarships, from Duke to SE Missouri State. Bowl ban hurts only PSU, no profits hurts only PSU and no home TV hurts mostly PSU although TV could be allowed with profits forfeited. Short of a death penalty, what else can you do? It would not be fair to PSU's opponents to pull the schedule at this late date so that option was probably rejected. There also could be imposed a home game limit of 4 or 5 games per season. None of this will ever be enough but I suspect my guess will be close to what actually happens.

Forfeiture of profits can be easily schemed. No school makes profits. All they have to do is include the line items they don't currently include, or get rid of revenues such a direct fees, etc. The NCAA sanctions have to be football/sports specific. if they include $$ as part of the penalty, it will be a whitewash since that has been in the works already for a very long time, as a kind of self-sanction.
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow. So not only was there a child abuse coverup at PSU they'll cook the books, too? You're serious? OK, flat fine then, $10,000,000.


Mar 30, 2012
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I agree with those who think the penalties will be minimal, but here is what I think is appropriate:

For every year that Sandusky was raping children and the University had reason to suspect it -- which, if I'm not mistaken (haven't been following the case closely), would include years from the 1970s to 2000s -- PSU is barred for one year from bowls, and experiences in reduction in scholarships.

Thus, if they permitted the rapes for 24 years, bar them from postseason play and reduce scholarships by 10 for 24 years.

That should reduce them to the level of Indiana or lower. And 24 years should be long enough to change the culture.
Aug 28, 2011
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"The penalties, however, are considered to be so harsh that the death penalty may have been preferable, the source said."

So no death penalty. Yep, the NCAA will slap their wrist.
Aug 28, 2011
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Not leaving it out, it just didn't pertain to what I was discussing. I was responding to someone who suggested the BOT should have had oversight.
I'm not suggesting anything, I am saying they had a legal obligation to do so.


Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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So if the reports of post season bans and scholarship reductions are accurate, does that mean: low APR/text message violations = enabling/covering up child rape?

This is perfectly stated and so true if these punishments are just that, a bowl ban and scholarship reduction. I will also hold judgement until after 9am tomorrow but I cannot wait to see reaction if this is all the penalty is.


Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Please explain why this would be stupid?

They can't cancel this season because what happens to the holes in the 12 programs that were supposed to play PSU? You can't reschedule games for those 12 teams in about a months time. The penalties would need to be in place for '13-'14 season if they impose a football ban.
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow. So not only was there a child abuse coverup at PSU they'll cook the books, too? You're serious? OK, flat fine then, $10,000,000.

Who doesn't cook the books?
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not suggesting anything, I am saying they had a legal obligation to do so.

They didn't have a legal obligation. The charter is expressly clear on this. They are to stay out of all governance matters and only conduct hiring. This is why they sought reforms in 2004. They wanted to change the university's charter. They had the exact opposite of legal authority in this matter. Legally, they were expressly forbidden from interfering by Penn. state law.
Aug 28, 2011
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This entire process seems choreographed. Report, statue, leaks, NCAA announcement coming out with military precision. How did PSU get the NCAA to play ball? Why was UConn left hanging for so long for much, much less?

What sport is the bigger moneymaker: BCS College Football? or M College Bball? The fiasco at PSU as way way bigger, from a financial standpoint, than UCONN's MBB issue... We'll be OK... PSU's football squad generated way more doe.. and now this happens? They are handling this matter as "corporately" as possible...
Aug 30, 2011
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My reaction to this is threefold.

1. The guy initiating the report is Arman Keteyian, the person who put the pressure on Goodell prior to the punishment for the Patriots on Spygate. Goodell and the media were discussing a Broncos like penalty of a third rounder. So, use the word "unprecedented" and then when sanctions are announced on Monday morning, you create controversy when you realize the punishment is lighter than they hype.

2. No hearing means PSU is already on board with this and the NCAA.

3. The fact that they're not waiting for the September trials that are only 45 days away probably means the sanctions will impact this season (otherwise they would have waited because Curley and Schultz are expected to provide a timeline of discussions during those trials, and obviously they will have to fit into the context of the emails and memos they sent).

So, given that the NCAA has elected not to go through procedure for sanctions in this case, and given the way the NCAA operates, this report is probably just hype.

Prepare to be underwhelmed. Because if the NCAA was truly going to give PSU, say, an unprecedented multi-year death penalty, they would have waited until after the trials. No way they punish PSU that severely without a hearing or without more discovery. I'm not saying they don't have enough to punish PSU now--they do. I am saying they would wait 45 days to become 99.9% certain. After all, they took forever in the UConn case just to hear more evidence on phone calls. The last thing the NCAA wants to do now is get itself into a situation, as with Patrick Sellers, where it admits to punishing a person or entity when it doesn't have all the evidence or when evidence contradicts earlier conclusions.

That's why--if there's an announcement Monday--I expect it to be a whitewash, and then you'll see lots and lots of media anger.

"never seen anything like it!"

What have we seen?

1. One Death Penalty.
2. Probations of of varying length.
3. Loss of scholarships in varying numbers.
4. Bowl and TV bans of varying length.

5. Combinations of 2 thru 4.

There is no adjective awful enough to describe Child molestation. It is an abomination. What you are suggesting would be possible if it were anything else, including murder. This is about Sandusky horribly abusing little kids while other, highly placed, grown-ups participated in a cover-up of his actions. The NCAA is very aware of the vox populi. The NCAA knows the whole nation and a good part of the world is watching. It's not the type of ruling that incenses fans in one state and fan shrugs in the other forty-nine. Finally, the NCAA knows it can't hide behind by-laws it stores on the planet Obfuscate. If whatever they announce is perceived to be a "whitewash" or slap on the wrist, all the nastiness directed (and deservedly so) at Penn State will be shared by the NCAA. The back page tabloid headlines will read: "NCAA Condones Child Molestation."

Two more points:
When has the NCAA ever worried about or considered due process?
I sincerely hope I'm not wrong.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have no idea what you're going on about. Continue in your forever ignorance.

Why don't you take your "I'm not sticking up for a pedophile, I'm making excuses for an organization that covered up for one act" to someplace where people are stupid enough to believe it.
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