OT: my new diet | Page 3 | The Boneyard

OT: my new diet

Sep 16, 2011
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Yeah. But I wasn't an excercise guy. I'm going to have to be, and I want to be, but I have to straighten out some physical stuff first.
And I really don't get hungry eating this way. The only time it bothers me is night time when I used to snack until I passed out.
During the day I have to remind myself to eat my meals and snacks and force myself to at some times.

I feel way better already and I'm only 1/2 way there. More alert , less tired. Better motivation. Never weak. Amazing what a body can get used to.
What brought about the change? Was it heart related, diabetes etc. or just wanting to get healthier? I understand if you don't want to delve into that.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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gott watch The Magic Pill on Netflix... it's pro-Keto!

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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Most gut microbes are very specific in what they want to eat. That's one reason why eating a variety of fiber sources is good for the gut; each source feeds a different microbe, most of the fiber-eating microbes are beneficial. The "good" microbes take most of the space in the gut, not leaving much room for "pathogens" to take hold and eat. There is a wide range of diets considered to be paleo, and most had lots of fiber from a variety of sources. (my last book was called Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet.)
Very informative but I was just joking about being a Neanderthal
Aug 29, 2015
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I’ve lost over 1000 lbs in my life and until 2013 I gained those lbs back
I am a lifetime Weight Watcher which means I don’t pay anything for the WW services including their E- Tools Application. I orriginally became lifetime in the 1990
But stopped the program and gained about 80% of my original weight back
I came back in 2013 and got to about the 180 lb Mark which is perfect for my frame and 6’ height .i’ve been able to maintain my weight for the last 5 years .
Amazingly my waist went from 42 to 34
I walk a minimum of 5 miles daily and have a varied workout regime which helps
I’m getting older and intense physical activity can be a struggle but as someone who was always kinda of burly . I weighed about 210 in HS I wish I was at this weight for my entire mature life. Mobility is amazing as I can still bounce up stairs and I’m well into my 70’s
There is a direct correlation between intake calories and activity . The thing with WW is the flexibility of diet. What I eat weekly could be completely different that the next guy is doing on the same program. I believe this adaptability helps with long term success.
WW works on a points basis
You have a daily allocation plus a weekly.
Plus you get additional activity points
I eat my daily and weekly but usually don’t eat my activity points .
That seems to work for me
In their latest program lean meats like Turkey / Chicken Breast / Fish are now zero
Points. Most vegetables and fruits were already zero.
Points are based on a formula with different weights given for fat, protein , carbs,and sugars.
Typically the higher the carbs and sugars the higher the points . Fiber also plays into the total. A key to any weight loss program is water intake
WW recommends a minimum of 6 12 oz glasses daily
Water can help curb certain types of hunger.
So you could construct a meal of meat and selected vegetables and be free to use your
Points on any additional desired foods like a roll or potato .
The phone app helps with a food point log plus it comes with a scanner that can give you the point total for pretty much every bar coded food.
It also has a lookup for hundreds of food points and even restaurants menus with various point totals for each menu items.
If you don’t like going to meetings you can do the program on line.
I haven’t paid a time to WW in five years so I’m not sure of membership costs
Good luck to everyone
I don't like how weight watchers has "zero point food" even though the food has calories. I know they're trying to encourage good choices that also are filling/satisfying but it's not going work if you eat a ton of those zero point foods and then still hit your max points with junk.
Aug 26, 2011
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When I do X amount of activity I can, and am supposed to, go to 1500. That's my cap. When I'm not, and I'm not now obviously , nutritionist told me 1200.
Have you thought of adding a James Brown routine to your sets? If you had you would be about 180 now and they would take your wanted posters off the door at Arby's. Keep up the good work.
Sep 1, 2011
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I could eat Ribeyes everyday for the rest of my life. No sweat.
Yeah, and put your kidneys on life support from all that protein, not to mention taking a dump only once a week which does wonders for your colonic health. Breath smelling like poo-poo is all the rage. Sorry for the sarcasm, my point is be careful, there's always a downside to fad diets.
Sep 21, 2011
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I don't like how weight watchers has "zero point food" even though the food has calories. I know they're trying to encourage good choices that also are filling/satisfying but it's not going work if you eat a ton of those zero point foods and then still hit your max points with junk.
That’s absolutely true but:
It seems to work for mgost people since they rolled it out. I’m not sure of the young male demographic.
I really can’t eat more than 5-6 Ounces of Turkey Breast but the phycology of
Zero is you could have the meat ,maybe even with a little gravy.
A scoop of mashed potatoes ,another veggies and even a little cranberry sauce without feeling you fell off the wagon. We’re all encouraged by success and defeated by failure.
Phychology is a big part of any plan.
Aug 29, 2015
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That’s absolutely true but:
It seems to work for mgost people since they rolled it out. I’m not sure of the young male demographic.
I really can’t eat more than 5-6 Ounces of Turkey Breast but the phycology of
Zero is you could have the meat ,maybe even with a little gravy.
A scoop of mashed potatoes ,another veggies and even a little cranberry sauce without feeling you fell off the wagon. We’re all encouraged by success and defeated by failure.
Phychology is a big part of any plan.
My moms friend lost a lot of weight on the last round of weight watchers. Since they switched she has not been doing as well. That's how I know about it. I let her know my thoughts but she trusts the weight watchers people more. I recommended she just go back to the old routine that was working, but the weight watchers person seems to have her convinced otherwise.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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The time to have the introduction of a superb microbe population is at time of birth. That's why my company is contracting with some top basketball stars to buy their poop.

So kids are eventually gonna dump like LeBron? That's wild stuff.


Aug 14, 2011
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The time to have the introduction of a superb microbe population is at time of birth. That's why my company is contracting with some top basketball stars to buy their poop.

Why, because they act like babies?


Aug 26, 2011
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Why, because they act like babies?

Insert the purified, freeze dried, DNA tested poop into the newborn's gut immediately after birth. Usually the first microbes to populate the gut are those they stay around for the life of the human host. Many recent studies suggest that fecal transplants at time of birth can affect the long term health of the brain and body of the recipient.

Many wealthy Americans have expressed interest in fecal transplants from athletes for their newborns. Interestingly, our Chinese clients are much much more interested in the poop from brilliant American entrepreneurs for their newborns, who also have a lot of poop to give. Prices are astronomical, with most of the entrepreneurs giving the money for their poop to charity.

The highest prices we get are from the religious crowd, and the suppliers, top religious figures in the world. Insert poop from top religious figures at time of birth of the newborn, and the parents are ensured that their babies will go to heaven. Very expensive poop. We call it "Pope's poop" but to be clear, the Pope has not yet signed up to be a donor. He can make a billion dollars in one year for the church if he does sign up. There is a lot of poop there and a lot of people wanting to buy his poop.
Aug 24, 2011
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Glad you’re getting healthy, ADub. Just remember when I was eating healthy and you said you’d rather enjoy life eating what you wanted, even if it was shorter instead of prolonging it eating healthy. Made fun of me drinking kombucha and all? Nice to see you finally listened fo me.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Glad you’re getting healthy, ADub. Just remember when I was eating healthy and you said you’d rather enjoy life eating what you wanted, even if it was shorter instead of prolonging it eating healthy. Made fun of me drinking kombucha and all? Nice to see you finally listened fo me.

Remember when you used to deride people for eating meat like rocktheworld?

Good times.

But thanks.
Sep 16, 2011
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Insert the purified, freeze dried, DNA tested poop into the newborn's gut immediately after birth. Usually the first microbes to populate the gut are those they stay around for the life of the human host. Many recent studies suggest that fecal transplants at time of birth can affect the long term health of the brain and body of the recipient.

Many wealthy Americans have expressed interest in fecal transplants from athletes for their newborns. Interestingly, our Chinese clients are much much more interested in the poop from brilliant American entrepreneurs for their newborns, who also have a lot of poop to give. Prices are astronomical, with most of the entrepreneurs giving the money for their poop to charity.

The highest prices we get are from the religious crowd, and the suppliers, top religious figures in the world. Insert poop from top religious figures at time of birth of the newborn, and the parents are ensured that their babies will go to heaven. Very expensive poop. We call it "Pope's poop" but to be clear, the Pope has not yet signed up to be a donor. He can make a billion dollars in one year for the church if he does sign up. There is a lot of poop there and a lot of people wanting to buy his poop.
I really hope this is some weird satire you're doing and not real.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Insert the purified, freeze dried, DNA tested poop into the newborn's gut immediately after birth. Usually the first microbes to populate the gut are those they stay around for the life of the human host. Many recent studies suggest that fecal transplants at time of birth can affect the long term health of the brain and body of the recipient.

Many wealthy Americans have expressed interest in fecal transplants from athletes for their newborns. Interestingly, our Chinese clients are much much more interested in the poop from brilliant American entrepreneurs for their newborns, who also have a lot of poop to give. Prices are astronomical, with most of the entrepreneurs giving the money for their poop to charity.

The highest prices we get are from the religious crowd, and the suppliers, top religious figures in the world. Insert poop from top religious figures at time of birth of the newborn, and the parents are ensured that their babies will go to heaven. Very expensive poop. We call it "Pope's poop" but to be clear, the Pope has not yet signed up to be a donor. He can make a billion dollars in one year for the church if he does sign up. There is a lot of poop there and a lot of people wanting to buy his poop.



Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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Glad you’re getting healthy, ADub. Just remember when I was eating healthy and you said you’d rather enjoy life eating what you wanted, even if it was shorter instead of prolonging it eating healthy. Made fun of me drinking kombucha and all? Nice to see you finally listened fo me.

I used to work next to a kombucha place. Never really did my gerd a lick of good and most of it tasted awful. Of the dozen or so different flavors they had on tap, I stuck with anything with a healthy amount of ginger in it - flavor strong enough to counteract the vinegar taste.

I don't imagine ADub would show any interest in hipster kombucha, but if he did, I'd wager he'd go OG, head over to CVS and down a bottle of Massengill.

Can't wait for the "Best Booch" thread...
Aug 29, 2015
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I used to work next to a kombucha place. Never really did my gerd a lick of good and most of it tasted awful. Of the dozen or so different flavors they had on tap, I stuck with anything with a healthy amount of ginger in it - flavor strong enough to counteract the vinegar taste.

I don't imagine ADub would show any interest in hipster kombucha, but if he did, I'd wager he'd go OG, head over to CVS and down a bottle of Massengill.

Can't wait for the "Best Booch" thread...
I wanted to like it, but it makes me sick
Aug 24, 2011
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I used to work next to a kombucha place. Never really did my gerd a lick of good and most of it tasted awful. Of the dozen or so different flavors they had on tap, I stuck with anything with a healthy amount of ginger in it - flavor strong enough to counteract the vinegar taste.

I don't imagine ADub would show any interest in hipster kombucha, but if he did, I'd wager he'd go OG, head over to CVS and down a bottle of Massengill.

Can't wait for the "Best Booch" thread...

The longer you let the first fermentation go, the more vinegar the taste. I usually only go 6-7 days. During the second fermentation, when you bottle and cap it, I usually use strawberries, pineapple, mango to cut the vinegar with sweetness a little more. It takes a lot of practice and feel.


King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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I've been on a pretty simple diet (lifestyle) the last year or so. Keep in mind when I started I weighed about 175 and was moving toward a 34 waist. Now I am at 165 with a comfortable 32 waist. I decided the dad bod wasn't going to be for me so I made 4 simple changes:
1) I only drink water--no alcohol, no coffee, no soda, no tea, no fruit juices, no gatorade, etc.
2) I don't eat dessert or sugary foods--no ice cream, candy, yogurt, chocolate, cranberries, etc.
3) I don't eat fast food--no McDonald's, Arby's, Taco Bell, BK, Subway, Dominoes, Papa John's
4) I eat only fruits for breakfast (there are your natural sugars)

Other than that, I can eat anything else I want in any amount, but I usually eat a big lunch and a small dinner (if at all) and have snacks throughout the day. I probably eat 3-4k calories a day but only exercise occasionally. My metabolism is fast but as not as fast as it used to be.

I eat lots of meat, fruits, potatoes, corn, rich, nuts, bread, and dairy. So I still get all the variety I want.

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