When people say things like this I realize how fortunate a guy like Michael Jordan was that the internet and social media didn't exist during his career. The man literally became a billionaire because the media loved him and Nike carefully controlled his image. Nowadays with twitter and instagram everyone is a journalist and everyone is trying to get a rise out of someone famous for "views" and "likes".
If the internet was around in the '90s, people would be saying dumb stuff like calling him a "whiny female dog" because every comment MJ made would be made public. A notorious is worshipped as a saint and godfather of the game, while the second best to ever play it, a revolutionary of the game, and a flat out good dude who has never been in trouble with the law or making a fool of himself in public gets s*** on constantly by idiots like Sammydabiz and Barkley because it's easy and pretty much part of "internet culture"