I'm not defending him at all as his behavior was reprehensible but there is something very unsettling about this tech age we live in when people can just whip out their phone and videotape you in public (alot of times without your knowledge) and than go run to a tabloid website to pretty much have it spread on the internet like a wild fire to ruin you for good. When I was in school (15 years ago) this would have been a unfortunate incident, the kid would have been expelled, learned a tough lesson (hopefully) and either straightened out or keep on the same destructive path. Now? He really has no option for his screw up. He's done. More young people have got to realize this. Including the kid who whipped out his phone to film it for 10 minutes and than went running to Barstool instead of stepping in and helping the manager which would have been better for everyone involved.
I disagree. The kid knew he was being filmed and inaccurately predicted that the posting of it would vindicate him.
Several people tried to help the manager and the kid, to no avail, until Chef Hat manned up and took matters into his own hands--literally.
I think that the posting of this could very well end up helping the kid and discouraging countless others. There is no gray area about what happened, no need to play "he said/he said," and no reason to waste valuable school resources and countless peoples' time and money with disciplinary hearings, etc. No reason for his parents to have to choose between believing their child or believing others.
If I had a son I would be using this as a teaching moment about how you treat people, and about the dangers of intoxication. I will probably still go over it with my older daughters to show them what kind of crap they might experience at college and elsewhere, and to engage them in a discussion about what they would do.
There is no stopping the technology. Better to use this as a lesson about living in these times--or any time.